

Birth Control During Pregnancy

If you have concerns about your birth control regimen during pregnancy, ask questions here.

74 Questions

Does birth control still work if you take it while traveling to different time zones?

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Get a stopwatch, or a wristwatch, and set it to your local time. Set an alarm for the time you need to take the pill. Bring it with you overseas, and that way you will know when the alarm goes off, its pill-taking-time.

Can you take Prozac while on birth control?

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It's hard to imagine a reason to take Provera while you're on birth control. Talk with your health care provider to understand why this is being recommended to you.

What can I do to control After child birth I have an overactive bladder?

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This condition leads to urine incontinence and is common after child birth. It will improve with pelvic exercises. You could take medication if it does not after a few months.

Can you get pregnant on your week off from birth control?

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Yes, skipping pills in the last week of a pack is likely to drop your hormone levels that are suppressing ovulation - when this happens you are very likely to conceive if you are sexually active.

It is imperative that you use another form of BC at this time if you wish to prevent a pregnancy. Depending on what pill you are taking you may be able to start your next packet of pills without taking the week of inactive pills - ask your doctor or pharmacist if this applies to the brand you use.

Is it dangerous to take contraceptive pills during the first month of pregnancy?

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Prenatal vitamins are generally taken during pregnancy or while trying to conceive so a woman's body can sustain her and the fetus. There is no contraindication to use prenatal vitamins with contraceptive pills, but another vitamin supplement may be more appropriate.

What does miscarriage blood look like?

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It kind of depends on how far along you are during the pregnancy. If you just missed your period and it happens then it may just seem like a normal period, possibly slightly heavier with clots and more painful. But, not everyone is the same and it could be extremely painful early on...usually there will be clots and possibly remnants of the fetus if the development has proceeded that far. Google pictures and that might give you a more realistic view, but it can be gruesome if you're faint with blood.

What are my chances of getting pregnant once off birth control?

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Asked by Lexa210

The chances of having twins is not affected by being on depo. Your chances of having twins/triplets/etc. is determined by your family history, your age, etc. Basically, being on depo does nothing to help you have twins, but if you used depo into your thirties... you have a higher chance of conceiving twins in your thirties. This may confuse some, but it is not the birth control (depo or oral) that contributed to conceiving twins, but the age gtroup that you may now be in.
I became pregnant with twins about 12 months after getting off of the shot. Becoming pregnant with twins has nothing to do with getting off the shot and having unprotected sex it, is pure genetics twins have to run on one of the parents side of the family. Twins are not purely genetic. Twins can occur when the body releases more than one egg on ovulation. I hear the chances can be high after getting off depo because the body begins the ovulation cycle again and it could release more. Very true, twins are not purely genetic at all. Yes, they can 'run in the family,' but hormones and ovulation play a huge role in twin pregnancies, especially fraternal twins.

Where does a baby come out of?

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The baby comes out of the frontal private area called the vagina, located below where the penis is on a male body. The hole stretches like spandex, to let something bigger come out. The hole is as small as a dime and grows to a foot to let the baby out.

What are the birth defects from taking birth control while pregnant?

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There is no evidence to support that claim. It sometimes happens that woman is pregnant and keeps taking birth control ills because she doesn't know that she is pregnant. But if a woman find's out that she is pregnant she should stop taking the pills.
It depends on the type of pill. If you take Trivora, yes. If you take a different kind, no.

What does the fetus look like after a miscarriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

i miscarried at 12 weeks and my baby was about 3 inches or looked almost like a normal baby except much smaller and its ears wernt in the right spot yet and it had transparent skin. but it had eyes, ears. mouth, nose, fingers, toes, knuckles...etc.

Can you be pregnant if on birth control for 2 years?

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Yes BCP are only active in your body for a short time, this is why they are taken daily. After being on them for years some women begin ovulating within a couple weeks, others may take a few months but rarely do women have any trouble caused by the Pill.

If you have been off birth control for almost 2 months should you be able to get pregnant easily?

