


Drug Interactions

Interactions between prescription drugs with other drugs, foods, or herbs are considered drug interactions. For most part, these interactions have poor or negative results ranging from drowsiness to seizures.

500 Questions

Can you take Zoloft and 5htp?

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5-hydroxytryptophan may interact with many other medicines, possibly increasing side effects or resulting in decreased therapeutic effects. Do not take 5-hydroxytryptophan without first talking to your doctor if you are taking any other medicines, especially any of the following: * a monoamine oxidase inhibitor such as tranylcypromine (Nardil), phenelzine (Parnate), or isocarboxazid (Marplan); * a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor such as citalopram (Celexa), fluvoxamine (Luvox), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), or sertraline (Zoloft); * a tricyclic antidepressant such as amitriptyline (Elavil), amoxapine (Asendin), clomipramine (Anafranil), desipramine (Norpramin), doxepin (Sinequan), imipramine (Tofranil), nortriptyline (Pamelor), protriptyline (Vivactil), or trimipramine (Surmontil); * bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban); * trazodone (Desyrel) or nefazodone (Serzone); * venlafaxine (Effexor); * mirtazapine (Remeron); * an HIV/AIDS protease inhibitor such as indinavir (Crixivan), amprenavir (Agenerase), nelfinavir (Viracept), ritonavir (Norvir), or saquinavir (Fortovase, Invirase); or * an HIV/AIDS nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor such as delavirdine (Rescriptor), efavirenz (Sustiva), or nevirapine (Viramune). You may not be able to take 5-hydroxytryptophan, or you may require a dosage adjustment or special monitoring during treatment if you are taking any of the medicines listed above. Drugs other than those listed here may also interact with 5-hydroxytryptophan or affect your condition. Talk to your doctor and pharmacist before taking any other prescription or over-the-counter medicines including vitamins, minerals, and herbal products.

Retrieved 9 Jul 2009


Can you take zithromax and mucinex together?

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Yes. Always ask the advice if a Pharmacist if you have questions.

Can you take Prozac with ibuprofen?

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Answer to Effexor XR questionI take the two together all the time. If you have a predisposition to gastrointestinal bleeding, mixing them is a bad idea, but so is using Advil at all. It's said there's an increased risk for it, overall, when they're mixed, but the data is sketchy, and it's probably just the fact that both have a risk, not that it's an interaction.

What is drug of choice of Emphysema?

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up to this date, albuterol has been the choice medicine for asthma

Is it safe to mix painkillers and alcohol?

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Asked by Wiki User

what i would advise you is no to mix painkillers and alcohol together these could lead to fatal liver damage how ever alcohol has side affect and painkillers awell so if u combine them together this could actually lead to death my advice don't do it if u don't want to put your life on risk .

What will happen if you mix suboxone and Darvocet?

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They will not mix.The suboxone will block the opiate(hydrocodone,Oxycodone,codeine,etc) and if you have been on the opiate long term the suboxone will cause precipitated withdrawal.ONLY take suboxone after 24 hours opiate free and if your ready to get off opiates

Is it safe to take herbalife products if you have hypothyroidism?

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Hypothyroid Weight Loss Success Stories

Can you take nortriptyline xanax citalopram levothyroxine together?

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I'm not really sure my doc gave me the zoloft for anxiety and Xanax for panic attacks and the amitriptlyne for sleep. I took it once and next day thought I was on my death bed! So my recommend NO!

Can drinking alcohol while taking prednizone affect liver function?

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Alcohol affects liver function all by itself. Prednisone and alcohol can cause liver and pancreatic damage, as can prednisone alone.

Is it safe to take aspirin and ibuprofen 4 hours apart?

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Due to the risk of increased bleeding, wait 8 hours after aspirin to take ibuprofen and another 8 to take aspirin again.

What is the difference between sustained release and controlled release drug delivery system?

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Time Release Technology also known as Sustained-release (SR), extended-release(ER, XR, or XL), time-release or timed-release, controlled-release (CR), or continuous-release (CR or Contin) pills are tablets or capsules formulated to dissolve slowly and release a drug over time. The advantages of sustained-release tablets or capsules are that they can often be taken less frequently than instant-release formulations of the same drug, and that they keep steadier levels of the drug in the bloodstream. The first Sustained release tablets were made by Howard Press, in Hoboken, NJ in the early 50's and the first tablets relased under his process patent were called "Nitroglyn" and made under license by Key Corp., in Florida. Today most are formulated so that the active ingredient is embedded in a matrix of insoluble substance (various: some acrylics, even chitin, these are often patented) so that the dissolving drug has to find its way out through the holes in the matrix. In some SR formulations the matrix physically swells up to form a gel, so that the drug has first to dissolve in matrix, then exit through the outer surface.

