

Bachelor of Business Management BBM

Sometimes known as a Bachelor of Management Studies, Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) is a three-year undergraduate program offered in Management by various universities worldwide. The course teaches the management techniques that exist in the corporate world.

303 Questions

Is the close the final step of the sales process?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

No, closing is not the final step of the sales process. After closing a sale, there are still steps like delivering the product or service, providing support to the customer, and following up for feedback or referrals. Building long-term relationships with customers is an essential part of the sales process after closing a deal.

What did Hugo Munsterberg do?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Hugo Munsterberg was a psychologist who made significant contributions to the field of applied psychology, particularly in areas such as industrial-organizational psychology and forensic psychology. He is known for his work on the application of psychological principles to issues such as employee selection, advertising, and eyewitness testimony.

What are human relations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human relations refer to the interactions and connections between individuals in various social and organizational settings. It involves understanding and managing relationships, communication, conflicts, and dynamics between people to foster positive and productive interactions. Building strong human relations is essential for creating a supportive and collaborative environment in which individuals can thrive and work together effectively.

What is Artificial Intelligence and what roles are there for such technologies in business?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, language understanding, and decision-making. AI technologies aim to create systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, with the ability to adapt and improve over time through experience.

In business, AI technologies play a crucial role in driving innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage across various domains. Here are some of the key roles and applications of AI in business:

1. Automation:

  • AI enables the automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

  • Tasks such as data entry, document processing, customer service inquiries, and routine decision-making can be automated using AI-powered systems and bots.

2. Data Analysis and Insights:

  • AI technologies, particularly machine learning and data analytics, help businesses analyze large volumes of data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights.

  • AI algorithms can process structured and unstructured data from diverse sources, providing valuable insights for decision-making, forecasting, and strategic planning.

3. Personalization and Customer Experience:

  • AI enables businesses to personalize products, services, and experiences based on individual customer preferences, behaviors, and feedback.

  • AI-powered recommendation engines, chatbots, and virtual assistants enhance customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty by delivering tailored recommendations and support.

4. Predictive Analytics and Forecasting:

  • AI algorithms can analyze historical data to predict future outcomes, trends, and events with a high degree of accuracy.

  • Predictive analytics models help businesses anticipate market demand, identify potential risks, optimize inventory management, and make data-driven decisions to stay ahead of the competition.

5. Risk Management and Fraud Detection:

  • AI systems can detect anomalies, patterns, and deviations from normal behavior in real-time, helping businesses identify and mitigate risks.

  • AI-powered fraud detection systems analyze transactional data, user behavior, and network activity to detect fraudulent activities and security threats, protecting businesses from financial losses and reputational damage.

6. Supply Chain Optimization:

  • AI technologies optimize supply chain operations by forecasting demand, optimizing inventory levels, and improving logistics and distribution processes.

  • AI-driven supply chain management systems enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize disruptions by anticipating and mitigating potential issues in real-time.

7. Product Development and Innovation:

  • AI accelerates product development and innovation by automating design processes, conducting simulations, and generating insights from customer feedback and market trends.

  • AI-powered tools and platforms enable businesses to prototype, test, and iterate new products and services more quickly and cost-effectively.

8. Human Resource Management:

  • AI technologies streamline HR processes such as recruitment, onboarding, training, and performance management.

  • AI-powered recruitment tools analyze resumes, screen candidates, and identify the best-fit candidates based on skills, qualifications, and cultural fit, improving hiring outcomes and retention rates.

These are just a few examples of the diverse roles and applications of AI technologies in business. As AI continues to evolve and mature, businesses across industries will increasingly leverage these technologies to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and create value for customers and stakeholders. more update please visit gettechnexus

A readers stance can be?

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Asked by Wiki User

A reader's stance can be influenced by their personal beliefs, experiences, and interpretations of the text. It can also be shaped by the author's writing style, the cultural context of the text, and the reader's emotional response to the material. Ultimately, a reader's stance is unique to them and can vary between individuals.

