



Pokemon, which was invented by Game Freak, is played all around the world in many different countries. Here, you can find Action Replay codes, tips, hints, and tricks, as well as answers to questions about the anime and manga. You may also find a walkthrough if you gather the right questions.

500 Questions

How do you unlock Amity Meadow on the Poke walker?

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To unlock Amity Meadow on the Pokéwalker, you need to first capture a minimum of three Pokémon while walking with your Pokéwalker. Once you have captured three Pokémon, Amity Meadow will be unlocked and you can transfer your lead Pokémon to it.

When ash is grown up dose he still have Pikachu?

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In one episode, Ash lets Pikachu stay in the forest with the other pikachus. after that, pikachu finds Ash and comes back with him.

What does a natural pearl look like?

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A natural pearl is formed inside a mollusk and has an irregular shape with a smooth, iridescent surface. It is usually round or oval and has a lustrous sheen. Natural pearls can come in various colors, including white, cream, pink, and black.

Match each effect with the correct type of chemical agant?

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Sure! Please provide the effects you'd like help matching with the type of chemical agent.

What lvl does altaria learn dragopulse?

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Altaria learns Dragon Pulse at level 54 in Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Can fossil Pokemon have eggs?

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No, fossil Pokémon cannot breed and lay eggs in the Pokémon games. Fossil Pokémon are prehistoric species that have been revived through scientific methods, so they do not have the ability to reproduce through traditional breeding methods.

How old is Saturn from Pokemon?

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Saturn from Pokemon is a character who appears in the video games and anime but does not have a specific age mentioned in any official sources.

Which lipid is used as the basis of vitamin D and sex hormones and bile?

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Cholesterol is the lipid used as the precursor for vitamin D synthesis, sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen, and bile acids. It plays a crucial role in the production of these important molecules in the body.

Who is the strongest Pokemon in the movie?

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In the Pokémon movies, the strongest Pokémon varies depending on the story being told. Some of the most powerful Pokémon featured in the movies include Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Arceus. Each of these legendary Pokémon possesses incredible strength and abilities that make them formidable opponents.

What are the top 100 Pokemon across all games?

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Creating a definitive ranking of the top 100 Pokemon across all games is subjective and can vary depending on personal preferences. However, some popular choices that are often highly regarded include legendary Pokemon such as Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Arceus, as well as fan favorites like Charizard, Pikachu, and Gyarados. Ultimately, the top 100 Pokemon can differ based on individual opinions and gameplay experiences.

Does rampardos learn earthquake?

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Yes, Rampardos can learn Earthquake by leveling up. It learns Earthquake at level 58.

In Pokemon emarld where is doven he research on reviving Pokemon fossils?

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In Pokemon Emerald, the researcher on reviving Pokemon fossils is located in the Fossil Maniac's house in Fallarbor Town. You can find him by entering the house and interacting with him to revive fossils into Pokemon.

What is the strongest flying type Pokemon?

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Rayquaza is often regarded as one of the strongest Flying-type Pokémon due to its high base stats and powerful moves like Dragon Ascent.

What is the best nature for a Pokemon?

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The best nature for a Pokemon depends on its individual stats and the role it plays in battle. Generally, Adamant and Modest natures are popular choices for physical and special attackers, respectively. It's important to consider the specific Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses before selecting a nature to maximize its potential.

What moves can Ditto learn?

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Ditto can only learn the move Transform, which allows it to copy the opponent's stats and moves for the duration of the battle. Ditto's unique ability to transform into its opponent makes it a versatile and unpredictable Pokemon in battle.

What is macho Pichu?

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Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan citadel located in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. Machu Picchu is known for its well-preserved ruins and stunning mountainous landscape.

What is Ar gas?

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Argon gas (Ar) is a colorless, odorless, and inert gas that is commonly used in various applications, such as welding, lighting, and as a shielding gas in scientific research. Its inert nature makes it useful for protecting materials from oxidation or other chemical reactions. Argon is the third most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere.

What is Guigret green?

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It appears that "Guigret green" may be a misspelling or a term that is not commonly known. It is possible that there was an error in the spelling or that the term is not widely recognized.

Where can you download Cyclone for Pokemon?

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You can download Cyclone for Pokemon from the official website of the software developer or from reputable third-party app stores. Be cautious of downloading from unofficial sources to avoid potential risks of malware or viruses.

How does Singapore save water?

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Singapore saves water through a combination of desalination, water recycling, and efficient water management techniques. The country invests in advanced technologies such as NEWater, which recycles treated wastewater for non-potable uses, and the Marina Barrage, which helps capture and store rainwater for drinking water supply. Singapore also promotes water conservation measures among its residents and industries to reduce overall water usage.

What of you do not have eggs?

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If you don't have eggs, you can try using ingredients like mashed bananas, applesauce, yogurt, or a mixture of water, oil, and baking powder as substitutes in baking. You can also explore recipes that are naturally egg-free.

Elixirs are not wsed nowadays?

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While elixirs may not be as popular in modern medicine, they are still used in some traditional and alternative medical practices. Elixirs are believed to have therapeutic benefits due to their concentrated nature and ability to deliver nutrients or medicinal properties effectively. Some people still use elixirs for various health and wellness purposes.

What does cristal Cortes means?

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"Cristal Cortes" appears to be a name of a person, potentially an individual with Hispanic or Latin American heritage. The name alone does not convey a specific meaning outside of its cultural or personal significance to the individual.

What does a Arc look like?

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An arc is a portion of a curve defined by two endpoints and the points along the curve connecting them. It is a section of a circle's circumference or any other curved shape. The shape of an arc resembles a segment of a curve or part of a circle.

Can you show the picture of eon?

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I'm unable to display pictures as I can't access the internet or view images. I can provide information or describe Eon if you'd like!