There are certain considerations for the formation of sustained release formulation:

  • If the active compound has a long half-life (over 6 hours), it is sustained on its own.
  • If the pharmacological activity of the active compound is not related to its blood levels, time releasing then has no purpose.
  • If the absorption of the active compound involves an active transport, the development of a time-release product may be problematic.
  • Finally, if the active compound has a short half-life, it would require a large amount to maintain a prolonged effective dose. In this case, a broad therapeutic window is necessary to avoid toxicity; otherwise, the risk is unwarranted and another mode of administration would be recommended.

The difference between controlled release and sustained release is that controlled release is a perfectly zero order release; that is, the drug releases over time irrespective of concentration. Sustained release implies slow release of the drug over a time period. It may or may not be controlled release.

Can you take etodolac with robaxin?

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Yes, I take them + ibuprofen for badly herniated disc in my lumbar region.

What medications work best for narcolepsy?

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there are a lot of medication options. And something else to consider is that narcoleptics often suffer from additional issues like: restless legs syndrome, apnea, and cataplexy, which may require their own medications. I have been diagnosed with narcolepsy for over 12 years and in that time i have taken ritalin: This did keep me awake but i had to take it 3 times a day, and I wasn't great about taking them at the exact right times. And if i didn't take them at the exact time i was supposed to, i would really feel a "crash". I decided that the ups and downs were to extreme. But many people take it and it works for them. I think it's important to learn about the options and then try one and see how it works for YOU. Everyone responds differently. Dexedrine: this worked well to keep me awake but I occasionally felt like i was buzzing and I didn't like the research that i was reading about the affects that amphetimenes can have on your body. So i looked for an alternative. Provigil: much better! This is great for me, it is not an amphetimine and I think it does a much better job of keeping me awake and stablized. I currently take a generic version that is 100% fine. Unfortunately the greedy drug manufacturing companies in the US have actually paid generic drug manufacturers NOT to make a generic of provigil, so i have to order it from Canada. The price is much better and the quality is the same, they mail the pills to me, and the customer service is fantastic.

Can you take darvocet and Prozac together?

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Abilify increases the effectiveness of certain drugs that work on your nervous system and brain. So no. I took darvocet and abilify and ended up having odd OCD type of thoughts and had so much nervous energy w/a broken bone. Not good.

Can you take Wellbutrin XL and amoxicillin together?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes those are safe. You can take antibiotics and antidepressants together. Remember to take all of your amoxicillin even after you start feeling better. You want to kill all of the bacteria and not leave any hiding inside your body!

Can you take Xanax and codine together?

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A few years ago my doctor was prescribing me both at the same time. (Xanax for PTSD and codeine for pain, each to be taken several times daily.)

What happens if you combine Strattera and Adderall?

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For common drug interactions, visit:,4109,,00.html There, you can "plug in" different drugs and find out if there are any known interactions. You really need to ask a pharmacist to be sure. Don't gamble with drugs, drug combinations or your health. Call your local drug store. They'll be glad to assist. ~ T

Can you take Advil with soda?

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that's poisinous you could die.....................................................................................................................just kidding.

you can take aspirin with anything but alchohal

Can you take ramipril and st johns wart?

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Asked by Hancockn

St Johns Wort has the same affect as 5HTP,they are both precursors of serotonin. Serotonin being the precursor to Melatonin. Keeping it simple if you take melatonin then start on a low dosage 1.5mg-3mg taking . Larger doses not being analogous to being more affective. Also if your body is low in Melatonin then it will work. If you find you take it and it doesn't have the desired affect with in a short time then your body has enough Melatonin and is not the reason you are experiencing sleep problems and you don't need it. Also some people report experiencing depression and dark moods with melatonin this possibly due to the body not requiring the extra melatonin. It may be better to try supplementing them separately to see which works best. Some people do well on only 5HTP. It is interesting to note that 5HTP-serotonin are produced during the day ready to be converted when darkness sets to be transformed into Melatonin. Also there is a very strong connection with Vitamin D deficiency and insomnia and depression. Vitamin D is the Sunshine hormone so that would also be worth looking into. A deficiency in the daytime hormones or their precursors can affect melatonin levels. Just take note of how you react to each one separately and base your judgment on that.

Can you plug cyclobenzaprine?

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Well u could but i wouldnt recommend as it wont do any btr than swallowing it, if even that.