

Medical Supplies

Medical supplies are materials related to patient care, operating room products, and basic medical care items. Some of the more common items are dressings, syringes, gowns, masks, and cleaning solutions.

500 Questions

Where would you place your stethoscope to hear the apical heartbeat?

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Asked by Wiki User

To hear the apical heartbeat, place the stethoscope on the left side of the chest, slightly below the nipple, in the fifth intercostal space - this is where the apex of the heart is located. Ensure a good seal between the chest and the stethoscope to minimize external noise interference.

How do silver ion based hygiene coatings work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Silver ion based hygiene coatings release silver ions onto the surface, which have antimicrobial properties. These ions disrupt the metabolic processes of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, preventing their growth and reproduction. This helps to reduce the spread of harmful microbes and maintain a cleaner surface.

Does the cuff of the sphygmomanometer have any effect on the measurement of blood pressure?

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Asked by Rameshmbbs

Yes, the cuff size is important for accurate blood pressure measurement. Using a cuff that is too small can result in falsely elevated readings, while a cuff that is too large can give falsely low readings. It's essential to use the appropriate cuff size for the patient's arm circumference to get an accurate blood pressure measurement.

Do people get bullied because they are in wheelchairs?

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Asked by Kimberlykay

Yes, people in wheelchairs can be targeted for bullying due to their physical differences. Bullying behavior can stem from ignorance, prejudice, or a desire for power and control over others. It's important to address and prevent bullying towards individuals with disabilities.

What percentage of people with a disability use a wheelchair?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1995 according to UCSF - DSC the NHIS-D data put the non-institutional bound population that was wheelchair-bound at 1.6 million. At that time according to the US population was 262,764,948. That comes to roughly 0.6 %.

Should a 96 yr old man have his pace maker replaced ....he has a weak battery is in a wheelchair in a nuring home?

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Asked by Wiki User

The decision to replace a pacemaker in a 96-year-old man should be made after careful consideration of his overall health, quality of life, and preferences. It is important to have a discussion with his healthcare team and family members to weigh the potential benefits and risks of the procedure. Factors such as his current health status, expected recovery, and comfort should all be taken into account.

Who can I donate wheelchair walker etc to.?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can consider donating wheelchairs, walkers, and other mobility devices to local organizations such as nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, disability support groups, or charitable organizations that provide assistance to individuals with mobility limitations. You can also reach out to hospitals or community centers to inquire about donation options.

Can you wear a medic alert bracelet in the shower?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is generally not recommended to wear a medic alert bracelet in the shower as water and soap can damage the bracelet over time. It is best to remove the bracelet before showering and ensure it is kept in a safe place where it can easily be put back on afterwards.

Is billy ocean confined to a wheelchair?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Billy Ocean is not confined to a wheelchair. He is a British singer-songwriter known for his hits in the 1980s like "Caribbean Queen" and "Get Outta My Dreams, Get into My Car." It seems there may have been a misconception or confusion about his physical abilities.

How does Billy Black end up in a wheelchair?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't think its highlighted in the actual book - but Jacob does mention how his Mother died - and that was in a car crash.

I'm only guessing - but to me it seems that that would be an appropriate answer for Billy being in a wheelchair.

Then again, I could be completely wrong.

Hope this helped :)

What is enzomac plus. why it is used?

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Asked by Wiki User

Enzomac Plus is a combination medication that typically contains enzymes (such as trypsin, chymotrypsin) and other substances like bromelain and rutoside. It is used to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain in conditions like arthritis, sprains, strains, and musculoskeletal injuries. It works by aiding in the breakdown of proteins and promoting healing in affected areas.

What is an unconfirmed diagnosos?

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Asked by Wiki User

An unconfirmed diagnosis is a condition that has been suggested or suspected by a healthcare provider but has not been definitively confirmed through testing or evaluation. It typically requires further investigation or testing to establish a definitive diagnosis.

What is a 3-0 catgut in a medical operation?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 3-0 catgut refers to a specific size of absorbable surgical suture material commonly used in medical operations. It is made from the natural fibers of sheep or goat intestines and is used to stitch internal tissues together during surgical procedures. The "3-0" indicates the thickness of the suture thread, with lower numbers representing thicker threads.

