


Dog Training

Dogs are intelligent companions that have been used to help man for centuries. Sometimes they need help to learn how to obey and assist their owners. That help is called training, and this category is for everything related to that training.

500 Questions

What can dogs play with?

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dogs can play with any thing but try not to let it play with stuffed animals but the ones on TV are ok if he\she try to play with a different one make sure tho let them know isn't not ok but play with ur dog a lot cause they have lots of energy

What is the nastiest dirtiest thing on earth?

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The dirtiest, nastiest thing in the world is the human mind.

A dresser that never changes its drawers.

What do animals do to people?

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The crocodiles,alligators,cheetah,,lions,cats bites while the dog bites with rabis otherwise rabis is deadly to humans, snakes if they bit you you will be poisoned the bee sting its harmful and the mosquitos and cockroaches leaves poison if it crawls on food

How to stop 11 week puppy biting my feet?

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Mine use to bite mine too :/ ..... I bought a toy foot that looks indentically like a real foot, and I try to encourage my shih tzu bite the toy foot. So far, its helped ALOT! My shih tzu no longer bites my feet. You should try that, or buy house slippers to wear just incase the dog tries to bite your feet... :) those solutions have helped me teach my shih tzu as well <3

Why does the dog attack the mop?

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Arh! a very interesting question.

Suffice to say, tell your wife to keep her legs shut when in front of the dog

Does spaying make a dog less playful?

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Nope. If anything, it makes her more playful and affectionate because she is less moody and distracted.

How do you stop dog from barking when alone?

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They have no bark collars for all different sizes of dogs and you can find them pretty cheap. Also if you give them something to do like chew on a bone or lick peanut butter out of a hollow tube. ---- A dog parent can also try safe ultrasonic bark control. When your dog barks the ultrasonic bark control unit emits a high frequency sound that only your dog can hear. Each dog bark triggers the bark control unit to emit the sound. The dog will stop barking when he/she hears it. Soon the dog will realize that their barking causes the uncomfortable noise and will stop barking. The ultrasonic bark control is not recommended in a house with cats since they are also able to hear the high frequency sound. There are two types of Safe Ultrasonic Bark Controls: Indoor and Outdoor. The Indoor Bark Control unit sits on any flat surface in your house. The Outdoor Bark Control looks like a Birdhouse and can be placed on any outside tree. The device not only looks great for your outdoor decor but an added benefit is controls not only your dog from barking but also your neighbor's barking dog. The Indoor Bark Control unit can be controlled manually or automatically. Manually means you will press the button when you hear your dog bark. Automatic means the device will emit the sound when it picks up the dog bark. The product is manufactured by a reputable company called Petsafe. ---- I found the Petsafe Outdoor Bark Control Birdhouse or Petsafe Indoor Bark Control unit at the following online pet store. Bark controls are great if you are not always home to correct their behavior:

What is a litter box?

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A box...of litter.

A hollow cube made out of a dry, inedible substance called "cardboard." You throw any leftover materials from what you have just eaten into it. An example being, the metallic outer coating of a sugary brown coloured rectangle filled with "trans fats" known more commonly to humans as "chocolate." Though this substance is highly toxic, it is strongly sought for. For the more sane, you would throw THIS into a "litter box."

Ehem. Correctionamundo, descriptive dude. Litter boxes are where kitties leave their poopsie-doos for us lucky people to clean up. It's a very unsanitary toilet. (Since you sound British-y, maybe I should use the term "lou.")

It's like a tiolet but for cats; they go in there, do there business and leave. If you own a cat, you need to clean its litter box. You need to get a scoop it and throw it away.

How do you stop a dog from urinating on porch?

