

Green Living

Consuming products that are environmentally-friendly. These include products that do not produce CFC's and do not harm the ozone layer.

500 Questions

Do tribals lead a far more eco-friendly life than people who live in urban areas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Tribal people have a more natural, environmentally friendly way of life than those who live in urban areas. This may depend on the tribe though. Some tribal communities may live a way of life that may not be very safe for ecosystems, like slash and burn farming techniques. However, tribal communities are usually still much more eco-friendly because many of them do not rely completely on electrical items (like cell phones or computers).

What are some Q and A about non renewable and renewable resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. What are nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replenished within a short timeframe due to their limited quantity, such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

  2. What are renewable resources? Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time, such as sunlight, wind, and biomass, making them sustainable for long-term use.

  3. Why are nonrenewable resources considered unsustainable? Nonrenewable resources are finite in quantity and take millions of years to form, making them unsustainable for continued use at the current rate of consumption, leading to concerns of depletion and environmental damage.

  4. How do renewable resources differ from nonrenewable resources in terms of environmental impact? Renewable resources generally have lower environmental impact compared to nonrenewable resources, as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and have minimal pollution during extraction, production, and consumption.

Is it better to work out with heavy bags made out of canvas or vinyl?

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Asked by Wiki User

i think it is better to work with bags made from canvas

What are some examples of leather items?

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Asked by Wiki User

examples may include belts, purses, wallets, boots, some hats.

How can product design affect manufacturing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Manufacturability and value analysis are inseparable concept aimed at enhancing the design and specifications to which goods and services are produced. They are the best cost reducing methods in an organisation. Some advantages of manufacturability and value analysis are robust design, easy maintenance and enhanced safety of goods and services and improved operating characteristics of goods and services.

Is lg a good brand?

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Asked by Wiki User

LG is generally considered to be a reliable and reputable brand, especially for home appliances and electronic devices. They are known for their innovative technologies, stylish designs, and good performance. However, like any other brand, there can be variations in product quality and customer satisfaction, so it is always a good idea to research specific models and read reviews before making a purchase decision.

How are plants affected by sunlight?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into energy. Sunlight provides the energy needed for plants to produce glucose, which is then used as fuel for growth and development. Plants also rely on sunlight to regulate their growth patterns, including the direction and length of stems and leaves through a process called phototropism. However, excessive sunlight exposure can also cause damage to plants, leading to sunburn, wilting, and even death.

What is meant by the term differentially permeable?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term differentially permeable refers to a membrane or barrier that allows specific molecules or ions to pass through while preventing others from passing. It is also known as selectively permeable or semipermeable. This property is essential for maintaining the balance of substances within cells and regulating the movement of molecules across biological barriers.

What is the answer to D9 some friendly advice?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not clear what D9 is referring to, but in general, some friendly advice would be to stay positive, be kind to others, and always be true to yourself.

Is silver a nonrenewable or renewable natural resource?

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Asked by Wiki User

Silver is classified as a nonrenewable natural resource. It is extracted from the earth's crust through mining processes, and its supply is limited. While new silver deposits may be discovered, the rate at which they can be replenished is much slower than the rate at which silver is consumed.

Why would an upstairs toilet drain into a downstairs sink?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer The waste line from the downstairs toilet is not vented (or not vented properly, or the vent is plugged up). Flushing the upstairs toilet creates a vacuum in the main line which sucks the water out of the one downstairs. Answer your waste lines for both toilets may be on the same branch off the sewer main. Either you have a stoppage in the branch line or you have a stoppage in the main line. (If it's the main line your downstairs toilet would have to be the lowest fixture, ie If you have a floor drain downstairs and it's a stoppage in your main line it would backup through the floor drain. If there is no floor drain the toilet downstairs is probably your lowest fixture.) Your best bet is to snake out the system through the toilet downstairs.

How can an employee contribute to the work environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way that an employee can contribute to work environment is to remain positive. Negativity can bring down the moral of everyone in the company. Employees can also contribute to the work environment by keeping the work area clean and neat.

What are the drawbacks of solar energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main problems with solar energy can be summed up by saying we don't really have the technology down. I'll explain: Solar heating of water (a direct heat transfer in this case with nothing fancy going on) works well -- but only in sunny months (when hot water isn't at a premium). Solar temperature collectors don't work well on cloudy days or at all at night, so they're intermittent at best. And they're very pricey. And worst of all, can you envision the risks invovled in having 100-200g of water on the roof of your house? It's a huge liability in exchange for an intermittently working tehcnology that seems to work least when its needed most. Solar-to-electric is probably worse. You can build photovoltaic cells, but they share almost all the shortcomings of them thermal water storage units (except the water of course), and they're made using chemical processes with highly reactive compounds that themselves are often very toxic. Silver looms large in the current photovoltaic process, and pretty much all silver salts are toxic -- some more than others. In addition to this, silver, among other components, is very expensive. And as solar to electricity conversion only works when the sun is up, we also need huge batteries (unless you're happy to live in the dark and cold until morning). Battery technology also produces a serious toxicity problem. So -- at this point in time anyway -- changing over to solar power is hugely costly, very toxic, has many points of failure in the process, and overall causes more problems than it solves. In time, perhaps we'll get the technology nailed so we don't have to use dangerous or costly components but, until that time, solar energy isn't an effective energy solution. Wish it were.

Why do people like flowers?

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Asked by Wiki User

As a memorial to the deceased. It is a way of expressing sorrow, and sympathy for the person's family. It could also be viewed as an expression of rebirth. The flowers seem to grow from the ground where the body is buried. In this way the person is reborn.

Does chlorophyll make grass green?

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Asked by Wiki User

Of course the chlorophyll makes the grass green! The green comes from the chlorophyll.

How long does it take for a sunflower to grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a warm temperate climate sunflowers grow from seed to flowering stage in about three months and another six weeks until the seeds mature in the flower head.This relates to the giant flowering types-some of the smaller varieties are quicker to mature.

What are the physical characteristics of the myrrh tree?

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Asked by Wiki User

A shrubby desert tree that grows to about 9 ft (2.7 m) tall. The light gray trunk is thick with knotted main branches. Hairless, roughly toothed leaves with yellow-red flowers and small brown oval fruit.

What do you have to do to become an animal keeper?

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Asked by Wiki User

if you know how to give love to your pets then and only then ... you can become a good animal keeper.

What is a name given to any living thing?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's simply an organism


Is it justified to cut trees for factories and shelter?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not justified. Deforestation could lead to many problems like global warming, erosion of soil and desertification. Floods and droughts also occur due to deforestation. Trees filter the earth and if the filtration is stopped what could happen? Loss of biodiversity is another problem which will have to be faced if trees are cut down.

How does the ecosystem get affected by an animal going extinct?

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Asked by ShinyClearCrystel

Badly. Its prey would overpopulate, depleting their own resources, until they would actually threaten the existence of their own species as well as any other animals that might feed on similar things. as a result the animals could either turn to feeding on man-made crops or slowly destroy an entire habitat destroying its vegetation. if this were to happen in lower world countries locals could even go hungry due to a general lack in resources.

Are maple trees native to New England?

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Asked by LazaroSosa10

Acer rubrum, The Red Maple is native to Eastern North America.

What are three ways in which home gardeners can avoid or reduce pesticide use in their yards or gardens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Keep it well manicured-decaying leaves provide food & privacy for many insects, use as little water as needed-excessive moisture conditions are asking for snails. Don't let fallen fruit or produce with any openings to sit & attract them or rodents. Many bugs only feed on produce when the skin is broken. Sprinkle salt or ditamacheous earth as a natural deterrent.