


An independent agency, established by Congress in 1947, that operates under the National Security Council in conjunction with the President and all other US civilian and military intelligence agencies internally and abroad.

500 Questions

How much percentage to pass CIA exam?

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To pass the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam, you need to achieve a score of at least 600 on a scale of 250-750. The passing percentage varies based on the difficulty level of the exam questions, and it is not disclosed by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

What do the letters OSS stand for?

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The letters OSS typically stand for Office of Strategic Services. It was a United States intelligence agency during World War II and is considered as a predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Who was a cross dresser and the Head of The CIA?

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There is no publicly known head of the CIA who was a cross-dresser. The head of the CIA is a position that requires the utmost discretion, and personal information about former directors is typically kept private.

If you ever did cocaine can you get a job as a CIA agent?

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It is unlikely that prior use of cocaine would prevent someone from getting a job as a CIA agent. However, the CIA conducts rigorous background checks and drug screenings as part of its security clearance process. Substance abuse history, including cocaine use, may be a factor considered during the evaluation of an applicant's suitability for a sensitive position.

Can you be a spy for the CIA?

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yes you can be 10 years old to be in the cia or the spy team

Words with the letters CIA that sound like sh?

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* special * beneficial * crucial * racial * facial * biracial * commercial * partial * martial * provincial * controversial * official * superficial * officiate * negotiate * artificial * preferencial * social

Who would supply money and arms while the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) would train a force of anti-Castro Cubans?

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The United States would supply money and arms while training the force.

What is the director of national intelligence?

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Apparently it's too much since this idiot (James Clapper) doesn't even read the newspapers regarding terrorism much less keep himself informed of other countries intelligence operations.

What is the responsibility of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence?

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Gathering information needed to protect the country.

What is England's CIA called?

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MI-6 or SIS Secret Intelligence Service

What kind of martial arts does the CIA use?

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Some cases, they want to prefer the used of close-range combat especially at unexpected inclosed spaces as long as needed. They prefer to use either Krav Maga or Judo as hand-to-hand combat arsenal. And some cases they have specialty training variety especially to use Wing Chun strikes in some organizations, If in case the matter in long-range, they don't need hand-to-hand method of combat but they often uses guns especially pistol or sidearms as their own convenient.

The CIA uses a lot of Krav Maga and Judo, but prior to Krav Maga establishing its reputation, it relied almost exclusively on Judo, and it used "dirty boxing." It also uses some Karate moves, but not many; in one infamous case, I think it was a Russian spy or some family man who discovered something during the cold war, that a CIA agent killed him with a karate chop to the throat. If the hands are conditioned enough to break boards, a direct chop the throat can indeed be fatal.

Again though, the main stay martial art of the CIA is Judo; virtually all CIA employees, even people who don't do "spy stuff," hold a black belt in it.

Jon Portos: Not wanting to criticize the above (but I am not happy with it as I actually teach advanced stealth arts): The modern Agencies use a combination of various arts as the needs of the missions of agents can be diverse and complex. No one art does all. Selected experts in different arts are engaged to teach their specialties to trainees. The Company, like other agencies in the world, also requires skills in specialist areas not found in the normal martial arts schools. For instance training on the use of household items as weapons, some Self Defense systems teach that.

The main weapon in such occupations though is not manipulations of one's body, but an exercising of the mind. The mind keeps you from getting into trouble, as physical skills, no matter how highly developed may be inadequate in getting you out of trouble. Also fighting is a last resort, the CIA is not Special Forces as in combat teams, although they do have similar specialists. You are not sent somewhere to fight, but to blend in and never be known. Stealth, not fighting, is the main priority of training. I might comment that hand conditioning is not recommended and is not needed in killing. You don't need to break boards. If you have to break boards then you use an axe like anyone else. You can easily kill someone without requiring hand conditioning. Also the calluses of hand conditioning cannot be hidden and therefore would be a dead give-away as to such training. And Dead here means your agent is thus discovered and dead. An expensive loss.

What is the Canadian version of the CIA?

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CSIS, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service

1919In order to protect its business interests the United Fruit Company helped convince the American CIA to organize and carry out a coup in this country?

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At the end of May, the Central Intelligence Agency declassified 1,400 pages of reports on the 1954 coup it engineered in Guatemala to remove president Jacobo Arbenz from office. Arbenz became a target of U.S. imperialism for threatening to carry out modest land reforms against the interests of produce giant, United Fruit Company. In 1952, U.S. president Harry Truman gave the secret police approval to begin shipping guns and money to opposition forces and training mercenaries.

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What was the forerunner of the CIA?

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The OSS (Office of Strategic Services) was formed during WWII as the first US central intelligence gathering agency. In times of war, correct intelligence is priceless. After WWII, it was disbanded, but with the beginning of the Cold War, the US began the CIA to continue intelligence gathering throughout the world in order to preserve our freedoms

What role did the CIA play in the cold war?

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The CIA actually offered military support, consisting in weapons, to Afghanistan in their conflict against the Russians.

You can watch "Charlie Wilson's war" or read the book with the same name.

What country does the CIA represent?

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Central Intelligence Agency ( an oxymoron )

What bad stuff did the CIA do in the Cold War?

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The CIA conducted covert operations. If people knew what they did, they wouldn't be covert operations.

What is the World Factbook used for?

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The World Factbook is a website containing facts about the countries of the world including government, political allegiances, military strength and economy. It is owned and maintained by the CIA. There is a paper version but the digital version is the most consulted.

Who was the second director of the CIA?

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General Hoyt Vandenberg, USAF.

Can a kid at the age of 13 work for the CIA?

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Probably, the cia is secretive so you might. Why would you want to, its not fun and games like the bloody movies, it sucks ass! I hate my job.....

Was the CIA involved in the assassination of JFK?

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There is no proof that there was a conspiracy. There is a convincing, but not conclusively proven case that Lee Harvey Oswald, who had been known to have communist sympathies, could have fired all the shots from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository.

Conspiracy theories vary from the strange to the believable. Most come from the idea that there was at least one other gunman, who might have been hiding behind the grassy knoll by the roadside. Some say that Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination two days later was part of a cover-up. Some theories go deep and may involve the USSR, subversive communists, the Mafia, Lyndon Johnson, the Republicans, etc.