


Apostrophes and Ellipses

The apostrophe is used to indicate that one or more letters have been omitted. An ellipsis is a series of marks, like the three periods, which is used to indicate an unfinished thought or a pause in speech.

500 Questions

What does the S denote in 28s rna?

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The 'S' in 28S rRNA stands for "Svedberg unit," which is a unit used to measure the sedimentation rate of a particle during centrifugation. The 28S rRNA molecule is a component of the larger subunit of eukaryotic ribosomes and plays a key role in protein synthesis.

What is the apostrophe after a number for longtiude and latitude?

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in 66° 33′ 39″ N The numbers mean:

° = degrees (as in a circle contains 360°)

′ = Minutes of arc (a minute is equal to one sixtieth (1/60) of one degree)

″ = seconds of arc (a second is equal to one sixtieth (1/60) of one minute)

then comes N or S indicating the measurement is Going North or South from the equator latitude.


E or W indicating that the measurement is going East or West from the Greenwich meridian - longitude.

What if your period is not 28 days?

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It's normal for menstrual cycles to vary in length. The average cycle is between 21 to 35 days. However, if your cycle length suddenly changes significantly or if you experience irregular periods, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying causes.

Why is a clam shell not a mineral?

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A clam shell is not a mineral because it is composed of organic material (calcium carbonate) secreted by the clam itself, rather than forming through geological processes like minerals do. Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure, which a clam shell does not meet the criteria for.

What is the Hexadecimal equivalent of space?

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The space character in ASCII is CHR(32), so in HEX, that would be 0x20

Why should liquids never be poured or used in the vicinity of a balance?

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Liquids can spill and damage the balance, affecting its accuracy and performance. Furthermore, liquids can also corrode the internal components of the balance, reducing its lifespan and reliability. Additionally, using liquids near a balance increases the risk of electric shock or short-circuiting if the liquid comes into contact with electrical components of the balance.

Do you ovulate 7 days after your period or when?

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You ovulate 14 days before your period, so in a perfect 21 day cycle, 7 days after your last period but that's not typical in every woman. Typically, a woman ovulates 7-14 days after the first day of her period. For example, if your last period started on October 3, you would be in prime ovulation time between October 10-17. Due to the fact that every woman's body is different, it is possible to ovulate outside of that range. An easy way to determine ovulation is to pay attention to your vaginal secretions. When you notice that those secretions are the consistency of egg whites, stringy and clear, you most likely are in your fertile time. Such a consistency makes the vaginal environment more friendly to the reception of semen. The thick, "snotty" like mucus holds the semen inside the vagina, therefore increasing the chances of pregnancy.

How did the eagles evolve?

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Eagles are believed to have evolved from smaller bird species over millions of years through the process of natural selection. Their distinctive features, such as keen eyesight and sharp talons, likely evolved as adaptations for hunting and survival in their environment. The exact evolutionary path of eagles is still a subject of study and research in the field of evolutionary biology.

Why is period late 2 weeks?

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A late period can be caused by various factors such as stress, hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, illness, or changes in medication. If you are sexually active, it is also important to consider the possibility of pregnancy. If your period is consistently irregular or if you have concerns, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Father of biochemistry?

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Friedrich Wöhler is often referred to as the father of biochemistry for his pioneering work in synthetic organic chemistry, including the synthesis of urea in 1828. His research laid the foundation for understanding the chemical processes within living organisms, and he is considered one of the founders of biochemistry as a scientific discipline.

What is day 1 of your period?

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Day 1 of your period is the first day of menstrual bleeding. It marks the beginning of your menstrual cycle.

How do you get a period?

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Usually you could take a low dose Advil, Motrin, Excedrin. Etc. But there is also a few home methods that some women chose. Such as hot tea, a heating pad, or even pickle juice helps. It varies on the person. No one is alike.

1-3 days after period?

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This timeframe typically corresponds to the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, where the uterine lining begins to thicken in preparation for a potential pregnancy. Ovulation usually occurs around day 14 of a 28-day cycle, marking the midpoint of the cycle. Tracking these changes can aid in understanding one's fertility window and menstrual cycle regularity.

What does the symbol for chaos look like?

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The symbol for chaos is typically depicted as eight arrows pointing outwards in all directions from a central point. This symbol is meant to represent disorder, unpredictability, and a lack of control.

Who is father of electromagnetism?

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The father of electromagnetism is Michael Faraday. He made significant contributions to the understanding of electromagnetic fields and their interaction with electricity. His experiments and discoveries laid the foundation for modern electromagnetic theory.

Is the apostrophe correct in this sentence The cat licked it's paw while the dog watched.?

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No, the apostrophe in "it's" is incorrect. The correct form is "its" without an apostrophe, as "its" is the possessive form of "it."

Is there an apostrophe in islands?

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The word islands is a common plural noun. It requires no apostrophe.

They fished around the islands.

If the word islands has a possession or belonging, it needs an apostrophe.

The islands' fishermen used canoes and longboats.

Where do you put the apostrophe in your?

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The apostrophe is used when you are is used. As in you're being very helpful (you are being very helpful). Too many people assume that your is the same a you are - which it isn't.

Do you add an apostrophe s in pies?

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The word pies is a common noun and needs no apostrophe.

However, an apostrophe may be needed if you describe something belonging to the pie or pies.

The pie's filling bubbled over the crust.

The pies' strong pumpkin scent smelled glorious.

What is the plural possessive form of the word desert?

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The plural possessive form of "desert" is "deserts'".

Where does the apostrophe go in 'rhinoceros' when showing possession?

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The apostrophe in "rhinoceros" to show possession should go after the "s", making it "rhinoceros'".

What is correct father's or fathers'?

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"Father's" indicates possession by one father, while "fathers'" indicates possession by multiple fathers.

Why is there an apostrophe in won't?

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The apostrophe in "won't" is a contraction that replaces the missing letters from "will not." It combines the words "will" and "not" into a single form for easier and smoother pronunciation.

Do you need to put an apostrophe before and s in towns?

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Asked by Wiki User

only if something belongs to a specific town. if you are talking about multiple towns, then you don't.

-the town's streets are very narrow.

-there are several small towns in the lost city of atlantis. lol