

History of Judaism

The History of Judaism is the history of the Jewish people, their religion and culture, tracing back to the Biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the 18th c. BCE. The earliest mention of Israel as a people was discovered in an inscription on the Merneptah Stele from the 1200s BCE.

500 Questions

Why were the Nazis looking for Jews to kill them?

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Answer 1

So they could take their money and valuables to pay for their war. They were attempting to take over Europe. Many of the Aryans of Germany and Austria believed that they would be able to manage Europe far better than the mixed races that were running Europe at the time.

By selecting a class of people who were somewhat isolated from normal society, the Aryans were able to provide an excuse for destroying people who were "different" and at the same time create a common prejudice that has continued among the intellectually challenged to this day. Although many today claim to be "Aryan", or "Neo-Nazi", they usually have no idea of what it's about. Most who subscribe to that form of racism are either quite intellectually inferior or are borderline sociopaths.

It's a little remembered fact that "NAZI" is a German acronym for National Socialists Workers Party. NAZI's were attempting to engineer society through socialism and genocide.

Answer 2

Hitler had a whole book called Mein Kampf that explained exactly why he killed people. The really short abridged version is that he felt that these people were a step backwards in evolution, therefore, they had to be killed. Also, he didnt like morality and he claimed that the Jews brought morality into the world, which he felt should be destroyed.

The proof that it wasn't just political stuff, was during the end of the war he diverted valuable resources to killing Jews, even though they were badly needed at the war front. Historians speculate that if he wouldn't have spent so many resources killing Jews then he would have won the war.

Is raven symone Jewish?

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No. She claims to be Christian.

What were the causes and ultimate outcome of the Dreyfus Affair?

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Asked by Fopabebe

It split France into two: Army, in which it consisted of the anit- Semites and Catholic Establishment. Then there was the civil libertarians. Dreyfus was then declared innocent after all the wars. But, the gonvernment severed all ties between state and catholic church. Salaries of the priests and bishops were now not being paid for by the government. And churches were being given to local commitees of lay catholics. The state school system's power pf indoctrination strengthened. And the only growing socialist movement in France was the Republican Nationalism.

- 9th Grade Honors History Student. (Its in the book pg 854)

The judeans were forced to migrate to the city of Babylon about what bc?

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Some have dated the 3 successive invasions of Judah by Babylon to be during the period of 604-586 BC. A more traditional starting year has been 597 BC.

What years did King David of Judea reign?

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Asked by ChuckSiata

King David of Judea reigned over Judah 1010 B.C. to 1103 B.C and Israel 1003 B.C to 970 B.C..

What did England and France do to the Jewish people in medieval times?

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The Vichy regime (1940-1944) collaborated with the Nazis and handed over about 76,000 Jews for deportation. Only about 3% of these survived. However, there was reluctance in some quarters to hand over Jews who were French citizens. About two-thirds of the Jewish community in France was not deported.

What should be noted here is that in Cevennes many Huguenot descendants saved many Jews from persecution.

How were Jews mistreated in Medieval Europe?

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Because of hostility, Jews found it hard to earn a living by farming, and sometimes they were the victims of violence. Rulers took their property at will. Jews became bankers and moneylenders (usury).

An even larger number went into marginal areas of the economy, such as buying and selling secondhand clothes.


The Jews were largely excluded from the feudal system and from society.

1096 - Some 'Crusaders' exploited the religious fanaticism of the times to rob and murder Jews - and try to force the survivors to convert to Christianity. There were widespread massacres of Jews in the Rhineland.

1144 onwards - The Jews in various places were accused of ritual murder. These accusations were often followed by anti-Jewish riots and killings.

1215 - The Church ordered governments to pass laws to make the Jews wear a distinctive badge on their outer clothing (usually a red or yellow wheel or the Star of David).

1290 - All Jews ordered by Edward I to leave England. No reason is recorded. Some were murdered on their way out of the country.

1348-51 - During the Black Death, Jews in many places were accused of causing the plague by poisoning wells.

Why have so many Eastern European Jews chosen to emigrate?

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There are a number of reasons for the Jewish departure from Eastern Europe from the mid-1700s up to the mid-1900s.

1) Border Changes: There were numerous wars in Eastern Europe which lead to some countries (like Poland) expanding to huge sizes before being completely removed from the map. This nearly constant map-rewriting made many Jews flee the oncoming battles and resettle elsewhere.

2) Religious Intolerance: Eastern Europe had a mix of Catholics (who were dominant in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary), Orthodox (who were dominant in Russia, Serbia, and Greece), and Jews (who settled throughout). Religious tensions were common and religious adherence was enforced brutally, especially in Yugoslav States and the Austrian Empire in general. Jews were targeted especially because they were believed by both the Orthodox and the Catholics to be heretics and unable to properly integrate.

