

Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine empire was the eastern portion of the ancient Roman empire, where Greek-speaking inhabitants lived.

500 Questions

What is rihannas culture?

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Rihanna is Barbadian also called Bajan.

Culture is inevitable?

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Culture is indeed a natural and integral part of human society. It is shaped by shared values, beliefs, customs, and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture influences how individuals perceive the world, interact with others, and make sense of their experiences.

What is the PH of most of the culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pH of most cultures for cell culture or microbial growth is typically maintained around pH 7.2 to 7.4, which is close to neutral. This pH range is optimal for cellular activities and growth. However, the specific pH requirements may vary depending on the organism or cell type being cultured.

Culture in 1700?

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In the 1700s, culture was influenced by the Enlightenment, leading to advancements in philosophy, music, literature, and art. Baroque and rococo styles dominated the arts, while thinkers like Voltaire and Rousseau shaped intellectual discourse. The period also saw the rise of classical music composers like Bach, Handel, and Mozart.

What is bahai culture?

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Bahá'í culture is influenced by the teachings of the Bahá'í Faith, which emphasize unity, peace, and the oneness of humanity. It includes elements such as prayer and meditation, community building activities, social action, and a focus on education and service to others. Bahá'ís come from diverse cultural backgrounds and the faith encourages the celebration of unity in diversity.

What was the culture back then and now different?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the past, cultures tended to be more localized and rooted in tradition, with less exposure to diverse perspectives. Today, cultures are more interconnected and influenced by globalization, leading to greater diversity and hybridization of traditions. Furthermore, technological advancements have facilitated easier sharing of cultures and ideas across the globe.

How your ethnic or cultural background has shaped your personal identity?

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My ethnic and cultural background has played a significant role in shaping my personal identity by influencing my beliefs, values, and traditions. It has instilled in me a sense of pride and connection to my heritage, while also contributing to my understanding and appreciation of different perspectives and experiences. Overall, it has helped me develop a strong sense of self and a deeper appreciation for diversity.

How did Byzantine artists create mosaics?

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Byzantine artists created mosaics by arranging small pieces of colored glass or stone into intricate patterns and designs. The pieces were often set in plaster or cement to form large-scale images. The mosaics were used to decorate churches, palaces, and public buildings, showcasing religious scenes, portraits, and elaborate geometric designs.

Who were the Byzantine's enemies and allies?

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The Byzantines had various enemies throughout their history, including the Goths, Persians, Arabs, Bulgars, and Normans. They had varying degrees of conflict and diplomacy with neighboring empires like the Sassanids (Persians) and later the Ottomans. Their allies included the Western European powers during the Crusades and at times, parts of the Italian city-states.

What does the above passage indicate about religion in the Byzantine Empire?

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The passage does not provide any information about religion in the Byzantine Empire.

How the Byzantine empire religiously view was differ from roman empire?

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The Byzantine Empire viewed religion as an integral part of the state, with the Emperor as the head of both the political and religious affairs. In contrast, the Roman Empire tolerated a wide range of religious beliefs and practices, and while the Emperor held religious authority, it was not as closely intertwined with the state. Additionally, the Byzantine Empire placed a strong emphasis on Byzantine Christianity, specifically the Eastern Orthodox Church, while the Roman Empire encompassed a wider variety of religious beliefs, including Christianity, Paganism, and Judaism.

What was the modern city of Istanbul called during the last days of the Eastern Roman Empire?

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During the last days of the Eastern Roman Empire, the modern city of Istanbul was called Constantinople. The name Constantinople was given to the city by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in 330 AD when he made it the new capital of the Roman Empire. It remained the capital of the Byzantine Empire until it was captured by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 and renamed Istanbul.

What is the most known byzantine chant?

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The most well-known Byzantine chant is likely the Kontakion of the Nativity (Christ is Born). This chant is traditionally sung during the Christmas season in the Eastern Orthodox Church and is recognized for its distinctive melody and powerful lyrics celebrating the birth of Christ.

Who is Nasar?

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Gulfam Nasar is a reseacher.

What countries did the Ottoman Turks conquer?

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There are a great many countries that were never conquered by the Ottoman Turks. Russia, China, Australia, and many more. You might narrow this down a bit by asking what country did the Ottoman Turks attempt to conquer, unsuccessfully. That was Austria.

Did most people live in big cities in southern and eastern European parts of byzantine empire?

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No it is not. Like most of pre-industrial societies the majority of people lived in the countryside, tilling the land. However, it is true that this area was highly urbanised. Constantinople was the largest city in the European Middle Ages with a population of 500.000, which for those days was huge. There were also other big cities.

What is istanbul known for?

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-City located in two Continents (Europe & Asia)

-Hagia Sophia



-Sultanahmet Mosque

-Taksim Square

-Basilica Cistern

-Fenerbahce Sports Club

What are major events in 20th century?

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1945 The Atomic Bombs (Nagasaki, Hiroshima)


1980s Fall Of Berlin Wall

1914 First Total War- WWI

1929 Stock Market Crash


Civil rights

and so on

Who took over the byzantine empire in the 1400?

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The Ottoman Empire conquered Greece in the 1400s.

Who was involved in the fall of the Roman Empire?

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The Turks at the fall of Constantinople.

Or you could say they defeated themselves over time and the empire was unsustainable since it relied so heavily upon the riches that conquering other countries brought it. Not to mention the corruption and the deterioration of the empire itself causing Rome to be sacked and various other issues. The rise of Christianity was another blow since worship of the many gods and the tributes paid to the temples was a large source of income that was threatened. Modern Worship in churches stems from Constantine and his decree that the one version of Christianity out of the many he had presented to him, that would require the continued worship in a similar fashion that would benefit the Emperor with the control and profit of the people and their beliefs was the one true belief.