



Physical pain is a part of life. We all experience it, whether a scrape on the knee or a broken bone, receptors in our bodies sent pain signals all the way from our extremities to our brains. Here you might ask and answer questions about unexplained pain, what it could mean, and what to do about it.

500 Questions

Could you pass a drug screen on xanax if your prescribed valiums?

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Nope - both contain Benzodiazepine, which is what the drug test keys on.

I disagree with above you will test positive for benzodiazepine which both have they will not be able to tell the difference.

What is English word for aani rogam in feet?

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Plantar Wart

How long does nephritis pain last?

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Kidney pain is not ever a normal condition, and is a reason to seek the help of a physician.

Can a cold draft give you muscle pain?

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Absolutely! In fact, I'm suffering from it now. I thought I had a broken rib because the pain was so intense that even taking a deep breath, would cause extreme pain. Even bumps on the road when driving, where causing me to hold my breath to keep down the pain. After 2 days of this pain, I went to see my chiropractor. He did his adjustment, but I got no relief. I was massaged before the adjustment, but it was not done on the sore spot, which is on the right side in the rib area. They massaged my back so that was fruitless. The next day, I was no better. In fact, I felt worst. And that's when it dawned on me, it might have been caused by a draft. My computer is near a window, on the right side of my body. Being a Senior, I'm not as active as I was so the muscles, have become weak and susceptible to drafts. That day, was blustery and cold. Since my windows are drafty, the cold wind attacked the side muscles of my ribs. And then I realized what the real cause was. I'm also Mexican and the cure is SUPER EASY but ONLY if you have a 2nd person to help you! Being single and living alone, I have no help. The pain can be solved by gently patting, the muscles around the rib area with someone's hand. It's the same patting you use when burping a baby to get the gas out of it's tummy. It works wonderfully for drafts in backs. My Mexican mother taught us this when we were small. And when you have a stiff neck from a draft, take a towel and warm it up in the microwave then gently roll the towel from side to side on the neck. Don't give yourself a friction burn. Gently rub the towel back and forth while gently moving your head to ease the pain. After a couple of session, you notice relief right away.

What is the cause of shooting pain behind right ear?

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You have sinuses all over your head and behind the ears, jaw line, temple area are your main areas of feeling pains of twitches, shallow aches, or sporadic pain. These areas are very small sinuses and it is hard for these areas to drain unlike the nose. The pain could be sinus related - even if you have never suffered sinuses we all have them in some degree - Your body changes every seven years and for some people they get new symptoms that they have never experienced and lose others. The sinuses behind the ear/back of neck are so small that for them to drain it would be like taking a straw and filling the straw with water then putting your finger on it to stop it from dripping. It would take a long time for the straw to discharge all the water. This is exactly what your sinuses are going through. If you are still worried then see a doctor, but you may want to try sinus medication or sinus headache relief medicine first.

If you keep feeling a sharp pain in your lower left stomach area and have sore breasts are you pregnant?

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this would be hard to say if you are pregnant or due to start your period. as these are often signs of both. however if you are pregnant the stomach pains should not cause you to much discomfort and you should contact your doctor.

Why does your pee shoot sideways?

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I hate when I am in my bathroom and then my pee decides to shoot sideways! Why does it do this?? It really sucks that i have to clean my pee off the walls and/or floor. Thats a janitors job! Thats why i pee on the floor and walls at school and restraunts on days when I'm mad!

What type of pain management is PCA?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Patient-controlled analgesia, or PCA, allows patients to control the timing and amount of pain medication they receive. Although there are oral forms of PCA, the most common form of administration involves an infusion pump

What are the causes of a dull left flank pain that is intermittent This pain has been persistent for about a month The pain is not stabbing but dull and uncomfortable in nature Any suggestions?

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Could be one of many things such as a kidney, rib, pulled muscle, sciatica, pinched nerve, twisted the wrong way, over use of left side - either way you should have it looked at to be certain.

Hi, i have had the same pain for about a year now, it gets worse when i drink, i have been 2 the doctors and they have found that i have something called PUJ this is an obstruction between the kidney and the bladder, this is why it hurts as liquid cannot run through and gets trapped. you may have a similar thing.

hope this helps

Can a toothache cause a heart attack?

