


Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a term used to refer to SEO, Social Media and any other form of Online Marketing.

500 Questions

Marketing strategies as a marketing head?

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Asked by Wiki User

A key strategy for success is content marketing.

What the end result looks like depends on the business, however, it will consist of;

Creating worthwhile content for your target audience Sharing that on relevant platforms

This will then be combined with an SEO strategy to ensure you rank well around that topic, the content will be used to create relevant and stong backlinks to business to traffic.

Here is a useful article on content marketing;

Why is it important for a high traffic internet portal to have an SEO strategy and How much can SEO influence traffic in this case?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the high traffic internet portal wants to be ranked in Google for the name of its site or even receive visitors in a way that could be passive for instance, then having an SEO strategy could help.

Depending on the keywords chosen the traffic could increase.

Online direct marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Online direct marketing involves promoting products or services directly to consumers through digital channels, such as email, social media, or targeted online ads. It aims to create a personalized and immediate connection with potential customers to drive sales or engagement.


How does YouTube make money?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get ads on your YouTube videos and start earning money through the YouTube Partner Program, you need to follow these steps:

Create a YouTube Channel:

If you don't already have one, create a YouTube channel. Make sure it's properly set up with an engaging profile picture, channel art, and a description that accurately represents your content.

Produce High-Quality Content:

Create and upload high-quality, original videos that cater to your target audience. Your content should be engaging, well-edited, and adhere to YouTube's Community Guidelines and copyright policies.

Build an Audience:

To be eligible for monetization, your channel needs to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months. Focus on building a loyal and engaged subscriber base.

Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP):

Once your channel meets the eligibility requirements (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours), you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program. To do this, go to YouTube Studio and click on the "Monetization" tab. Follow the on-screen instructions to apply for the program.

Review and Approval:

After applying, YouTube will review your channel to ensure it complies with all their policies and guidelines. This review process may take some time, so be patient.

Set Up AdSense Account:

You need an AdSense account to receive payments. If you don't have one already, you can set it up through the AdSense website. Connect your AdSense account to your YouTube channel.

Enable Monetization:

Once your channel is approved for the YouTube Partner Program, you can enable monetization on your videos. This includes enabling ads to appear on your videos, as well as other revenue-generating features like channel memberships and merchandise shelf.

Choose Ad Types:

You can choose the types of ads that appear on your videos, such as display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, non-skippable video ads, and sponsored cards.

Follow YouTube's Ad Policies:

Ensure your videos adhere to YouTube's ad policies to maintain eligibility for monetization. Avoid using copyrighted content without proper permission, and don't engage in practices like clickbait or deceptive thumbnails and titles.

Analyze and Optimize:

Continuously monitor the performance of your videos and ad revenue. Make improvements to your content and strategy based on audience feedback and analytics.

Remember that it may take some time to generate significant revenue from ads on YouTube. Many creators also supplement their income with other monetization methods, such as merchandise, channel memberships, and sponsored content. Building a successful YouTube channel often requires patience, consistency, and a focus on creating content that resonates with your audience.

Where can one find tips on how to successfully use online video marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hello there,

I’m glad that people wish to know more about video marketing, as it has already been talked about a lot in the digital world. As the world is glued to their screens looking for more content to fill their time and feed their needs, one of the best ways to engage with your customers is through video content. Before we move further, let me briefly explain video marketing to the newbies in the field. To keep it brief, "video marketing" simply means incorporating a video format into your marketing strategy to promote a brand, product, service, or message. You might integrate a video into your blog content, campaign, or even your website’s homepage.

Here are some tips to make your video marketing strategy successful:

Keep your video short and try to precisely incorporate your message within those 2-3 minutes of content.

Don’t just be a salesperson; always try to tell a human story to your audience. People tend to like real stories instead of staged ones.

Along with your video content, always try to grab attention through your video title and description as well.

Create an eye-appealing thumbnail. Attractive thumbnails attract visitors.

Try to stick to your content publishing schedule. Consistency is the key.

However, if you wish to make this task easier, there are many creative video marketing agencies out there to help you. Chimp&z Inc is one such video marketing company in Mumbai, Delhi, and Canada. They have vast experience in creating high-quality videos and a fleshed-out strategy for video content marketing. So, if you’re looking for an agency to help you with your video marketing endeavors, you know who to connect with. I hope my answer will help you and solve your doubts. All the best!

What are the three major services provided for Internet marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three major services provided for internet marketing are:

  • Web Design
  • SEO
  • Social Media

All require a lot of work and constant update. An internet marketer's job is never finished.


Is internet marketing subset of digital marketing?

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Asked by Jennypitula

Yes, internet marketing is a subset of digital marketing. Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, such as the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other digital platforms, to promote products, services, and brands. Internet marketing, on the other hand, specifically focuses on marketing efforts that are conducted online or through the internet.

Internet marketing includes various strategies and tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing, and online advertising. These techniques are used to reach and engage with potential customers, increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, and ultimately, achieve marketing objectives.

While internet marketing is a key component of digital marketing, digital marketing encompasses a broader scope that also includes offline channels such as television, radio, and SMS marketing.

If you are looking Best Online digital marketing course in India then, my suggestion is to contact Croma Campus.

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What is advertising on the internet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advertising on the Internet generally refers to the promotion of the business or any product. As social media now has become the leading platform for the promotion of the business. Many people are connected to the social networking site, so advertising through Internet is one of the most innovative idea to meets the need of the individuals.

What is the difference between Digital Marketing and Internet Marketing?