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Usually, when they pee in a place u don't want them to, you can gently hit them on the head, and say no, and show them where they have to pee. You have to keep on doing that, until the dog finally stops that, it takes a lot of patience! Usually, its easier to learn a puppy, than an already-grown dog. The only time most dogs will urinate on the pavement is beside a pole or fire hydrant that another dog has left it's markings on. Take the dog to a park or grassy area (clean up any doo-doo your dog makes ... you can buy the plastic tissues for this, or get a pooper-scooper from any vet store and throw the poop in a bag.) Dogs love grass and playing. If you live in an area where there is little grass and it's too dangerous for you to go to a park or don't have one near you, then you'll have to put up with it. NEVER hit your dog. If you want them to stop a bad habit get a clean spray bottle and put cold water in it. First tell the dog 'no' firmly and if they persist on doing something they shouldn't squirt them in the face with the cold water. They get the picture pretty fast.

When you take your dog out for a walk how do you stop him from getting overly excited and stop him from making a high pitch yapping noise as soon as you depart the front door?

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Okay first you don't yell at him, you have to be calm and rational, then if he is still yapping you slap him on the head, pull on the leash or collar and tell him to sit. If none of that works you can go to a store and get a harness, I know that your dog will listen better (from experience) or you can get a bark collar, whenever your dog barks it shocks him and he stops

Why do puppies whine?

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because their sad and lonley OR!

Becoming a pet owner of a new puppy is one of the most fun and exciting things that you will do. It can be both an adventurous time as well as challenging. So what do you do when the dog behavior gets out of control and your new addition to the family starts to whine a great deal? The first thing that you will need to do is to learn to understand your puppy. This will allow you to know why he or she is whining. Once you know the reasons for the whining, you will now what to do to help your puppy get him or herself under control.

What Makes a Puppy Whine?

There can be a number of things that can trigger whining in your puppy but the main one is for attention. The key to figuring out how to deal with the whining is to find out what the whine is for. It can be for attention, it can be an anxious whine, it can be an excited whine, and it can be a whine to let you know the puppy is in pain or it can be a whine that they learned will get them the attention that they want. If it is a learned whine that is most likely because you give in to the puppy when you hear it whine. Thankfully there are ways to teach the dog to stop the unwanted behavior. google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

Strategies for Stopping Whining

If you crate your puppy and your puppy is whining, then chances are he or she has to do it business. It is important when you have been gone for awhile that you immediately take the puppy outside to do its business. If the unwanted dog behavior still continues after a trip outside then check for injuries as well as if other needs are being met.

You need to teach your little one right off the bat that it is ok to be alone. As with any young one, they will go through what is called separation anxiety and they will do what they can to let you know they do not like being left alone. You will hear whining, find chewed items and they will even do their business in unwanted areas. Start by leaving your pup alone for brief periods of time so that he or she will get used to it gradually and that will also show the pup that you will always return. google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

Make sure that you keep your puppy as comfortable as you can. You want to give them a sense of security and be sure to give them the things they need such as toys, food and water as well as love and play time. When they get the attention that they need, they will be more eager to please you. Praise them for good behavior and ignore the bad behavior.

Your pup will learn quickly what to do to get your attention. If you have checked all of the obvious reason for whining and can find no injuries or anything wrong then let your pup know that this dog behavior is not acceptable by using a firm voice telling them no. It may take some time to curtail the behavior but it will happen. The key is to being patient.

About Author:

Ed Nodelman is a dog owner and a trainer with a special interest in puppy training. He is also a member of Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). GA_googleFillSlot("petsrectangle");

What dog doesnt bark but does yodeling noises?

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The basenji, a medium-sized, primitive-style African herding dog. They are incapable of barking.

What is the going price on crate ps-1510h speakers?

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200 to 250 depending on condition, very well made speakers with full range, 250 program and 125W continuous are good for DJ on the start.

When should you be able to start training a German Shepherd?

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German Shepherds are incredibly smart dogs. On a scale of 1 to 5 ( 1 being the least smart and 5 being ther smartest) a German Shepherd is 5. I would recommend that you start training the dog at about 2 or 3 months. This way your dog can learn young and do more in its lifetime. You have to be stern but gentle because you do not want to upset the dog. You should have a good relationship with the dog too before you begin any harder trainings. Dogs are very smart, and they can tell when you are mad at them or happy or pround. In the facility where I work, the dogs must be 12 weeks or older. The dogs learn well when rewarded properly. I hope this can be helpful. You may also want to look for other dog training books to help guide you along the way. Some suggestions for German Shepherds are as follows: Dog Breed Handbooks German Shepherd by Bruce Fogle, DVM; Animal Planet German Shepherd Dogs by Susan M. Ewing;German Shepherd Dog by Susan Samms; The German Shepherd Dog by Diane Morgan.