3) Ottoman Invasion: When the Ottomans came and conquered the entirety of southeast Europe, many Europeans fled the Ottoman occupation because of fear as to how they would live under the Turks. (Admittedly it turned out that Turkish Occupation was better for the Jews than what they had before, but the fear of what it could be was the dominant factor in their decisions.) Many Jews, like their Christian neighbors, fled north to escape the Ottomans.

4) Economic Pressures: Eastern European land was difficult for many to farm. It did not provide a warm climate or adequate resources to really build the massive farming successes found in Western Europe (with the possible exception of the Ukraine). As a result, the famines encouraged many to seek a livelihood elsewhere.

5) Nazism: Over 5 million Jews in Eastern Europe were exterminated during the Holocaust by the Nazi Einsatzgruppen, the Final Solution, Starvation in Ghettos, and other atrocities perpetrated during the Holocaust. (Note: Around 1 million Jews killed came from other regions, which is the difference between this number and the traditional 6 million.) These individuals were incapable of freely departing and were slaughtered.

What times in the day were Jews fed and what did they feed them?

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Jews are not animals, they feed themselves like any other human being. In fact, they even have unique styles of cuisine which match their dietary restrictions. Jews have mealtimes at the same general time as non-Jews (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).

If, perhaps, this question was referring to when Jews were fed in Concentration Camps, where Jews were deprived of the ability and resources to make their own food, please see the Related Question below.

Are the Jews the cause of all the world's wars?

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No, that is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory without basis in fact. It could be said that some Jews played some part in a minority of wars, but that's it. One who actually studies history soon learns to dismiss conspiracy paranoia.

How did Britain treat the Jews during world war 2?

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If the Jews were of German origin, which many were, they were not treated well. Many Jews whose grandparents had fled from Europe to Britain in the 1890's were themselves arrested by the British government and exiled to Australia in WW2.

Continental European Jews were often prevented from arriving in British ports and the British actively prevented Jews from immigrating to Palestine, detaining caught individuals in Cypriot Jails until 1946.

Where did the Jewish people go to live after world war 2?

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Approximately six million European Jews were killed during the Holocaust during World War II. Many of the European Jews who survived the persecution and death camps had nowhere to go after V-E Day, May 8, 1945. Not only had Europe been practically destroyed but many survivors did not want to return to their pre-war homes in Poland or Germany. Jews became Displaced Persons (also known as DPs) and spent time in helter-skelter camps, some of which were located at former concentration camps. The preferred migration destination for almost all survivors of the genocide was a Jewish homeland in Palestine. That dream eventually came true for many.

What is the definition of a pogrom?

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Pogroms were violent riots and massacres launched against Jews and frequently encouraged by government authorities.


It was, above all, Tsarist Russia that was associated with pogroms. In Russia the whole period from about 1881-1917 was charcterized by pogroms.

Nazi Germany staged the Night of the Broken Glass, but on the whole preferred to avoid public disturbances when implementing its anti-Jewish policies.

In 1941 there were pogroms in Romania, especially Bucharest and Iasi, with Jews being beaten up and killed in the street.

One of the best know pogroms was that at Kishinev in 1903. See the link.

See also the second link, which has a map of some of the places where pogroms occurred in the Russian Empire.

What is the Jewish name of God?

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We use the Hebrew names of God, in prayer and in reading the Torah:
Adonai - the Lord
Elohim - God
Shaddai - the Almighty
El - a name indicating the power of God
Tzevaot - Lord of hosts

In daily conversation, we use the name Hashem.

Why did jews leave europe in 1900s?

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For the same reasons as non-Jewish Germans. There were huge waves of emigration from Germany from about 1830-1910. A few were fleeing from oppression, but most migrated mainly for economic reasons: prospects, especially in the US, were generally much better.

What are the names of Naomi's sons?

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Naomi's sons were:
Mahlon (pronounced MAW'-Len)-possibly from a root word meaning 'fall sick/grow weak'.
Chilion (pronounced CHIL'-ee-en) means 'one failing/coming to an end)

What did the Jews do to gain the human rights back?

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It depends on the country or time-period, Jews have lost and gained rights numerous times through history. Generally speaking, they gained their rights back through advocacy, but this was not the only way. Please resubmit this question referring specifically to the country and/or time-period in question.

When was the Jewish nation and religion founded?

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God founded the Jewish nation and religion when He promised Abraham that He would make him a great nation in Genesis 12. According to some, that was around 2000 years BC.