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Asked by Yourseopick

Digital Marketing is an umbrella term. Internet Marketing is a type of marketing that requires the Internet to get the message out. Digital Marketing may not require the Internet to get the message out

What are the tools of campaign of marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are different campaign tools online, but is the best lead generation machine. :)

How old is digital marketing industry?

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Asked by Wiki User

The digital marketing industry has been a fascinating journey that has evolved rapidly over the years. Let's dive into the timeline to understand how old the digital marketing industry is:

  1. Birth of the Internet (1969):

Digital marketing, in its early form, can be traced back to the birth of the internet, when ARPANET was developed. However, it wasn't used for marketing in the way we know it today.

  1. Emergence of the First Web Browser (1991):

The first web browser, WorldWideWeb, was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. This marked the beginning of the World Wide Web, a pivotal moment for digital marketing.

  1. The Rise of Banner Ads (1994):

Digital marketing took its first steps with the introduction of banner ads in 1994.A web magazine, sold the first clickable banner ad to AT&T.

  1. Google's Founding (1998):

In 1998, Google was founded, which eventually became the most influential player in digital advertising through its AdWords platform.

  1. Social Media Emerges (Early 2000s):

Platforms like Friendster, MySpace, and LinkedIn started the social media revolution, opening new doors for digital marketing.

  1. Introduction of SEO (Late 1990s - Early 2000s):

Search engine optimization (SEO) started to become a key aspect of digital marketing as websites aimed to rank higher on search engine results.

  1. The Birth of Social Media Advertising (2005):

Facebook launched its advertising platform in 2005, giving birth to social media advertising.

  1. Mobile Marketing Takes Off (2007):

With the release of the iPhone in 2007, mobile marketing gained prominence, and apps, as well as mobile-optimized websites, became crucial.

  1. Content Marketing Revolution (2010s):

Content marketing gained significance, with businesses realizing the value of quality content for attracting and retaining customers.

  1. The Present (2020s):

Digital marketing continues to evolve with advancements in AI, chatbots, influencer marketing, and more.

In conclusion, the digital marketing industry, in its various forms, is over two decades old, with its roots tracing back to the early days of the internet. It has continually evolved and adapted to technological advancements, making it an exciting and dynamic field for both businesses and marketers alike.



What is the best free software for creating an affiliate marketing website?

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Asked by Wiki User

Making money with affiliate marketing can take a lot of work if you don't know the right products to promote or where to get the traffic.

These are the exact issues that the majority of all affiliate marketers face daily.

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What are the advantages of e-business?

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Asked by Wiki User

E-Business is a process of using new internet technologies to provide superior services to business by increasing sales and reducing costs. E- business can benefit all kind of business. it is not limited to technology-related products and services, companies in every field are doing business online


Garry Hillton

How much an entry level account manager can make?

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Asked by Wiki User

Account manager salaries vary widely based on the type of company for which they work. Some work as IT account managers, other as business account managers. Some account managers work in the private sector while other work in public offices. All of these factors determine salary. Top account executives command almost $200,000 annually, while account representatives may bring home an average of $48,000 each year.

What Soft drink introduced in 1929 contained lithium?

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Asked by Wiki User

I suppose that lithium salts are not permitted today as additives in beverages.

What marketing stagerties does McDonald use?

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Asked by Wiki User

They have billboards, commercials, and advertisements in the magazines/newspapers!

Disadvantages and advantages of merchandising?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of Merchandising

n Merchandising materials can stimulate impulse purchases and higher per capita spending.

n Provides support for advertising campaigns.

Disadvantages of Merchandising

n Not very effective in building long-term loyalty for the destination.

n May contribute to visual clutter.

n May not be noticed by visitors or potential visitors.

Contains a list of names and email addresses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can get them in millions. Email addresses list by industry wise for your marketing needs. Download worldwide email list by Businesses, Countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, India, UAE, more.

What are the types of search engine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Search Engines cover a variety of subjects or fields known as "verticals". Verticals range from shopping to web design. Their is a search engine for every subject you can think of.

Where can you sell used Xerox equipment?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try selling your equipment on Ebay, but they do not have a big business equipment section.

Another useful website is They strictly focus on bringing business buyers and sellers together to sell their used assets.

What is the best niche or product for selling online?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Digital products that can be downloaded to the consumers computer involves no shipping and handling like PDF's, Ebooks etc.
  • Collectibles do very well on our site. Our other very strong categories are jewelry, as well as glass. Dolls also do very well, as well as kitchenware.

What do you think is the most important element in SEO?

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Asked by Fordsaeks

An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can't see and understand a web page the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users.

  • Online forms: Search engines aren't good at completing online forms (such as a login), and thus any content contained behind them may remain hidden.
  • Duplicate pages: Websites using a CMS (Content Management System) often create duplicate versions of the same page; this is a major problem for search engines looking for completely original content.
  • Blocked in the code: Errors in a website's crawling directives (robots.txt) may lead to blocking search engines entirely.
  • Poor link structures: If a website's link structure isn't understandable to the search engines, they may not reach all of a website's content; or, if it is crawled, the minimally-exposed content may be deemed unimportant by the engine's end

· Non-text Content:

A Although the engines are getting better at reading a non-HTML text, content in rich media format is still difficult for search engines to parse. This includes text in Flash files, images, photos, video, audio, and plug-in content.

· Use Grammar checker while writing a content to remove spellings and grammar mistakes, click here for the online grammar checker.

Getting the technical details of search engine-friendly web development correct is important, but once the basics are covered, you must also market your content. The engines by themselves have no formulas to gauge the quality of content on the web. Instead, search technology relies on the metrics of relevance and importance, and they measure those metrics by tracking what people do: what they discover, react, comment, and link to. So, you can't just build a perfect website and write great content; you also have to get that content shared and talked about.