


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

500 Questions

What is a scientific journal?

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Asked by Wiki User

A scientific journal is a periodical publication that presents research findings, scientific discussions, and reviews within a specific academic discipline. It serves as a platform for scientists and researchers to share their work with the scientific community, undergo peer review for quality control, and disseminate new knowledge to a wider audience.

What substance is with a pH of 13?

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Asked by Wiki User

A substance with a pH of 13 is considered highly basic or alkaline. Examples of such substances include sodium hydroxide (lye) and household ammonia.

Why science is bane?

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Asked by Wiki User

Science itself is not a bane. However, the misuse or misapplication of scientific advancements can sometimes lead to negative consequences. It is important to recognize the ethical implications of scientific research and innovation to ensure that they are used for the betterment of society.

Why do you study ecology?

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Asked by Wiki User

I study ecology because I am fascinated by the interactions between organisms and their environment, and I want to understand how ecosystems function and how they can be conserved and protected. Studying ecology also helps me contribute to addressing environmental challenges and understanding the impact of human activities on the natural world.

What is meaning of grades on gases?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grades on gases typically refer to the purity or quality of the gas being sold or used. Different grades indicate different levels of impurities or contaminants present in the gas, with higher grades being more purified and suitable for specific applications. It is important to use the correct grade of gas for a particular application to ensure safety and efficiency.

Where is the date place in a letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

The date is typically placed at the top right corner of a letter, below your address and contact information. It should be written in full, including the month, day, and year.

What does 'for your kind attention' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

It simply means that you are sending a letter to someone who you hope will open it, read it, pay due attention to what it says and act accordingly. Its effectively a polite request to him or her to do just that.

Is sour milk dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sour milk is not considered dangerous to consume, but it may taste unpleasant and can be a sign that the milk has started to spoil. It is best to discard sour milk to avoid any potential foodborne illnesses.

Where in California is Fort Wyvern?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fort Wyvern is a fictional army base in the Seize the Night series of books by Dean Koontz. Since the book describes the area in and around Monterey, California, Koontz could have used the now abandoned Fort Ord as his model.

What is ultimate being?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ultimate being refers to a being that possesses supreme or ultimate power, knowledge, or abilities. It can be a concept found in various religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, often representing a deity or a being of exceptional transcendence.

Type of metal?

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There are many types of metals, such as iron, aluminum, copper, gold, and silver, each with its own unique properties and uses. Metals are typically strong, ductile, and good conductors of heat and electricity. They are essential materials in various industries, including construction, transportation, and manufacturing.

When can resonance occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

Resonance can occur when a system is driven at its natural frequency. This results in increased amplitude of vibrations. In chemistry, resonance occurs when electrons are delocalized within molecules, leading to stabilization and altered properties.

What is another name for mermaid and merman?

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Asked by Wiki User

Another name for mermaid is sirens and for mermen is tritons.

What is the importance of chemistry in clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chemistry plays a crucial role in clothing production through processes like dyeing, fabric treatment, and fiber synthesis. It helps in creating innovative materials with specific properties like moisture-wicking, flame-retardant, and stretchable fabrics, enhancing performance and comfort in clothing. Additionally, chemistry is used to develop sustainable practices in the textile industry to reduce environmental impact.

Example of non-fiction?

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"Non-fiction" refers to literature that is based on real events, facts, and information. Examples include biographies, textbooks, memoirs, and newspaper articles. These works aim to inform or educate readers on a particular subject matter rather than entertain through fictional storytelling.

What is scire?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Scire" is a Latin verb meaning "to know" or "to understand." It is often used in academic and philosophical contexts to refer to knowledge or expertise in a specific area.

Give the 5 sub branches of physical science?

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Asked by Wiki User

The five sub-branches of physical science are physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and meteorology. Each of these areas focuses on different aspects of the natural world, from the behavior of matter and energy to the study of celestial bodies and the Earth's structure and atmosphere.

What is the most important molecule in life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water is considered the most important molecule in life because it is essential for various biochemical reactions, serves as a solvent for nutrients and waste products, and helps maintain temperature regulation within cells.

What is Si02?

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Asked by Wiki User

SiO2 is the chemical formula for silicon dioxide, also known as silica. It is one of the most abundant compounds in the Earth's crust and is found in many minerals, rocks, and sand. Silicon dioxide is commonly used in industry for its hardness, high melting point, and insulating properties.

What is the iskema?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Iskema" is not a commonly known term or concept. It may be a misspelling or a niche term. Can you provide more context or details to help me better understand what you are referring to?

The loss of one or more electrons from an atom is called?

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The loss of one or more electrons from an atom is called ionization. This process results in the formation of a positively charged ion known as a cation.

What are the categories in the Dewey Decimal classification system?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Dewey Decimal Classification system has 10 main categories: 000 Generalities, 100 Philosophy and psychology, 200 Religion, 300 Social sciences, 400 Language, 500 Pure science, 600 Technology, 700 Arts and recreation, 800 Literature, and 900 History and geography. Each category is further divided into subcategories for more specific classification.

What is heterozygous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heterozygous refers to alleles that are not the same. For example, lets pretend that the gene for hair color is H for brown hair and h for blond hair. If someone was HH, they would be homozygous because the two alleles of the gene are the same. If a person was blond, their genes would have to be hh, which is homozygous recessive. Heterozygous is when the alleles are different, like so: Hh.

Reason why people choose as a doctor?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may choose to become a doctor because they are passionate about helping others, have a desire to make a positive impact on people's lives, and enjoy the challenge and intellectual stimulation of the medical field.