Tradition states that Abraham (18th century BCE) founded Judaism, and Moses later received the Torah from God.
The Kuzari (Rabbi Judah HaLevi, 1075-1141) states that Abraham was gifted with high intelligence; and, as Maimonides (1135-1204) describes, Abraham didn't blindly accept the ubiquitous idolatry. The whole populace had been duped, but the young Abraham contemplated the matter relentlessly, finally arriving at the conclusion that there is One God and that this should be taught to others as well. This is what is meant by his "calling out in the name of the Lord" (Genesis ch.12). As a young man, he remonstrated with passersby in public, demonstrating to them the falsehood of their idols; and our tradition tells how he was threatened and endangered by Nimrod.
Subsequently, Terah relocated to Harran; and it is here that Abraham began to develop a circle of disciples (Rashi commentary, on Genesis 12:5). Later, God told Abraham in prophecy to move to the Holy Land, which is where he raised his family. He continued his contemplations, eventually arriving at the attitudes and forms of behavior which God later incorporated into the Torah given to Moses.
Abraham became the greatest thinker of all time. His originality, perseverance, strength of conviction, and influence, cannot be overestimated.
He founded the Jewish people and lived to see his work live on in the persons of Isaac and Jacob; and he taught many other disciples as well (Talmud, Yoma 28b).
Abraham entered into a covenant with God (Genesis ch.15 and 17), welcomed guests into his home (Genesis ch.18) unlike the inhospitable Sodomites (Genesis ch.19), prayed for people (Genesis ch.18), eulogized and buried the deceased (Genesis ch.23), and fulfilled God's will unquestioningly (Genesis ch.22). He became renowned as a prince of God (Genesis 23:6).
All of the above practices of Abraham were based upon the ways of God. These, and similar traits, were the teachings of Abraham and his descendants (unlike idolatry, which had no moral character; with worship of the gods accompanied by things such as human sacrifice, "sacred" prostitution, and animal worship). It is therefore clear why God expresses His love for Abraham (Isaiah 41:8) and calls Himself the God of Abraham (Genesis 26:24), and says that Abraham obeyed Him fully (Genesis 26:5).
The gravesite of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives (Genesis 49:29-32) is located in Hebron and has been known and attested to for many centuries.

Where did the Jewish children go to school in the time of Jesus?

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Jewish boys were taught by rabbis.

Girls received no formal education, but bit by bit, some acquired some rudimentary skills and continued to develop them . The boys were taught to read their Holy Books, and math skills deemed suitable to their station in life.Scibes were taught towrite, and men of business to sign their names.

How did Christianity build on Jewish beliefs about the future?

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The Christian Religion comes directly out of the Jewish religion. If man had not done wrong and had made the right choices back through history then the Jewish religion would not exist because all Jews would be Christians. But - man has a will of his own, and just like in the garden of Eden at the begging of time, man still makes wrong choices.

Its like this, Jesus came and fulfilled all of the Old Testament by dying on the cross as the perfect atonement for ALL mankind's sin, thus fulfilling the Old Testament prophesies. But all of the Jews did not believe and accept him. So of course, they kept on doing what they had always been doing - waiting for the coming Messiah and performing the laws of the Old Testament and other Jewish traditions while they still waited for their coming Messiah.

Modern Christians, understanding who and What Jesus was all about through the complete cannon of scripture, follow Christ's teachings; hence the term, Christians (Little Christs)

a good study of the Bible can show you how closely the two faiths are related and how the one comes out of the other. Both Jews and Christians worship the same God, but in differing ways. The Jews follow what they were taught in the Old Testament (The Law) and the Christians follow the whole of Scripture (Both Old and New Testaments)

A Note on end times: The Bible teaches that when Christ comes again, all Believers who accepted Christ Jesus as their Savior will be Raptured up to heaven with Him. The Jews will then suffer 7 years of judgment along with the rest of the unbelieving world. But God will not forsake them even then. The Bible tells us that God has a special plan for the Jews as they will then enjoy the blessings of living and ruling with Christ in the thousand year reign on Earth which follows the 7 year tribulation judgement.

The seven year judgment on Earth is God's wrath upon the unbelieving Jews and the Unbelieving World. This is what all the "doomsday" prophecies are about. It is known commonly as the End Times. And yes, we are near this time. God very likely return within the next 70 years or so; He actually might come as soon as 2018 (this year is important because it is a generation from the founding of Israel in 1948)

a Personal Note: Here's what I think: I'm Jewish, and I can tell you now that Jews don't have beliefs about the future. That's it, because I go to all of my Jewish services, so we don't.

What was the Arab reaction to the increase in Jewish immigrants from Europe?

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The Arabs in the Middle East flocked to Palestine in their tens of thousands when Jews began developing it in the mid to late 19th century. However, despite benefitting enormously, Arabs regularly attacked Jewish civilians, often whole villages, and perpetrated the most appalling violence and bloodshed. A typical example is the Hebron Massacre of 1929.

How many Jews were there before the Holocaust?

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There were about 16 million Jews worldwide before the Holocaust; afterwards, about 10 million.

What deprived Jews of their citizenship and banned marriages between Jews and non Jews?

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The process of depriving German Jews of their rights started in April 1933. A hailstorm of anti-Jewish decrees followed, in all about 430 between 1933 and 1943. For example, in late 1933 most Jewish students were expelled from the German universities. It sounds from your question as if they are thinking of specifically of the Nuremberg Laws of September 1935.

Was Hitler engaged to a Jewish women?

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No. The only woman Hitler was ever known to be involved with was Eva Braun.