


International Business and Trade

International business and trade refers to the exchange of goods and services across international borders to maximize profit. Ideally, a country will export a good if its domestic price is lower than the international price.

500 Questions

Why does geography matter in international business?

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Geography matters in international business because it influences the location of markets, availability of resources, transportation costs, and regulatory environments. Understanding geography helps businesses make informed decisions on market entry strategies, supply chain management, and risk assessment for global operations. Additionally, geographic factors can impact cultural norms, consumer preferences, and political stability in different regions.

What is geographic trade barrier?

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Geographic trade barriers refer to obstacles that arise due to the physical distance between countries, such as transportation costs, border regulations, and infrastructure limitations. These barriers can make trade more expensive and difficult, hindering the flow of goods and services between nations.

What did the Phoenicians set up in villages on their trade routes?

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The Phoenicians set up small trading posts known as emporia in villages along their trade routes. These emporia served as centers for trade and exchange of goods between the Phoenicians and local communities.

What is trans Atlantic trade?

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Transatlantic trade refers to the exchange of goods, services, and resources between countries on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. This type of trade involves countries in North America (such as the United States and Canada) and countries in Europe (such as the United Kingdom and Germany) engaging in commercial activities. Transatlantic trade plays a significant role in the global economy, fostering economic growth and cooperation between nations.

What country does glass come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glass was first produced in ancient Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE, in what is now modern-day Iraq. The exact origins of glassmaking are not fully known, but evidence points to this region as the birthplace of glass.

How do the Big Five Personality traits predict work behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Big Five Personality traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism) can predict work behavior in various ways. For example, Conscientiousness is linked to job performance and task accomplishment. Extraversion is associated with positive social interactions and leadership roles. Agreeableness may lead to better teamwork and cooperation. Neuroticism can be linked to emotional instability and stress in the workplace. Openness might relate to creativity and adaptability on the job.

What a the big five personality traits and how do the big five traits predict work behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Big Five personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Research suggests that these traits can predict work behavior in various ways. For example, conscientiousness is linked to higher job performance, extraversion is associated with leadership roles, openness to new experiences can lead to creativity and innovation, agreeableness is related to teamwork and cooperation, and neuroticism can influence emotional stability in the workplace.

How do the big five traits predict work behaviour?

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The Big Five traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism) can predict work behavior by providing insight into an individual's tendencies, preferences, and reactions in the workplace. For example, someone high in Conscientiousness is likely to be organized and dependable, leading to higher job performance. Conversely, high Neuroticism could lead to higher stress levels and lower job satisfaction. Understanding these traits can help employers better match individuals to roles and predict performance.

What philosophical principle did managers adopt when deciding that the benefits of operating in china outweighed the cost?

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Utilitarianism - the principle of maximizing overall happiness or benefits for the majority. Managers likely determined that operating in China would result in greater benefits (profit, market access, etc.) for the company and its stakeholders compared to the costs involved.

What impact do trade routes have on societies?

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Trade routes have historically played a significant role in shaping societies by facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between different regions. They have promoted economic growth, cultural diffusion, and political connections, leading to the development of complex civilizations and interconnected global networks. Additionally, trade routes have spurred technological advancements and innovation as societies adapt to new resources and technologies.

What is the sociological significance of developing surplus and trade between regions and countries?

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Developing surplus and trade between regions and countries has sociological significance as it promotes interdependence and cultural exchange, leading to a greater sense of global connectedness and diversity. It can also facilitate economic growth, reduce poverty, and foster peace by creating mutual benefits and shared interests among nations. Additionally, trade can challenge traditional power dynamics and promote cooperation and diplomacy on an international scale.

How has globalization made the world smaller?

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Globalization has increased interconnectedness through advancements in technology, travel, and communication, allowing people to easily connect across the globe. It has facilitated the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas on a global scale, making the world feel more interconnected and accessible. This has led to increased cultural exchange, economic integration, and a greater awareness of global issues.

The most common language for trade and business in the world?

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English is the most common language for trade and business in the world, as it is widely used and understood by people from various countries and cultures. It facilitates communication and helps businesses from different regions to collaborate effectively.

What are five ways we can improve globalization?

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Asked by Sorryimdrea

  1. Foster cross-cultural understanding and dialogue to promote acceptance and collaboration.
  2. Implement policies that prioritize fair trade practices and environmental sustainability.
  3. Invest in education and skill development to empower individuals in a globalized economy.
  4. Strengthen international institutions to regulate and oversee global interactions effectively.
  5. Encourage inclusive participation and representation of diverse voices in global decision-making processes.

What situation might keep an embargo against a country from being successful?

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An embargo might not be successful if other countries do not fully enforce it, allowing the target country to still access goods and resources from those countries. Additionally, a lack of international consensus or support for the embargo can also hinder its effectiveness. Finally, if the target country finds alternative trading partners to replace those lost due to the embargo, it can mitigate its impact.

Is the brandt line valid?

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The Brandt Line, developed in 1980 by economist Willy Brandt, is a useful but simplified way to show global economic disparities. While it has limitations in today's interconnected world, it can still provide insights into the vast economic differences between the Global North and Global South.

Having a variety of options with which to handle international crises?

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A variety of options for handling international crises allows for flexibility in response based on the specific circumstances of each situation. It is beneficial to have diplomatic, economic, and, as a last resort, military options available to find the most effective resolution. Engaging in dialogue, using sanctions, and leveraging alliances are all tools that can be used in a comprehensive crisis management strategy.

How did the us become a world superpower?

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The US became a world superpower through a combination of factors including its strong economy, technological innovation, military power, cultural influence, and global alliances. Its involvement in World War II and the Cold War also played a significant role in solidifying its position as a dominant force on the world stage.

Why is technology transfer required by devoloping country?

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Technology transfer is important for developing countries because it allows them to access new knowledge, capacity building, and innovation that can help them advance their industries and enhance economic growth. By transferring technology from more developed nations, developing countries can accelerate their own technological capabilities and improve their competitiveness in the global market. Additionally, technology transfer can address local challenges, such as improving healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.

Since English is becoming the world's language and since America is the dominant military and trading force Why should Americans bother to learn about other cultures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Americans should still bother to learn about other cultures to foster understanding, promote global cooperation, and enrich personal experiences. Building cultural awareness can help Americans navigate diverse business environments and strengthen relationships with people from different backgrounds. It also shows respect for others and helps combat stereotypes and biases.

Who are the IMF shareholders?

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Asked by Wiki User

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shareholders are the member countries, each of which contributes funds to the organization. There are currently 190 member countries in the IMF. The contributions from member countries determine their voting power and influence within the organization.

What are visible and invisible exports?

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Visible exports refer to tangible goods that are sold to other countries, while invisible exports refer to services provided by one country to another, such as tourism, consulting, or financial services. Both types of exports contribute to a country's economy by generating revenue and creating jobs.

What is the oil for food scandal?

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The Oil-for-Food scandal was a corruption case in which the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein manipulated the United Nations Oil-for-Food program to generate illicit revenue. It involved kickbacks, smuggling, and other illegal activities that exploited the program meant to provide humanitarian aid to Iraqis suffering under international sanctions.

What are the latest trends in integrated marketing?

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