Your dog barks at every dog he sees and goes crazy how do you stop him?

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By the way my dog is very nearly two and we rescued him if that could be of any help!

Why did the dog stay in the shade?

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It did not want to get a tan.

How can you become a dog agility trainer?

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Find a school near you and volunteer. Meanwhile, go to college and get a degree in animal behavior to make yourself more marketable. Volunteer at animal shelters rehabing dogs to make them adoptable. The more dogs you work with the more your skills will grow. Apprentice with a local dog trainer (guide or otherwise) to learn more dog training skills.

Each dog is an individual. The key to a good trainer isn't as much knowing theory as it is knowing dogs and how they think and being able to communicate effectively with them. Theory on guide dog specific training must be learned from the guide dog school, but the basic foundation of dog training theory is learned by working with many different dogs and needs to be a life-long commitment on your part. Most guide dog programs, such as the Seeing Eye, require a a college degree and an apprenticeship on top of basic dog training skills. For the Seeing Eye, that apprenticeship is three years.

If you pull together the skills needed, the school you volunteer and apprentice with may either hire you or give you a letter of recommendation to work for or apprentice with another school.

Guide dog training is very specialized. Volunteering may help a little, but you need to go to school for it if you are serious.

How do you house train a puppy?

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Some simple steps for house-training your puppy:· (Please keep in mind that it is highly recommended that you should train your dog while it is still a puppy, as this will resault MUCH EASIER for both the owner and the dog.)

Choose the spot outside where you would like your puppy to go to the toilet.

  1. Keep your puppy/dog in his/her crate, pen area or even tethered to a chair where you are working. Your puppy cannot have free run of the house at this early stage. Every 60 minutes, take your puppy straight to the designated toilet area outside. You should also take your puppy after mealtimes or snacks, and after playing, running or having fun. Watch out for signs from your puppy that tell you he needs to go, such as sniffing and walking around a lot, or whining. Puppies usually need to pee more than adult dogs, as they are still growing. Carry your puppy/dog, or walk out on leash.
  2. When you reach the toilet area, walk back and forth or circle around and around. At the same time say and repeat a cue word you would like to attach to the act of your dog eliminating. I use "hurry up" but just pick out a cue word or short phrase and stick with it. In your dogs mind you are building an association between the cue "hurry up!" and him emptying out, so this is a really important role in the house-training of your dog. This is the first obedience training command you will teach your young pup.
  3. If your pup does eliminate continue to repeat your cue word and the instant your dog finishes doing his business enthusiastically praise and reward him with a small tasty treat. Make it clear that you are very happy with him and that he is the "best little puppy on the block!". If after 3-4 minutes of circling around your puppy shows no signs of needing to eliminate, take him back inside (put in crate or pen) and try again in about twenty minutes.
  4. Immediately after a successful toilet trip outside you can allow your puppy some free play time (under supervision) in the house. Just spend some time enjoying the company of your puppy, then place him back in his crate or pen area.
  5. Continue with this 60 minute puppy house training schedule, you'll be rewarded for sticking to it.

Do not feed your puppy close to bedtime and take away his water before you go to bed (don't forget to put it back first thing in the morning). You'll need to set your alarm clock to go off once and possibly twice throughout the night. This is an important step, just take your puppy out to the toilet area as usual and then hop back into bed. When your puppy is young it is physically impossible for him to hold on all night, but before long you will both be sleeping peacefully right through the night

First of all, realize that dogs don't make mistakes, people do. If your puppy makes a mistake in the house, DON'T EVER HIT THEM. Keep empty soda cans with coins in them all over your house (tape off the hole on the top) and watch your puppy constantly. When he/she starts sniffing around and seems to be needing a place to go, if she/he starts to squat, shake the can, then go over to pick up the puppy, calmly take them to the same place outdoors, and when they relieve themselves, make a big happy deal about it, praising them, petting them, hugging them and kissing them.