What jobs can you get with a bachelor's degree in sports management?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try a job in sports, like sports journalismn for a newspaper company, local television that has a opening, if they don't have a management position you could always stick around with a company that will have one later on. what about a coach position with a pro sports team, or assistant coach. you could be a manager over a large arena or colliseum in a big city that has a lot of sports. you could be the main person that is over pro football teams for all their needs, when it comes to setting up travel, hotels, food, entertainment, etc. someone has to do that stuff. you could really go places with your degree. start your own sports consulting company with children that have a lot of potential. have a sports supply store, there are so many things, you are lucky. good luck with your future, you are going to do ok.

How many credits is a LPN degree program?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends in where you take the program. The average credit requirement for most community colleges is approximately 52 credits and it takes about one year to complete as a full-time student. Part time would take longer. If you start in September, you will finish the following September, and there is not break. The program will run through the summer. However, each school may have schedules particular to themselves and you should check some schools of interest. If possible, I would advise you take the program through a college. Thus, if you wanted to continue your education after completion, you will have some college credits to apply toward a degree. In addition, their are many colleges that offer an LPN to RN program. Some schools refer to it as an RN completion program. They typically will give you 20 credits based on your LPN license, plus credit for you general education requirements. However, as I indicated you would have had to take the program through a college.

What is production planning and control?

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Asked by Wiki User

Production planning is where you decide what resources you need to produce your product. For example: you are making a bicycle. Let's say that you need to make 500 bicycles next month. Naturally, you need a building to store the materials and house the workers, but production planning usually assumes that you've already got that. Your production plan will include the 1000 tires and wheels that you'll need throughout the week (they can't all arrive on Friday, you need at least 200 of them by Monday) and the 500 frames, seats, etc. and the boxes to put them in. If it takes the supplier 14 days to deliver the wheels and tires, then you need to order them two weeks before you start production. Obviously there's a lot more little details than that, but that's the general idea.

What are the simlilarities of the four functions of management?

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Asked by Wiki User

the main functions and responsibilities of managers in today's organizations

What is the role of Zimbabwean government in industrial relations?

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Asked by Wiki User

background of industrial relation in nigeria

WHAT IS human relation discuss various approach of human relation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human relation practices are the ways a person interacts with another person. Certain practices, or rule-sets, are created by businesses to ensure proper and professional communications are made between staff and clients.

For interpersonal (face-to-face) communications -- language usage, personal hygiene, manners, proper clothing, facial and body language are all important.

For telecommunication, it may be a better HR practice to answer a call with:

"Thank you for calling (Business Name), my name is ____, how may I help you?"

instead of: "Hello." or "(Business Name), can I help you?"

Hugo Munsterberg contribution to management?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hugo Munsterberg is regarded as the pioneer of applied/industrial psychology. He founded the human relations movement in management which contributed immensely in the evolution of management theory.

Is a business management degree a BA or BS?

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Asked by Wiki User

A business management degree can be offered as a bachelor of arts, a bachelor of science, or a bachelor's in business degree. This varies from school to school.


Background: in 1984, the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee was asked to prepare a policy statement which would differentiate between Bachelor of Science degrees and Bachelor of Arts degrees at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. The need for this arose when some departments at Cal Poly proposed to change their BA degrees to B.S. degrees. The requests were refused by the Chancellor's Office in part because Cal Poly, SLO, had no campus policy which specified the differences between the two degrees.

1. Both the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science degrees should have a reasonable balance of three components:

  • A major providing depth of preparation in an academic or professional field.
  • General education providing basic university-level education in science and mathematics, in the social sciences, in the arts and humanities, and in human communication.
  • Electives chosen to fit the student's preferences or needs. (It is recognized that the number of these electives may be fewer in some degrees because of accreditation requirements, but the inclusion of some electives is important.)

2. Bachelor of Arts Degree:

  • is usually less specialized than a Bachelor of Science degree.
  • requires a minimum of 180 quarter units for the degree; 36 units are required in the major, of which at least 18 units are at the 300-400 level.
  • is normally awarded in such majors as the languages, literature, other humanities, and history.