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Si porque las enfermedades dentales estan relacionadas con enfermedades cardiovasculares tales como: bacterias y virus que pueden encontrarse en un diente dañado. Investigadores de la universidad de Virginia, descifraron el genoma de bacterias normalmente presente en la boca humana sana que puede causar una infección cardiaca mortal si penetra en el torrente sanguíneo. El estreptococo sanguinis, un tipo de bacteria que esta presente en la boca naturalmente, se encuentra entre una variedad de microorganismos responsables de la formación de la placa dental. Sin embargo, si entra al torrente sanguíneo, a través de un pequeño corte o herida de la boca, puede causar una endocarditis bacteriana, una infección grave o incluso la muerte.
Las personas con problemas cardíacos preexistentes ( hipertensión, diabetes mellitus, insuficiencia cardiaca, aterosclerosis) se encuentran en mayor riesgo de desarrollar endocarditis bacteriana, ataques cardiacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Antes de la cirugía dental estos pacientes reciben altas dosis de antibióticos para prevenir la infección.
Un dolor de muela agudo puede con llevar no necesariamente por la liberación de catecolaminas(dopamina,noradrenalina,epinefrina), por la ansiedad del dolor y los factores predisponentes mencionados arriba a un ataque al corazón (Infarto agudo al miocardio).
según estudios realizados en Suecia y Uruguay, un dolor de muelas o dolor en la mandíbula puede ser sólo una señal de un ataque al corazón. Sin embargo, los síntomas se pasan por alto muy a menudo. El estudio demostró que las mujeres que sufren de ataque al corazón o angina de pecho pueden sufrir de dolor de dientes o la mandíbula sin ningún tipo de dolor en el pecho. Estos estudios realizados en Suecia y Uruguay, junto con varios cadiólogos y dentistas, sugirió que el dolor facial fue el síntoma más común. El dolor era también igual en ambos lados de la cara y aumenta cuando el paciente hizo algún tipo de esfuerzo físico.

att: Tanya Pagan- MD

What makes you pass out when you are in pain?

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PAIN is the body communicating with the brain that something is wrong.

IF the amount of PAIN is far more than what your current pain threshold can endure, the Brain will shut down your conscius mind so that it can continue the fight for survival without the 'conscious you' being in the way.

IF your pain treshold is very high, you will NOT lose consciousness.

What can you do for leg pain after a sunburn?

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Presumably you mean post saphenous avulsion phlebectomy or ablation by laser. The latter is not usually, I think, painful. If the veins are actually removed (phlebectomy) and not just destroyed by heat, there will be two post-operative sources of pain, starting about a week after the op, which is not usually at all painful. First, irritation from the multiple scalpel stabs, which is minor and needs no treatment except watching for bleeding. Second, more or less severe bruising of the leg, from calf to hip if the greater saphenous vein has been removed. This lasts a few weeks, and doesn't need anything done; Panadol and massage with soothing creams, exercise, and patience, at most. If you have pain of a different kind, such as muscle cramps (best treated with warmth and massage), consult your surgeon. Walk if you can, reasonable and slowly increasing distances. Although modern methods are far in advance of Walter Ryff's in 1545, the hook used is very similar, I believe. In general, an op. well worth having, and with usually a good prognosis, for such conditions as incompetant valves and/or venous insufficiency.

Can you fly on a plane with a toothache?

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absolutely not. your tooth is most likely going to retract back into your gums causing excruciating pain. it is best just to take a bus or train No, the cabin pressure in the airplane will make you feel worse. You really should get the abscessed tooth fixed before traveling anywhere. You don't want to be in unfamiliar surroundings and have to see a dentist of unkown origin, as you might be sorry or even worse become extremely ill, thus hindering your ability to return home. so correct the health concern first then travel. abscessed tooth can become so infected, if not treated properly can not only lead to tooth loss but sepsis. ( a condition from infection that poisons your bloodstream.) 1. Neither answer 1 or 2 were responsive to the question: "Is it SAFE..." 2. Although answers 1 and 2 may not be incorrect, the answer to the question asked is NO, it is NOT UNSAFE to fly after having a tooth pulled.

Why does it give a itching sensation below the right rib cage?

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There are a number of reasons why you might have an sensation below the right rib cage. You may be having an allergic reaction for example.

15 and have chest pain what could it be Have a constant pain In the left side of my chest?

