


Law & Legal Issues

The laws of a society is a set of rules and principles that determine a system of society's dos and don'ts, and the institutions that legislate and enforce the laws. Ask your questions about laws, legal systems, and legal issues here.

500 Questions

10 example of law of interaction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some examples of The Law of Interaction which was developed by Isaac Newton and states that every force in nature has an equal and opposite reaction to every interaction are:

  1. propulsion of a fish through water
  2. moving car
  3. pulling a rope on a wall
  4. a rifle is fired on and recoils
  5. a rocket launched into the space
  6. baseball bat hitting a baseball
  7. blowing a balloon
  8. baseball hits a glove
  9. bowling ball hits pin
  10. a foot hits a football

Is it against the law to force a child to gain weight?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it's generally not illegal to want your child to gain weight. However, there's a big difference between healthy weight gain and unhealthy method.

Where do laws come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Definitions of crime and laws: Crime: The act of bracking the law.

Criminal law: the law dealing with crimes and their punishments.

Civil law: Civil law, as opposed to criminal law, refers to that branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals and/or organizations

where do laws come from : laws where first introduced in the 1890's, but it was only really tacken in to action in the early 1900's.

Is Pepper Spray legal in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pepper spray is legal in Kenya for self-defense purposes, but it must be registered with the government and its use should be reasonable and justified. It is not recommended to carry pepper spray without proper registration and training on how to use it responsibly.

How do you enforce quiet time in apartment living?

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Asked by Augustkuschel

To enforce quiet time in apartment living, you can establish clear quiet hours in your rental agreement and communicate them to tenants regularly. It's also helpful to address noise complaints promptly and consistently enforce noise ordinances and community rules. Additionally, providing soundproofing tips and encouraging open communication among residents can help maintain a peaceful living environment.

Is there a Illinois law that regulates house cats going outside?

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Asked by Wiki User

That type of issue is generally governed locally. You should call your town or county offices and ask if there are any regulations or ordinances regarding cats.

Why do governments make laws about the use of chemicals that are known to be mutagens?

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Asked by Wiki User

because the government has a responsibility of public health which includes the proper use of mutagen and the chemicals can cause mutation which could lead to medical conditions.

Does the soda and pop rock thing really work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, if you mix soda with pop rocks in your mouth, you will experience a fizzy and popping sensation due to the release of carbon dioxide gas. It can be a fun and surprising experience to try!

How many miles per hour can you mow a law of 100 feet in 30 seconds?

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Asked by Wiki User

To determine how many miles per hour you can mow a lawn of 100 feet in 30 seconds, first convert feet to miles (1 mile = 5280 feet), then convert seconds to hours (1 hour = 3600 seconds). After these conversions, you can calculate the speed in miles per hour.

How can a bal be 12 after drinking four beers in four hours?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the person has a high tolerance to alcohol or metabolizes it quickly, they may still have a blood alcohol level (BAL) of 0.12 after four beers in four hours. Factors such as weight, gender, and food consumption can also influence alcohol absorption and metabolism. It's essential to prioritize safe drinking practices and know your limits to avoid risky situations.

Is it illegal to set fireworks off on a beach in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is illegal to set off fireworks on any public land in the UK, including beaches, without the proper permissions. Violating these regulations can result in fines and prosecution. It is important to always check with local authorities and follow guidelines to ensure a safe and legal display.

What is the formula of Charles law?

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Asked by Wiki User

An experimental gas law is the Charles Law. The formula used is original volume/original temperature= new volume/new temperature. The law describes expansion of gases with heat.

What is the minimum weight before placarding a vehicle when hauling propane?

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Asked by Wiki User

The minimum weight for placarding a vehicle when hauling propane is 1,001 pounds (454 kilograms) of propane. This weight threshold triggers the requirement for placards indicating the transportation of a hazardous material.

Does omni detox shampoo work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Omni detox shampoo claims to remove toxins from the hair, but its effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors like hair type, toxin level, and usage instructions followed. It's important to research and read reviews to determine if it's the right product for you.

What are the rules for fireworks in Sioux falls?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fireworks are not allowed within city limits in Sioux Falls, except for designated public displays. Violation of the fireworks ordinance can result in a fine. It is always best to check with local authorities for specific regulations regarding fireworks.

Are phantom fireworks illegal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The legality of Phantom Fireworks varies depending on the state or local laws. It's important to check with your local authorities regarding the rules and regulations surrounding the use and sale of fireworks in your area.

Are fireworks legal in Maine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, fireworks are legal in Maine, but only certain types. Consumer fireworks like sparklers, fountains, and novelties are allowed, but aerial fireworks and ground devices that go higher than 12 feet are prohibited without a special permit. Make sure to check local ordinances as regulations can vary.

Are fireworks legal in Italy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, fireworks are legal in Italy but there are restrictions and regulations in place to ensure safety. It is important to obtain the necessary permits and follow guidelines set by local authorities when using fireworks.

What is the lowest level of environmental organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lowest level of environmental organization typically refers to local community groups or grassroots organizations working on environmental issues within a specific area or neighborhood. These organizations often focus on advocacy, education, and community-based initiatives to address environmental concerns at the local level.

What is the lowest level of biological organization to have the characteristics of life?

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The cell is the lowest level of biological organization that has the characteristics of life. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. They carry out essential functions such as metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, reproduction, and adaptation.

What is the Illinois law pertaining to smoke detectors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Illinois law requires smoke detectors to be installed on every level of a dwelling unit, including basements and habitable attics, and within 15 feet of each sleeping room. Additionally, smoke detectors must be interconnected so they all sound an alarm when one detects smoke. Maintenance and testing requirements are also specified by law.

What is the punishment for simple battery if already convicted of aggrevated battery and second degree battery?

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Asked by Wiki User

The punishment for simple battery would depend on the laws of the specific jurisdiction, but it could potentially result in additional fines, probation, or a short term of imprisonment. Repeat offenses of battery can lead to more severe penalties, including longer prison sentences and stricter probation conditions.

Why can a person sometimes feel very loud music?

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Asked by Wiki User

Listening to music at a high volume can overstimulate the hair cells in the inner ear, causing temporary hearing loss or damage. This can lead to a feeling of loudness or ringing in the ears. It is important to protect your ears by listening to music at a reasonable volume to prevent long-term hearing damage.

How much is a pound purple haze?

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Asked by Wiki User

The price of Purple Haze can vary depending on the quality and location, but on average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1200 to $2000 per pound.

What does amp stand for?

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Asked by Wiki User

In electricity is stands for Ampere which is the basic standard for measuring current. It is the measurement of the amount of electric charge (electrons) passing a set point over time.


In electronics is the short form of amplifier.