3. Bachelor of Science Degree:

  • typically involves technical fields.
  • requires a minimum of 180 quarter units for the degree; 54 units are required in the major, of which at least 27 quarter units are at the of 300-400 level.
  • is normally awarded in such majors as the physical and biological sciences, engineering, and agriculture.

I think its a BA because BACHELOR OF ARTS

What is indirect discrimination?

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Asked by Wiki User

indirect discrimination is caused when you are wanted from a particular group or even religion

Is bbm better or bba better?

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Asked by Wiki User

BBA Is far better then BBS....

During the past, most of the commerce students took B.comfor their graduation, but nowadays they have many options like BBA, BBS and BFIA. BBA stands for Bachelor of Business Administration, BBS stands for Bachelor of Business Studies and BFIA stands for Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis. Since several options are available to commerce students, they get confused as to choose which course. Of the four courses, BBA is regarded as the best course and this is because of the following reasons:

  • When compared to the other three courses, BBA goes beyond bookish knowledge. It sharpens the managerial ability of the students through industry visits, case studies, presentations, etc…
  • Since in the final year of the BBA course, students will have to do project work, they will be able to face real-life situations, which will be of great help to the students when they are in the lookout for job opportunities.
  • Most of the syllabus covered in the BBA course is similar to that of MBA course. Moreover, in the BBA course, the students will be able to get practical experience in the form of summer placements, industrial visits, presentations, projects, etc… which the students of the other courses like BFIA, BBS or (hons) will not be able to get.
  • When a student wishes to do MBA after his bachelor's degree, going for BBA would be the better option for him as compared to other three courses. This is because most of the top universities give preference to BBA graduates as compared to the other course in the MBA admission process.
  • BBA would be the better option for a student who is very much interested in administrative line as compared to the other three courses.

Objectives of industrial relations?

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Asked by Wiki User

One of the objectives of the industrial relations is to avoid industrial conflicts. By avoiding the industrial conflicts the productivity will be raised to higher level and help improve the economic conditions.

How do i sign name bachelor's degree in business?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would sign John A. Doe, AA/B.

Those whose say you cannot do so unless you have an Master's Degree or higher are incorrect. If you have earned a degree, you have the rights professionally display those abbreviations.

How many college graduates in per year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The closest figure I could find is that as of the 2000 Census 44,460,000 people in the US have a college education. An estimate would be that about a million people a year graduate from college.

Do I need an associate's degree and a bachelers degree before my MBA in management degree?

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Asked by Wiki User

I strongly suspect not. An Associate's degree is about one half a Bachelor's degree, and graduate degree programs virtually always require a Bachelor's level degree prior to admission. A possible exception might be an MBA program that is willing to include life experience that is arguably equivalent to the BA. This may be worth exploring, but it's possible there are no such programs.

Is MUST university recognized?

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Asked by Wiki User

Must university is accredited by IAO, however, according to the Related Link below, IAO (the International Accreditation Organization) is not recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) nor the U.S. Department of Education (USDE).

What other stakeholders might require financial information and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

A stakeholder will require financial information to get an understanding of the performance of the organization. This record shows the assets owned, amounts owed, amounts invested in the organization and profitability to better manage the operations.

External and internal environment of HRM?

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Asked by Wiki User

well i don't know in culture but for like the i&e forces for like the push pull twist rip i know theyre forces that you do to turn a certain thing to a different thing (note: edit my answer i know it's not really that explanatory.)

What is organizational morale?

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Asked by Wiki User

Employee morale is how employees feel about their jobs, their employer, or themselves as an employee. Employees with good morale are more likely to perform better than those with low morale.

What degree level is equivalent to a NVQ Level 4 management?

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Asked by Wiki User

NVQ Level 5 in Management is equivalent to Masters Degree level.

As with any NVQ, it is purely a demonstration that you are at the right level, rather than a taught course. You have to demonstrate ability againse 7 units (4 mandatory and 3 optional).

I am evidencing my units as I write this!

NVQ 5 is not the equivalent to masters degree level, but rather a ordinary degree (ie degree without honours). An NVQ 4 is equivalent to a HND. To check just ask at any college or higher education establishment.