


A funeral is a ceremony that takes place, marking the death of a person. Questions in this category can include things about the ceremony, traditions, and cultural aspects.

500 Questions

Where do the parsies keep the dead body?

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they dispose the bodies in the tower of silence

What were funerals like in the 1200's?

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Asked by Wiki User

Look up any book about Elizabethan England and you will read of the elaborate send-offs given the Royalty. One odd difference with today"s mortuary practices was the unless ( In Season) flowers were not used - even in the case of Elizabeth I. The Queen died in March of l603, evidentally floristry was not as advanced.

Is it proper to wear a Law Enforcement or Military Dress Uniform to a civilian's funeral?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can - as long as you are not part of an official military burial detail or honor guard.

However - in respect to the military service of the deceased, it would be honorable to wear your uniform.

How many people attended Gandhi's funeral?

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About 250,000 attended Gandhi's funeral

What is the average cost of a funeral in 2007?

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The cost of an average funeral is $7,000 - $10,000.

This average cost includes:

  • Funeral director's services
  • Casket
  • Embalming
  • Use of the funeral home
  • Grave site
  • Digging the grave
  • Grave liner or burial container
  • Casket

Why the Chinese wear white during funerals and burials?

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I think its because white is meant to be a cleansing colour and is considered to be a respectable thing to where like we do like at a wedding. But i believe they where red as the wedding dress not white as we do. I'm not 100% sure.

What did Mahalia Jackson sing at Martin Luther king Jr's funeral?

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She sang How I Got Over The video on YouTube, from the actual March on Washington, really harsh; i.e, poor quality, probably do to it's age. They just didn't have the recording capability back then. You can do a search for the lyrics to the song. I found them on I will not give them here because I am uncertain of the copyright status...

What was the date of Gandhi's funeral?

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Gandhi died on 30th January 1948. This day is marked as the Martyr's Day in India.

What occupation did Anne Frank hope to pursue?

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i think Anne franks goals in life were ot be able to get out of world war 2 alive, i also think she wanted to be able to grow up and be a person who could make a difference in others peoples life.

What song is played during Russian or Soviet military funerals?

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Asked by Wiki User

OBVIOUSLY some sort of military or patriotic anthem or march. I would not be surprised if the Marcia Reale (Royal March) is still used, particularily for the Navy, who still fly the Triple Crown ensign on their ships ( despite the fact Italy has been Republican since l946) it is arguable the Marcia Reale- jazzed up quite a bit, formed the basis for the instrumental Rock song- Telstar. It was the De Facto National anthem of Italy in the monarchy period.

Did the singer Aaliyah have an open casket funeral?

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Aaliyah's casket was closed; she died in an airplane crash.

The plane burst into flames immediately after hitting the ground; almost every corpse that was found was badly burned and mangled.

The coroner's autopsy report states that she suffered severe burns, a blow to the head, and severe shock. She had a heart attack during the time the plane was going down.

The report said she was found an estimated 10 - 15 feet away from the plane.

After medics and police finished searching the debris for any more belongings or bodies, they said that Aaliyah's chair had been ejected from the burning plane while she was still strapped into it and had landed yards away from the crash.

When police and Bahamian officials found her, she was curled up on her left side, like she was bracing herself. Her head was between her legs and her hair had been completely singed off.

RIP Baby Girl

How do Jews honor their dead?

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Jews were and still are wrapped hand stitched white linen shrouds when they are buried. This is because we're supposed to return to the earth and the shrouds easily disintegrate. This is also why Jews are buried in plain (unfinished) pine boxes that will bread down in the earth.

Who is killed at the funeral of Ezeudu?

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Since Ezeudu was a great warrior who took three of his clan's four titles, his funeral is large and elaborate. The men beat their drums and fire their guns into the air. Okonkwo's gun accidentally goes off, killing Ezeudu's sixteen-year-old son.

Is there tv coverage of david ruffin's funeral?

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Entertainment Tonight filmed it. I had the tape.

What do you call someone who likes to attend funerals?

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They can be known as professional mourners.

What to wear to a funeral wake?

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something dark maybe blue green or black and nice shoes

What do you send to a Sikh funeral?

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At a Sikh funeral, after cremation, guests are to return to the family's home. Prayers are read and hymns are sung. Neighbors and friends are expected to prepare a meal for the family of the Sikh and afterwards, everyone is expected to bathe, in order to cleanse themselves.

What are funeral songs called?

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A Dirge. Or "Taps" played on the bugle or trumpet.

Who wrote the poem Jill read at Katherine's chancellor's funeral?

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the poem was writing by Canon Henry Scott-Holland and it is called DEATH IS NOTHING AT ALL

At what age is a child old enough to attend a funeral?

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Asked by Neila222

Age AppropriateThis is a parenting decision that relies heavily on how you feel about the situation. There are some parents who take their children as newborns to funerals, while others prefer to wait until the child is either old enough to deal with the emotions appropriately or to understand the event. Yet other parents are so protective of their children's emotions that they may never want to allow their children to attend a funeral.

It also depends on whose funeral it is. Taking a young child to a close family member's funeral may be more important than taking a young child to a friend's (or distant relative's) funeral who the child may barely even know. Of course, the fact that it is a family member who the child knows well may actually hurt the child's feeling more; however, it's not always necessary to expose the young child to those emotions for someone who the child may not know well.

Based on these factors, it is up to the parents at which age their children should or should not attend a funeral. If your child understands what a funeral is, why it is important, and what it means, you as a parent could leave that option open to the child whether or not they should attend. Some children are rather emotional and would prefer not to attend such an event, but that doesn't mean they don't care for the loved one they lost.

In any case, it is important for you to keep the line of communication open with your child. Talking about the child's feelings is imperative as well as making sure they understand the situation. Your child may be hurting as much, if not more, than you are and will need support just as you would, even if your child seems too young to even understand such emotions and situations.

If you want a personal answer, here are some:

  • I have taken my son to funerals for family since birth - he is 2 years old. While he doesn't necessarily understand the situation yet, I do try to explain some things in a manner that is appropriate for him. I leave him with a sitter for funerals in which he did not know the deceased very well.
  • Probably around age 10.

What happens to the blood drained out of the body before embalming fluid is inserted?

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It is not a two-step process. Fluids are pumped into the body and simultaneously blood is drained into a collection bucket. It is then flushed into the sewer system. The blood has some embalming fluid mixed in with it, and some embalmers put other chemicals into the collection bucket before flushing. This method has been demonstrated as safe, even if it sounds otherwise.

How many funerals in a year?

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Why are Jewish funerals so important?

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Yes, funerals are very important to Jewish people. And there are many rituals involved to make this sad time a little more bearable.