


Polio or more correctly Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus which attacks the nervous system. This category is for questions about the disease, its history, its symptoms, its treatments, the vaccine created to combat/eradicate it and the continuing studies of not only the virus,and its treatment, but its sociological impact and the people who survived it.

500 Questions

What is the gram stain of the polio virus?

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Asked by Wiki User

The polio virus is a non-enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus and cannot be classified using the Gram stain. Gram staining is used to differentiate bacteria based on their cell wall structure, which viruses like polio do not possess.

What is the biological pathway of the polio virus to paralyze a person?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a person is infected with the poliovirus, it targets and attacks the nervous system, specifically the motor neurons in the spinal cord. The virus replicates and spreads along nerve fibers, leading to inflammation and damage to the neurons. This damage disrupts the signals that the neurons send to muscles, resulting in muscle weakness and paralysis.

Which childhood disease causes infantile paralysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polio is a childhood disease that causes infantile paralysis. It is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to paralysis and can be prevented through vaccination.

What is iVDPV?

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Asked by Wiki User

iVDPV stands for immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived poliovirus. It refers to a rare strain of the poliovirus that can emerge in individuals with certain types of immune deficiencies, such as those with primary immunodeficiency disorders. iVDPV can potentially cause paralysis similar to wild poliovirus.

What are some of the warning signs of polio?

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Asked by Wiki User

Warning signs of polio include flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting, fatigue, and muscle stiffness. As the disease progresses, muscle weakness or paralysis can occur, usually affecting the legs. In severe cases, polio can lead to respiratory or swallowing difficulties.

Does fungi cause polio?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, fungi do not cause polio. Polio is caused by the poliovirus, which infects the nervous system. Fungi are a different type of microorganism and are not associated with poliovirus infections.

Which organism causes polio?

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Asked by Wiki User

The poliovirus, a member of the Enterovirus genus, is the organism responsible for causing polio. It primarily affects the nervous system and can lead to paralysis.

Who formulated the oral polio vaccine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The oral polio vaccine was formulated by Dr. Albert Sabin. He developed the vaccine in the 1950s as an alternative to the injectable polio vaccine created by Dr. Jonas Salk.

Is polio found all over the world?

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Polio is still found in a few countries in Asia and Africa where vaccination rates are low. Global efforts to eradicate polio are ongoing to ensure that it is no longer a threat anywhere in the world.

How is polio transmitted from one organism to another?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polio is primarily transmitted through the fecal-oral route, meaning the virus is spread through contact with infected feces. It can also be transmitted through contaminated food or water. In rare cases, polio can be spread through respiratory secretions or saliva.

What is the scientific name for polio virus?

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The disease polio is more specifically poliomyelitis, an infection by the virus called, logically, poliovirus, a species of enterovirus.

Another common name for polio in young children is infantile paralysis.

How will attack polio virus in human body?

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How does a person's body fight off polio

What is the polio vaccine called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poliomyelitis Vaccine.

I don't think they're are any other names to it than that and the "Polio Vaccine"

It can be done by OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) or through inoculation (Dead Polio Virus is injected into your body).

This immunization is known to have side effects.

What are the side effects of Oral Polio Vaccine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vaccination can produce reactions ranging from a transient and minor skin irritation and allergic reaction to some components of the oral vaccine to paralysis

What kingdom does polio affect?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poliomyelitis is considered a virus, which is not located in a domain. It is not, because viruses are considered non-living. But viruses are classified in phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.

Polio immunization had little effect on the number of cases of polio-?

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Asked by Ricardodeloeravallin

Polo was diagnosed in 1789, the immunization is preventive treatment. Once diagnosed with polo the immunization does not help.

Is post-polio syndrome contagious?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. It is a set of neurologic symptoms which exist long after polio, itself, is experienced by the sufferer.

What is the ratio of people in the us with polio?

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Asked by Wiki User

The answer depends on whether you want the ratio of people in the US with polio compared to people with polio in the rest of the world (or the whole world), or the compared to people without polio in the US.

Are some people or age groups more susceptible than other to Polio?

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Asked by Wiki User

The older one is, the more likely polio will exhibit serious symptoms like paralysis.