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Asked by Emilystubbsfb2652

Your best bet is to ask a doctor. It could be anything from a problem with the shoulder joint, a cracked rib, pinched nerve or numerous other things. Sounds like you may have damaged a pectoral muscle.

What cause lower back pain on the left side could it be my kidneys?

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yes it could, but just to be sure go and see your doctor

What causes Pain with terminal cancer?

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Cancer pain is caused by many things. Cancer cells are abnormal cells that multiply and take over the functions of healthy cells. As the abnormal cell continue to multiply and healthy cells die, organ functions and the body's processes feel the effects of the body fighting to maintain control and fight off the invasion of bad cells as pain.

The most common drug used for Cancer patients (terminal or otherwise) is Duragesic, which are time-release Fentanyl patches. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate 30 times stronger than morphine. The patches are applied to the skin, and body temperature regulates the dispersal rate of the drug into the body. While it comes in doses of 25, 50, 75 and 100 micrograms, they can be combined into higher dosages if needed. Duragesic is effective for most patients for 72 hours(3 days) - a smaller percentage of the population only gets 48 hours of relief. Unfortunately I happen to be in the 48 hour group.

To use Duragesic, the patient must already be opiate tolerant; that is, the patient must have already used an opiate based drug prior to using Duragesic. However, most terminal cancer patients are opiate tolerant. TSD -RAVEN- Category Supervisor

Why do sadists enjoy inflicting pain?

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Humans are essentially sado-masochists! Before you light the torches people, just let the idea swirl around in the synaptic soup for a while.

What is the very first thing that virtually every person that wants to live thinks about a person who does not? "Other people have lives that are so much worse!" "They should be happy(!) that they are only suffering as much as they are." HAHA What does this type of "rationalization" suggest? You can answer that for yourself if you wish, it isn't hard.

Humans are sadists! Why? Well it stems from the fact that every being is isolated from every other being in a real and significant literal way. No person can ever be or understand another person. It is impossible. We are, for every intent and purpose of this discussion, completely separate universes unto ourselves. What occurs within our minds, only occurs in our minds and never did, or ever will occur in any other beings mind. They are unique and original INTERPRETATIONS of "reality". No two "interpretations" that our electrical/chemical systems produce can ever be the same. Impossible. What does this mean?

Well, since everyone is a unique set of interpretations of their unique universes that exists only in their brains, we are all, in effect, completely and totally separated and alone. However, we (generally) are "social" creatures. This is from the insatiable desire to not be the only thing in the universe (although we will always be alone in the internal universe of our minds, it can be no other way) We KNOW, at least on the subconscious level, that we will always be alone, separate, and unaware of why we even exist in the first place. (We cannot know why we exist, because we would then know what our purpose was, if we knew what our purpose was we would only serve that purpose alone, if we served only one purpose, their would be no reason to be human, if there was no reason to be human, there would be no reason to exist. :D we would be insects or something) Sorry, rambling.

So this turmoil, even if below the level of awareness, leaves us feeling a constant itch that we cannot scratch, a pain that will never be gone, a quest that we can never finish, a longing which can never be fullfilled. (and if you want an excellent explanation of what modern society does to the human psyche read or reread the "Unibomber Manifesto". While the man may have done things which are "bad" or "crazy", I assure you that his assessment of the modern world's impact on the human "soul" is far more correct than much of the garbage written by "scholars" of psychology)

So how do these hurting, isolated humans find a surrogate "belonging"? By seeing others suffer the way that they do! It is the shared suffering of all humans that make humans feel connected to one another. Other's pain is validation of our own existence. It makes it so that there is nothing "wrong" with us, if others are suffering like we are suffering. Their pain, is sadly, "comforting" to us in this twisted, if not so obvious way.

Furthermore, the pain that will never go away is made more palatable, by knowing that others suffer more than we do! "Surely you are crazy! I do not want anyone to suffer!" It is not anything that most people would like to admit to others obviously. It is something that many cannot even admit to themselves. However, the reality is, that life is "bearable" to most ONLY because they suffer less than other people. It is what gives value to an existence that largely only produces pain, challenge, struggle, and isolation for the being. If we were aware that we were the being suffering more than any other, what would life be worth? Would anyone want to be the person who suffers most? So it is, to everyone alive (whether they can admit it or not), an imperative that others suffer. And even more preferable that they suffer MORE than whatever level of suffering that we believe that we do.

