


Dog Health

Ask questions here about dog diseases, illnesses, dental issues and other conditions.

500 Questions

Why is it bad to freeze Gatorade?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you freeze Gatorade all the electrolyes go to the top. As you drink all the electrolyes at the top, it is too much for your body to handle. There is only one case I know of where a man died from it, but he had a heart condition on top of that. Basically, I wouldn't risk it.

Is drinking ice cold water bad?

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Drinking ice cold water is not inherently bad for you, however, some people may find it uncomfortable or irritating to their throat or stomach. It can also temporarily decrease your core body temperature, but this effect is minimal and generally not a health concern.

How does a glucose test strip work?

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A glucose test strip contains an enzyme that reacts with glucose in a blood sample. When blood is applied to the strip, the enzyme converts glucose into a detectable signal, such as a color change or electrical current. The meter then reads this signal to measure the glucose level in the blood sample.

What is the effect of dry ice vapor on a candle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dry ice vapor is denser than air and can displace oxygen around a candle, leading to reduced oxygen levels for combustion. This can cause the candle flame to dim or extinguish due to lack of oxygen.

35 lb bag of Dog Food is how many gallons?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to do some guestimating and conversions to get close to an answer on this.

One cup of kibble weighs approximately 4 ounces. There are 16 ounces in 1 pound.

35 lbs x 16 ounces = 560

560 / 4 ounces in one cup of kibble = 140 cups

there are 16 cups in a gallon:

140 cups / 16 = 8.75 Gallons in a 35 lb of Dog Food (Kibble)

Why would a ten month old staffy bite her feet?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ten month old Staffordshire bull terrier might bite at her feet due to a variety of reasons such as allergies, skin irritation, boredom, anxiety, or as a form of self-soothing behavior. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues and address the root cause of the behavior. Providing mental and physical stimulation, as well as appropriate chew toys, can also help redirect the biting behavior.

Is mold on peaches dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

In general, mold on peaches can produce toxins that may cause allergic reactions or respiratory issues in some individuals. It's best to avoid consuming moldy fruit, as the mold can spread quickly and may not be limited to just the surface. Be sure to inspect your peaches carefully and discard any that show signs of mold to prevent any potential health risks.

Why would blood plasma turn pink?

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Asked by Wiki User

Blood plasma may turn pink due to the presence of hemolysis, which is the breakdown of red blood cells, leading to the release of hemoglobin. This can occur as a result of improper handling of the sample, such as rough handling during transportation or prolonged storage. It is important to recognize this change in color as it may impact test results and indicate potential issues with the sample.

What medicine can kill harmful bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

That would be antibiotics. Antibiotics work with your immune system, reving it up, so it can kill batcerias in case of, per example, bronchitis or a strep in your throat. Topical antibiotics will also work on skin for cuts and such to prevent infection. However, you should not forget that antibiotics will also kill GOOD bacteria in your system, such as the ones in the digestive system and in a woman's vagina. There is a wide range of antibiotics that can be taken in pill form, and, as far as I am aware, they are only available through a prescription from your doctor. Some mild topical antibacterial cream are however available in pharmacies.
In 1928 Alexander Fleming found a medicine that can kill bacteria he got it from mould.


What is the treatment for chrysanthemums with white rust?

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Asked by Yvonne10

The treatment for chrysanthemums with white rust typically involves removing and disposing of infected leaves to prevent the spread of the disease. Fungicides may also be used as a preventive measure. Additionally, improving air circulation around the plants and keeping the foliage dry can help reduce the likelihood of white rust infection.

Could a lack of sunshine cause a dog to become ill or have a Vitamin D deficiency?

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Yes, a lack of sunshine can lead to Vitamin D deficiency in dogs, which can result in health issues such as weak bones, poor muscle function, and impaired immune system. It's important for dogs to receive adequate sunlight exposure or have their Vitamin D levels monitored and supplemented if necessary.

