



Strong fear of a situation or thing that is extremely strong and causes anxiety is a phobia. Phobias could be of heights, bridges, talkiing to a group, or any number of other things. Ask and answer questions about the different types of phobias, what they are, how they happen, how to overcome them, and more in this category.

500 Questions

What is the doll phobia called?

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The fear of dolls is called pediophobia. It is a common phobia and can be triggered by various factors, including the appearance and movement of dolls.

Is there a word for fear of chaffing?

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There isn't a specific term for fear of chafing, but people may experience anxiety or discomfort related to the possibility of chafing. Proper clothing choices, lubrication, and skincare can help reduce the risk of chafing and alleviate any related fears or concerns.

Is social phobia the same thing as social anxiety disorder?

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Yes, social phobia and social anxiety disorder are terms that are often used interchangeably to describe an intense fear of social situations and interactions. Both terms refer to a mental health condition characterized by excessive self-consciousness, worry, and avoidance of social situations due to fear of judgment or embarrassment.

According to the national institute of health what percentage of American suffer from phobia?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, phobias affect about 8.7% of Americans in any given year.

How does homophobia develop?

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Homophobia can develop due to a variety of factors, such as societal norms, upbringing, religious beliefs, or lack of exposure to diverse perspectives. It can also stem from fear, ignorance, or insecurities about one's own sexuality. Education, open-mindedness, and exposure to different experiences can help challenge and overcome homophobia.

What is the most common phobia in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most common phobia in the world is definitely Arachnophobia. 50% of women and 10% of men have, to some degree, a fear of spiders. If not that then Acrophobia a fear of heights.

How many named phobias are there?

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There are hundreds of named phobias, also known as specific phobias, that involve irrational and intense fears of specific objects or situations. Some common examples include arachnophobia (fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights), and claustrophobia (fear of small or enclosed spaces).

What part of speech is created when suffix -phobia is added to a word?

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Asked by Wiki User

When the suffix -phobia is added to a word, it creates a noun that refers to a fear or aversion to the thing specified by the root word. For example, arachnophobia is a fear of spiders.

What is the scientific name for the fear of diving?

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The scientific name for the fear of driving is Hodophobia.

Hodophobia is derived from the Greek word "hodos", meaning path and "phobos" meaning fear. Hodophobia is not limited to driving anxiety but also the fear of travelling by plane or boat too.

What is the scientific name of fear of insects?

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Asked by Jutamines

The scientific name for the fear of insects is entomophobia. It is a specific phobia characterized by an excessive and irrational fear of insects.

What is the scientific name for the fear of poop?

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Asked by L0907350

The scientific term for the fear of feces is "coprophobia."

What is the scientific name for the fear of intimacy?

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the fear of intimacy could either be clinically described as aphenphosmphobia, which is the fear of being touched or

philophobia, which is the fear of love.

Or, that person may just have trust issues and/or attachment issues.

Like, I said it just depends, since there is no definitive answer to such a behavior in any person unless a clinical analysis is present.

What is the scientific name for the fear of crocodile?

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The scientific name for the fear of crocodiles is "crocophobia."

What is the scientific name of plastic?

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The scientific name for plastic is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is a type of polymer commonly used in bottles and containers.

What is the scientific name for being afraid of the dark?

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The scientific name for fear of the dark is "nyctophobia."

Scientific name for phobia of shoes?

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I'm not sure if it's the real scientific name, but in greek I roughly translated it to: papoutsiphobia In latin I couldn't get shoe so I tried foot and these came up: Pesphobia,Pedisphobia,Crurphobia. I'm not good at turning greek numerals into letters, so none of these may be correct, but If your just want to know, and this isn't serious go with one above

Scientific name for the fear of mud?

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The scientific name for the fear of mud is "Hypsiphobia."

What is the scientific term for a fear of fat kids?

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The scientific term for a fear of fat kids is "lipophobia." This condition involves an irrational fear of dietary fat that can result in the stigmatization of overweight individuals, including children.

Adding the suffix phobia to a root word creates what type of speech?

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Adding the suffix "-phobia" to a root word creates a noun indicating an irrational fear or aversion towards the root word.

What phobia is the fear of others?

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The fear of others is known as "social phobia" or "social anxiety disorder." It is characterized by an intense fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or embarrassed in social situations.

What phobia is the fear of getting old?

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Gerascophobia is the fear of getting old. It is characterized by an irrational fear of aging and the physical and mental decline associated with it. Treatment often involves therapy to address underlying anxieties and coping strategies to manage age-related fears.

Where can you find a list of phobias?

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You can find a list of phobias on websites dedicated to mental health and psychology, in books about anxiety disorders, or on websites of organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. There are also specialized resources like the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that list and categorize phobias.

What does the word abduct mean?

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When learning new vocabulary it is important to know how to use it. Abduct means to take someone away illegally. The aliens planned to abduct the young couple the next day.

List of phobias?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some common phobias include arachnophobia (fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights), claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), and agoraphobia (fear of open or crowded spaces). Other phobias include social phobia (fear of social situations), aerophobia (fear of flying), and mysophobia (fear of germs).