A device that can hold patient documents temporarily until the medical record is returned is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

A device that can hold patient documents temporarily is called a chart holder or chart rack. These are typically used in healthcare facilities to organize and store patient charts securely until they are returned to the medical records department.

When you go to a lab and have blood drawn what is the name of the glass tube it goes into?

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Asked by Wiki User

The glass tube used to collect blood during a lab test is called a vacuum tube or a vacutainer. These tubes come in various colors, each indicating the type of additive or preservative inside for different types of tests.

What is the Medical term meaning blood pressure cuff?

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The medical term for a blood pressure cuff is a sphygmomanometer.

What is a plain gut suture?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plain gut suture is a type of surgical suture made from collagen derived from the submucosa of the small intestine of sheep or cattle. It is absorbable, meaning it will break down in the body over time, so it does not need to be removed after a certain period. Plain gut sutures are commonly used for soft tissue approximation in surgeries.

How can you make your crutches more comfortable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ive been on crutches sooo many times. one of the best things for me is to buy some prewrap from a sports store and just put a bunch of layers on the handles and the tops of the crutches. also, you can try the old duct tape a washcloth to the top. ive done that too.

You can also try purchasing a set of thick crutch pads to replace the flimsy crutch pads that come standard with most crutches. The best ones i have found come from a company called Remedy Mobility. I bought a pair last year and they did wonders for me. Crutch Remedy work AWESOME!!!!

How do you wash a bandage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most bandages no longer need to be or should be washed. If it is cloth you can boil it in water or wash it in bleach. You want to make sure its sterile and bleach or boiling can do this. The best suggestion is to just use a new bandage each time.

Where can you get crutches in fallout 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Hospital.Also several broadcast stations.subway closets.usually in the corner of a room leaning against the wall.

Can you get wheelchairs in The Sims 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

i do not think that's possible!

maybe you can also fight with your enemies and be beaten....

try that game called grand theft auto.

i never played it but everyones says you can shoot people,fight,steal

and other violent things which i don't really like but maybe you will.


How many players are on a wheelchair basketball team?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many different types of wheelchair basketball teams. Some players on the Canadian wheelchair basketball team are Patrick Anderson, Chantel Benoit and Tara Feser.

What equipment do you need to play wheelchair basketball?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wheelchair basketball is basketball played by people in wheelchairs and is considered one of the major disabled sports practiced.

Wheelchair basketball retains most major rules and scoring of basketball, and maintains a 10-foot basketball hoop and standard basketball court. The exceptions are rules which have been modified with consideration for the wheelchair. For example, "travelling" in wheelchair basketball occurs when the athlete touches his wheels more than twice after receiving or dribbling the ball. The individual must pass, bounce or shoot the ball before touching the wheels again.

Wheelchair basketball, based on the sport of basketball, introduces some adaptations to reflect the use of the wheelchair in the game, and to harmonize the different levels of disabilities players have.

All teams which compete above a recreational level use a classification system to evaluate the functional abilities of players on a point scale of 1 to 4.5. Minimally disabled athletes are classified as a 4.5, and an individual with the highest degree of disability (such as a paraplegic with a complete injury below the chest) would have the classification of 1.0. In places where teams are integrated, non disabled athletes compete as either a 4.5 in Canada or a 5.0 in Europe. Non-disabled athletes are not allowed to compete internationally.

Classification is an international regulation for playing wheelchair basketball, where competitions restrict the number of points allowable on the court at one time. The five players from each team on the court during play may not exceed a total of 14 points you can also visit for more info about basketball.

How do you calculate par?

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Asked by Wiki User

Par is determined by the course manager/ designer. A hole has it's par determined by how many shots it takes to get to the green, plus regulation 2 putts. There are some holes which can be par 3 or par 4 or par 5 depending on where the tees are.

The type of bandage this is dangerous if it is stretched to tight but is the easiest to use is called what?

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The type of bandage this is dangerous if it is stretched to tight but is the easiest to use is called what?