This suffering of others is what is used as the baseline for what we call "happiness". "pleasure", or whatever "positive" or "benefit" that is observed in "life". Lotta' quotes, sorry, but I don't think the words are defined correctly. :D The less we suffer in comparison to others is what determines how good we think that our lives are. So life is in reality only as valuable, worthwhile, and bearable when we see that others are in more pain than we are. The more others suffer, the better our life seems to be to us.

This is why all humans are sadists. Note that I am not using the word with negative connotations. It simply is a fact, a necessity even, for the survival of the species for us to find meaning for our existence through the suffering of others. I am not saying people are necessarily mean, evil, or whatever, I am simply referring to the needs of the entity. You must be able to shed the bonds of a specific morality to understand the chemical swirl of atoms that we really are, and why that drink does what it does. Electrons do not have a morality or a conscience or a soul.

If you can understand how all humans are sadists in the context I have been trying to explain, you can truly appreciate the deeper reason as to why "society" in general do not want to allow the suffering to escape. They need the people who suffer most around to give THEIR lives meaning, to make THEIR lives more bearable, to make THEIR lives more "pleasurable" in comparison.

Is it any wonder that "society" frowns upon and discourages letting people go now? It shouldn't be.

Now that we have established the sadism that is innate in all of us, the masochist nature follows naturally. We always will have those that are worse off than we perceive ourselves to be, unless we are very unlucky :D, and this is what makes virtually any level of pain, or "life", bearable or valuable for humans. There can only be one that suffers more than everyone else. :D The masochism comes in where we are all just as obviously aware of many, or at least a few, that suffer much less than we do. And we accept this. We revel in it. We suffer, struggle, and endure continuously and continue to chant to ourselves "this is okay, this is okay, this is great, this is life, I like this, I like this", because we really have no other choice unless we choose to die. So we enjoy the suffering of others, but we also enjoy our own suffering because it is less than the level of someone else's pain. We know that we are suffering because there are those who suffer much less than we do. Take the fist sentence and concatenate it to the second and our innate masochism is evident.

So that is why I say that all humans are sado-masochists. Anyway...

Those who want to live and those who don't are basically divided along where the individuals themselves perceive their level of suffering in comparison to everyone else. Note because we are sado-masochists, the "happiest" people tend to believe that they are somewhere near the middle of the suffering level spectrum. HUH? This needs an aside. :)

Why does the average person always seemed shocked that some rich guy, movie star, or millionaire blows off his face or drugs himself to death? Because they do not realize humans natural masochist trait. They think, "Wow, this person has a great life! Why would they kill themselves?" This is really the average guy's way of saying that almost everyone suffers more than them (the rich, powerful, famous, whatever) why would they not want to live. Because humans are masochists. Those with the "perfect" "great" lives do not have enough people that suffer less than them around. They then take on the burdens of artificial "guilt" or whatever false loss or pain you can throw in. But in reality, they are not suffering enough in the deep recesses of their mind. They lose their place in the spectrum of pain. They have pain, even though they cannot place WHY they have pain. They cannot face what I have explained earlier, and they choose to die. You can only have so many people suffering more than you before your suffering becomes unexplicable. Then your mind is faced with the reality that it is life itself, existence itself, which is painfully unbearable. You lose the ability to think that your suffering is bearable because you suffer less AND your ability to say that your suffering exists because people suffer less than you.

You see, without the belief that you suffer more than someone else, you realize that the unbearable pain is life itself, and not the comparison to others. And then the justification or rationalization for enduring the pain disappears. That is why you see so many people who have "everything" off themselves regularly.

The more apparent, and "understandable", side of the dividing line is much easier for people to comprehend. Those who see themselves as one who suffers more than most obviously believes that their pain is too great, their life too painful, and not worth living. I don't think that this group who perceive their suffering as greater than most others wanting to die needs much explanation.

This site is filled with those who are actually in this group. (Like myself)

The biggest group of humans, as would be obvious and expected from any probability curve, are those who see "enough" people both suffering more than and less than themselves. This group being the largest have the largest influence upon everyone and "society" itself through sheer numbers. They have the power to continue the idiocy of keeping other humans prisoners in this existence. These are those who are somewhat "satisfied", "content", or "accepting" to one extent or another of the perpetual and constant pain that we call "life". Until this group, the statistically superior become enlightened, the continual persistence of our disgusting anomaly of an existence of only pain will continue unabated.