Crate train them. Any dog expert will tell you that making them sleep in a crate at night, and following a schedule (just like human babies) helps them learn so much faster, cos they learn what is expected of them.

First thing in the morning, take them out of their crate, to their "potty place" outside,and WAIT for them. Some puppies take a while to potty. They have to find just the right smells and spot. Again, praise them with hugs and kisses, lots of petting, an excited sounding voice. Soon, they will learn.

Now big dogs are MUCH FASTER with their potty training than little dogs. Little dogs sometimes take forever to learn, and some never learn completley.

Have patience, because your new four-legged 'child' only wants to please you. Never hit your puppy. EVER. Just yelling in a deep voice while shaking the can will get your message across. Learn to think like a dog. It will help you understand your canine buddy, and it will be much easier to train him/her.


I would like to stress that physical violence is not only cruel, but will in no way help you in educating your pup. Dogs aim to please, and seek out assurance and rewards from their masters. Your dog will know from your behavior that you are not thrilled with them soiling the rug or furniture, if you are firm and consistent. There is no need - ever - to hit your dog.

Why do male dogs pee all over after they have been potty trained?

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maybe because they haven't been fixed (neutered) some female animals do the same when they are unable to mate.

I have two dogs who keep fighting how do I stop them?

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I'm not sure if this will be the best answer, but I . I volenteer for a dog trainer for some time now and I learn new things everyday. One was that you shoukd never come between two dogs that are fghting. What the trainer did was put a shock collar on one of the dogs, probably the one who starts it. Put it on LOW shock and if they start fighting, give a zap. I know that you might think that this is animal cruelty, but it doesnt hurt the dog at all. This gives him the reminder "Hey, dont do that, it doesnt solve things!" Soon it should show affects, and soon the dog will feel safe and comforted in the collar. This is true and I have tried it on one of my dogs. I hope it does the same for you! Hope it helped! Good luck!

How do you get a lost dog to its owner?

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If you find the dog somewhere then you should put up posters saying; 'Found' then tell what kind of dog and then write your phone number. Then when the call up ask for a description of the dog to make sure that it is really theirs. Just a tip. Then give them a meeting spot not at your house but somewhere near so they can't rob you or something. Just to be safe. Or just go to the pound or AKC instead and give the dog to them. I hope this helps and answers your question though!!

Do boy dogs get along with girl dogs?

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It depends on the dog's personality. Animals have the same emotions as humains, but different in small ways. So they can get together.

Is it better to go walking before you eat or after you eat?

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For light exercise such as walking, it really shouldn't matter. Being completely starved when walking isn't much fun at all, but assuming you're well energized, walking before isn't going to create any problems. Unless you happen to consume a huge meal, it's unlikely you'll cramp doing something as light as walking, so walking after isn't a problem either. I'm sure some arguments about metabolism and weight loss will be made, but overall, it's just good to be somewhat active, whether or not it's the most perfectly optimum calorie burning activity.

What age should you start a dog walking business?

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I would Recommend to start a dog walking business at the age 12 plus, if your able to walk dog's with parents or guardians approval.

How do you stop a small terrier from going down rabbit holes?

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Plug up the rabbit holes with dirt. The rabbits will move on. This is a natural instinct for many terrier breeds because they are hunters of rodents, rabbits, etc. Sometimes you can use a "cone" that you would get for your pet from the vet so they can't bite stitches or lick surgical wounds and the next time you take your dog out put that cone on his/her head and take an empty wax paper tube with a medium sized chain attached inside (it will make a big noise when smacked on the ground) and when the dog tries to go down the rabbit hole (won't be able too if you have a large enough cone on his/her head) then smack the ground (NEVER the dog) with the empty wax paper tube and chain inside and sternly (don't yell) say "NO!" (always use one word or you'll confuse the dog.) It will make a loud noise, and frighten the dog. It shouldn't take more than a week if you are constantly at the dog. Then, you can try taking the cone off the dogs neck. If the dog still persists, so must you and use the same method. Marcy