What is the expected recovery period for pulled hamstring?

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The recovery period for a pulled hamstring can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Mild strains may heal in 1-3 weeks with rest and proper rehabilitation, while more severe strains could take 4-6 weeks or longer to fully recover. It is important to follow a proper treatment plan and gradually reintroduce activities to avoid re-injury.

What makes your dog sick froth at the mouth shake head and throw up after contact with frog?

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Your dog may be experiencing symptoms of poisoning from contact with a toxic frog. Frogs secreting certain toxins can cause nausea, drooling, vomiting, and other symptoms in dogs. It's important to seek veterinary help immediately if you suspect your dog has ingested or come in contact with a toxic frog.

How do you decrease a temperature in a dog?

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To decrease a dog's temperature, you can apply cool water to their paw pads, groin, and neck area. Make sure they have access to fresh water and a cool environment. Consult a vet if their temperature remains high or if they show signs of distress.

How much is 177 mL?

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Asked by Wiki User

177 mL is equivalent to 0.177 liters.

What is the treatment for low red blood count anemia low platelets and fever in dogs?

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The treatment for low red blood count anemia, low platelets, and fever in dogs may involve addressing the underlying cause, such as infection or immune-mediated disease, with medications like antibiotics, immune-suppressants, or supportive care like blood transfusions. It is essential to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan for your dog's specific condition.

Why is belly button fluff always blue?

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Belly button fluff, or lint, is typically made up of fibers from clothing that rub off onto the skin. The blue color often comes from dark clothing like denim, which sheds more fibers. Factors like fabric texture and movement can also contribute to the accumulation of blue lint in the belly button area.

How many grams are in a cup of dry dog food?

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Asked by Wiki User

The weight of a cup of dry dog food can vary depending on the brand and type of food. On average, a cup of dry dog food can weigh around 120-130 grams. It's best to check the packaging or contact the manufacturer for the most accurate measurement.

How much of the humane genome is expressed?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that about 1-2% of the human genome is actively transcribed and expressed as proteins. However, a larger portion of the genome is transcribed into non-coding RNA, which plays various regulatory roles in the cell.

If you have an itchy bottom what could that mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

An itchy bottom could be caused by various reasons such as skin irritation, allergic reactions, hemorrhoids, fungal or bacterial infections, or conditions like pinworms. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Do dogs have tonsils and adenoids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, dogs have tonsils but they do not have adenoids like humans do. Tonsils are located in the back of the mouth, while adenoids are found in the back of the nasal cavity.

How do you treat a partially pulled out claw on a dog's foot?

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Asked by Wiki User

To treat broken dog claws, remove the broken part. Stop the bleeding by pressing a clean paper towel or cloth the paw. Wrap the paw to help it heal. You should keep the dog calm and quiet as the claw heals so that it does not cause the dog pain.

What kind of work 14 year old do?

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Fourteen-year-olds can usually find work as babysitters, pet sitters, dog walkers, lawn mowers, or in retail or fast-food establishments. They may also be able to do odd jobs, such as cleaning or organizing, for neighbors or family friends. However, it's important to check with local laws and regulations regarding the types of work that minors are allowed to do.

Why people usually cough at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may cough at the same time due to exposure to the same irritant, such as smoke or dust in the air. Additionally, seeing or hearing someone else coughing can trigger a response in our brain that makes us feel like we need to cough as well. It could also be a coincidence or due to a contagious illness spreading among a group of people.

What is dog water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dog water" can have different meanings depending on the context. In some cases, it might refer to water that is specifically provided for dogs to drink, either in a bowl or another container.

In other contexts, particularly in gaming or online slang, "dog water" is used as an insult or derogatory term. It's often used to mock someone's performance or skill level, implying that they are as worthless as water meant for dogs. For example, if someone performs poorly in a video game, their teammates might say, "You're so dog water," meaning they're not good at the game.

The meaning depends on the context in which the term is used.