So hopefully in the beginning of this rambling rant, I explained why I believe it is irrational, illogical, against the true interests of society, as well as unjust, to be against or to discourage in any way those that wish to terminate their lives.

In the second half, I tried to explain why even though it is irrational, unjust, and self-destructive for society to discourage suicide or freedom of choice (haha), that "society" will tend to keep these foolish beliefs, tenets, customs in place anyway.

Yes, I am insane, as I easily fit into the mold of one who does not unquestioningly accept and obey the accepted delusions of the masses. I think for myself, so I am broken and faulty. :D

Yes, I am one of those who wants to die, cannot even remember a time when I did not want to die, but one who is trapped here only by the equally sadistic and irrational "survival instinct" which I loathe and know works against what I know I want and need.

I may be crazy, and I may be biased, but I hope that I have given some food for thought to those who are maybe not so sure about the topic at hand.


How old do you have to be to get your cheeks pierced?

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Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"

  1. All Body Piercing studios are regulated and work under regional and local health and city licensing regulations. What you may want may not be legal in your area so call and check with your local studios.
  2. Age limits can vary from city to city and state/province to state/province, contact your local body piercing studios (under the yellowpages "Body Piercing" ) they will tell you what the age limits are for your area.
  3. Identification is aways needed (Birth certificate, Student card, Drivers license) Parental consent is consent from the legal parents (Mother or Father). Grand parents, Sister, Brother, Second Cousin twice removed doesn't cut it sorry. Unless they are your legal guardians assigned by the courts and have documented proof or this, it just won't work.
  4. Prices for piercings vary from shop to shop and city to city. Be sure you phone and ask them what the total price is including any *aftercare solutions they may try to sell you (* Professional body piercing studios won't try to sell you aftercare solution, they will recommend cleansers and soaps but that's it if you want it they will sell it but they will not force you to buy it.)
  5. Do your research, check these places out and find a studio that you are comfortable with, talk to the piercer and discuss you wishes. If at any time you feel like you are being ignored or rushed leave, find somewhere else. Good shops will be busy, but they will also want you to book your appointment, this way they have there full attention on you not everyone else who is asking questions (that's a good thing).

Chest pain in an 11 year old?

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There are many benign things that can cause this sensation. But, an 11 year old boy with a chief complaint of stinging in his heart should be evaluated by his pediatrician. Although the likelihood of the trouble being of cardiac origin is unlikely, it's worthy of exploration. Here are some questions you might want to have answers for when you see the pediatrician. # Is the pain associated with exertion or play, or does it come on while at rest?

# Does the child complain of difficulty breathing or catching his breath when this happens.

# Is there any complaint of feeling dizzy or lightheaded?

# Does the child have a recent history of fainting or seizures?

# Is the pain associated with taking a medication or breathing treatment such as nebulized asthma medications or rescue inhalers.

# Any complaints of headaches or muscular pain?

# Does the pain move anywhere, or radiate to an arm, his jaw or back?

# How intense is the pain, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is no pain and 10 is the worst he has ever felt.

# Is there anything that makes the pain go away or feel better? This can be things such as changing position, resting calmly, anything that improves it. None of these questions are diagnostic in and of themselves, but they are some of the things the doctor will ask to help him or her decide what tests, if any, to I HAVE BEEN HAVING THOSE PAINS SINCE I WAS AROUND 8 OR 9, I AM 25 NOW AND STILL GET IT OFF AND ON. I DON'T THINK ITS NOTHING, MAYBE I SHOULD CHECK IT OUT AND YOU TOO.

Can walking barefoot cause foot pains?

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Yes. Apart from the obvious danger in stepping on something most people's feet are not accustomed to walking around barefoot, and it can take some time for the muscles in the foot to adjust to doing so. Best to start out limiting yourself to a few minutes a day and gradually increasing your barefoot time if walking around barefoot is something you intend to spend time doing. If you want to know more about this then in my suggestions Foot Ease Applicator ( is the best .

Can you break your arm if you fall on it?

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Yes of course you can! if you are old or don't have the right amount of calcium in your bones... i once had a friend who tripped over my dog and broke his arm by landing on it from only 5 inch's up!