


Italian Food

Buon appetito! Known for savory pastas, flavorful meats and sweet pastries, Italian food is a popular cuisine all over the world. It combines a zest for life and an appetite for good food from everyday edibles to Roman feasts. Ask questions here about recipes, ingredients and the history of Italian food.

500 Questions

What is sicilian lasagna?

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A not-very-well-defined term.

It usually refers to a thick crust (and often square or rectangular) pizza cooked in a pan.

When did Lasagna become a popular food source?

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Lasagne was known to the Ancient Romans and the Greeks, in a slightly different form. I was eaten in England in the 14th Century and found described in a cook book at the time of Richard ll


Spelling of cannoli the Italian dessert?

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cannoli is the plural form of the singular word cannolo.

What food group does lasagna belong to?

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lasagna gives you dairy(from the cheese), protein (from the mince meat), carbohydrates and vegetables

Can you bring wine to Italy from California?

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No of course not!!! Its impossible to walk that far! im mean seriously think about it.........walking from California to Italy that's impossoble!

3 types of traditional foods in Italy?

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I am Italian so i know all about this stuff!


Spigetti and meatballs-long stringy pasta with meat balls topped with tomato sause and grated mozzarella or parmesean cheese

Canneloni-meat or ricotta cheese wrapped into a long piece of pasta(looks like a tube filled with meat)

bocconcini-white balls of mozzarella

panini's- some sort of meat like ham or mortadella in an Italian bun


Canoli-a shell made of cookie and it's filled with cream

gelato-ice cream(Italian style)

* there are so many more but i can't think of them i should ask my nonna!

What is 'pie' when translated from English to Italian?

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Pizza is an Italian loan word in English.

Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la ("the") or the feminine singular indefinite article una ("a, one"). The pronunciation will be "PEET-tsah" in Italian.

How many calories in penne arrabiata?

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The noodles themselves are about 200 calories per 50 grams uncooked. The calories and especially fat content will vary greatly depending on the sauce and meat added, and the portion size. A small portion with only a light sauce of broth, soya and vinegar with a few healthy vegetables added might be about 260 cal. and 3 g. fat .

What is the science behind making lasagna?

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simmer the sauce, boil the noodles and bake the lasagna

Can you freeze Alfredo sauce?

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Yes, definitely.

Can you prepare lasagna now and bake it in a few hours?

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Sure! While your bolognese is cooking, boil your lasagne sheets in water and make your bechemel sauce. Pre cooking the pasta means you don't the need to cook it in the oven, just grill the top and you're done!

How is tiramisu made?

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The ingredients for a typical tiramisu are: 3dl bitter coffee liquid, 300g marscapone cheese, 150g sugar, 4 egg yolks, 30 sponge fingers or 'savoiardi' biscuits, 20g of bitter cocoa. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. When well done, fold in the marscapone cheese with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes a smooth and soft cream. Soak 10 sponge fingers in the cold coffee and lay them together inside a baking tray. Pour a third of the cheese mixture over the biscuits and repeat with another layer of sponge fingers soaked in coffee and cheese, until three layers have been done. Sprinkle the final layer with cocoa and place the dessert in the fridge for a least 2 hours. Should serve four. If done well, will serve two.

What is the thinnest form of straight pasta commonly available?

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Capelli D'angelo

Angel Hair pasta noodle.

Where does Italian sausage come from?

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It was one way to preserve primarily pork meat for about a year without the modern convenience of refridgeration.The cured meat and sausages were hung up high in the rafters to dry be safe from rats etc It was one way to preserve primarily pork meat for about a year without the modern convenience of refridgeration.The cured meat and sausages were hung up high in the rafters to dry be safe from rats etc

How many grains are in alfredo noodles?

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There are 99 grams of carbs in pasta alfredo. There are 1,220 calories in this same dish. There is 36 grams of protein.

Is pepperoni served in Italy?

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Pepperoni pizza in Italy is pizza with bell peppers. If you want pepperoni pizza in Italy, you will need to order Salami on your pizza. Some places that have a lot of American tourists may place pepperoni pizza on their menu- but of you go to areas not frequented by American tourists, and order pepperoni pizza- you will get bell pepper pizza. This happened to me in Pescara, Italy.

Pepperoni (with two 'p's in the middle) is an Italian-American sausage/salami, known mainly in countries other than Italy! Peperoni (with only one 'p' in the middle) are green/yellow/red bell peppers. There is a difference in pronunciation between the two words (the word with two 'p's has a short 'e' as in petty; the word with only one 'p' has a longer 'e' as in pay) but it is very difficult for any foreigner to hear or pronounce the difference!

What is gnocchi?

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gnocchi are Italian potato dumplings smaller than a ping-pong ball and cooked like Italian pasta, served with tomato sauce.

What are the cooking methods in Italy?

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Italian cooking methods and techniques have remained traditional with the use of pots and pans on stoves preferred.

Microwaves are not popular because the food doesn't taste as good as when it is cooked with small gas or electric hobs.

They also use different varieties of noodles like d'angelo and tortellini.

I know this information because I have been studying Italian food for a while and I know many different cooking methods.

Baking, grilling, frying, stewing and boiling.

What can you make with marinara sauce?

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Spaghetti, pizza, pizza bread, and dipping sauce for garlic bread are some things you can make with marinara sauce.

Where in Italy did lasagna come frome?

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Although a popular belief, Pizza did NOT originate in Italy. It was originated in Ancient Greece. The most well known food developed and originated from Italy is Lasagna, or ancient pasta. [Note: Spaghetti was NOT originated in Italy, but most other pasta was.]