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Asked by Mnd123

== == That is not unusual, in fact quite common that after you stop taking birth control, it can take several months to get pregnant. This is certainly nothing to worry about If after 6-8 or even 12 months, consult a physician to determine if you can get pregnant.

Your waters have just broke how long will you be left for until you give birth?

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It depends on how your labor progresses. Also is this first delivery or have you had previous deliveries? How frequent are your contractions? there are several factors.

Is there any possible ovary pain related to taking birth control?

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I believe birth control suggests to your body that you are already pregnant. 1.) Estrogen levels increase suppression of ovulation or releasing of an egg 2.)The thickening of the the cervical mucus makes it harder for sperm to reach the egg 3.) Thinning the lining of the uterus helps prevent a fertilized egg from becoming implanted. It would be more likely that you would suffer pains in the ovaries after you stopped with the pill. Birth control pills in fact work against getting cancer of the ovaries. Maybe this is the sensation you are feeling, since there is a correlation between the pill and the ovaries.

Are you more fertile after getting off birth control?

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No, you are just as likely as if you were never on the pill. For some women it takes a while after they get off the pill, but it possibly could take that long if they weren't ever on the pill. It is reccomended to wait until you have had one regular period off the pill before trying though.


I agree with the last comment. It usually takes about 6 months to fall pregnant off the pill, as your body will still have the pill in your system for about three months. Any drug will stay in your system for up to three months. I will wait for one or two regular periods. Don't be upset if you don't conceive because it can take about 6 months normally.

Why am I having period cramps when i'm not on my period and i am taking birth control?

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You are probably just having the cramps because your body isn't used to not having your period, although I don't see why you aren't having your period if you are on birth control. You should ask that!

What happens if you get pregnant while an expired IUD is still in your uterus?

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This is a question you absolutely MUST ask a doctor who is familiar with your medical history. No matter what anyone else says here, the human body is too complex and there are too many variables to give a general answer to this question.

How many days after ones period it is safe to have unpretected sex?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am a female and have had unprotected sex 2-3 days prior my period, but I knew my body and cycle. Not all females are a like and lots of females ovulate at different times. I learned when I ovulate after having 2 kids, and with trial and error.. that is how I got my 3rd and 4th kids - I had unprotected sex during my period starting 4 days after and 3 days before. This will not protect you from STDs.

If you have unprotected sex whilst having a period, then officially there is nothing wrong with that. The only Downside is the Blood that you have to deal with, and possibly the smell and mess that you have to get rid of.

Also there is a risk of STD, STI, or simply, sexually transmittable Diseases and infections.

Try not to have sex whilst you, or your partner is having a period. It is rather messy and smells. Unless you have some sort of blood fetish :)

When should you stop taking your birth control?

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There is no set time when your period will arrive as you've messed up your cycle by stopping BCP midway. However you will experience a withdrawal bleed and your period will arrive 4-8 weeks afterwards.

If my period is due September 2 2007 then why am i not having cramps?

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Sometimes they don't always come as expected but when they do they will make up for not having them. Enjoy that you haven't had any as of yet!

Is it possible to remain on birth control not knowing your body is starting a pregnancy?

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It's possible to be pregnant, on birth control, and not know it. If so, you'll just stop the birth control when the pregnancy is discovered.

How easy is it to conceive if you stopped the pill three months ago?

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That depends on different things such as how long you took the pill, your age, your hormone levels, and other things. Even a doctor can't say if it will be easy or not. For some women it may be right away and for others it may be longer.

Should birth control practices be encouraged and promoted worldwise?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birth control information should be provided and regularly available worldwide. Families should have the means to determine if they want to have a child or not.

If you start on the birth control on a day that was not after or during your period and you have been having periods for two weeks straight what should you do?

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Asked by Wiki User

STOP USING THE BIRTH CONTROL AND SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Not sticking to the label and starting birth control at a time other than the first day of your period can completely mess up your hormonal balance. Also bleeding for two weeks isn't very healthy. Get off that pill and see you doctor, they will probably just tell you to wait until your periods are back to normal and then follow the procedure of taking birth control correctly, but you should really go see a doctor anyway. There may be more reasons you are bleeding.