

Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

The Girl Guide movement, founded in 1910, spread to a number of countries, with some National Organizations calling themselves “Girl Guides” and some others “Girl Scouts”. Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting is open to all girls and young women whatever their religion, ethnic group or background. A Girl Guide or Girl Scout accepts the Promise and the Law based on spiritual values, personal development and commitment to helping others.

500 Questions

What is the uniform of a Sri Lanka Girl Scout?

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Looking at the photos on their Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association Projects blog, the Girl Guides wear short sleeve blouses and skirts. Some Girl Guides are wearing all white, some are wearing yellow blouses and orange skirts and some are wearing light green blouses with a green skirt. Some of them wear ties and some wear sashes.

What is the phone number of the Girl Scout First Headquarters Building in Savannah Georgia?

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The address of the Girl Scout First Headquarters Building is: 330 Drayton St., Savannah, GA 31401

Where are the Girl Scout camps in Germany?

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Scouting and Guiding in Germany is very fragmented with about 150 different associations and federations. They own little property but extensively use national parks and forests.

Generally a patrol of six or eight Scouts- girls and boys -sleep in a big black tent called a kohte with an open fire in the middle.

When did scouting start in Switzerland?

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Nine groups of Girl Guides were formed independently in different parts of Switzerland between 1913 and 1919. In 1919 these groups joined together to become one Association, the Fédération des Eclaireuses Suisses (FESes). A major change took place in 1987 when the Fédération des Eclaireuses Suisses and the Scout Association, Fédération des Eclaireurs Suisses, merged together to become the Mouvement Scout de Suisse (Swiss Guide and Scout Movement).

What are Brownie Girl Scouts called in Yemen?

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Brownie Girl scouts in Yemen is called Zahrat.

What is the girl scout promise in Italy?

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The girl Scout promise in Switzerland is very straight forward. I promise that I will do my best to live by the Scout Law. I ask God and my friends to help me reach this goal.

What are Girl Scouts in Norway called?

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There are two Guide/Scout organizations in Norway:

Norges KFUK-KFUM-Speidere (KFUK-KFUM) or Norwegian YWCA-YMCA Scouts

Meiser Brownie ages 7-9

Harer Harer ages 6-7

Norges Speiderforbund (NSF) or Norwegian Scout Association

Småspeidere Brownie ages 7-9

Bevere Beaver ages 6-7

Most Norwegian scouts belong to a non gender divided organization. They're call speidere.

What are Brownie Girl Scouts called in Spain?

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There are two Girl Guide/Girl Scout organizations in Italy. Both of them are members of Federazione Italiana Dello Scautismo (FIS).

The two organizations are:

  • Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori Ed Esploratrici Italiani (CNGEI) or National Youth Corps and Scouts Explorers Italian (CNGEI)

CNGEI's age group for ages 8 to 12 is called Lupetto or Brownie.

  • Associazione Guide E Scouts Cattolici Italiani (AGESCI) or Association of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts (AGESCI)

AGESCI's age group for ages 8 to 12 is called Coccinella or Ladybird.

Did Juliette Gordon Low do many things as a child?

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Juliette Gordon Low is best known for founding Girl Scouts in the United States in 1912. She also started Girl Guide troops in Scotland and London.

During the Spanish-American War, Juliette helped her mother organize a hospital for injured soldiers returning from the war.

How can a 14 year old girl who weighs 163 pounds lose 20 pounds in 1 month?

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TWENTY POUNDS IS a lot of weight to lose in four weeks. If you are intent on doing it, please follow some basic guidelines. (1) Don't NOT eat, starve yourself or skip meals. Starving actually slows down weight loss. Think of it this way: when your body stops getting food, it thinks it's stranded on an island, and immediately slows down the fat burning process to conserve energy and body fat. (2) Consume less calories (3) Increase your exercise. (4) Make sure the calories you consume are "quality" calories: protein, complex carbohydrates {not simple sugars}, fruit, vegetables etc... (5) VERY IMPORTANT- Eat frequently!! REALLY! Eat small healthful portions 5-6 times a day. This keeps your metabolism in high gear, and your "fat burning furnace" on high. (6) NO JUNK FOOD or FAST FOOD. If you stick to these suggestions, you will lose the weight you want to lose. Good Luck!! <<>>

go on the scarsdale medical diet! you lose a pound or more a day and it's EASY! look it up on google and it'll tell you what to eat. (only if you want to of course.) also, if you add exercise it'll go even faster. goodluck! by the way, im 14 too. :)

Was Juliette Gordon Low - the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA - poor during childhood?

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Juliette Gordon Low enjoyed standing on her head. She stood on her head every year for her birthday!

She enjoyed the arts and would write and act in plays. She also played tennis and was a swimmer.

Juliette had two nick names. One was "Little Ship" because she was so much like her great-grandmother who had been nick named "Little Ship Under Full Sail" by the Seneca Indians who had captured her and later let her return home.

Juliette's other nick name was "Daisy". When she was born, her uncle exclaimed "That's a Daisy!"

There is a story about pulling taffy. One of Daisy's cousins thought the taffy was the same color as her hair so they braided the taffy into Daisy's hair. Since taffy is so sticky, the only way to remove the taffy was to cut her hair very short, which was not very fashionable for females in those days!

There are more stories about Juliette Gordon Low's experiences at the GSUSA web site. See Related Links for the link to Juliette's Biography and then click on the Interactive Video photo at the top of the web page.

What do Girl Guides in Sweden do?

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There are five different Girl Guide organizations in Sweden. The uniforms for the different organizations generally consists of a shirt and neckerchief. The colors of the shirts vary with the organization and the different age levels.

Did Juliette Gordon Low study?

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Since Juliette Gordon Low came from a family that was well-to-do, she never had what would be considered an occupation. She never had to work at a job to earn a living.

However, Juliette was very interested in the arts and created many sculptures and works of wrought iron, including a gate that is located at the Girl Scout National Center (or The Birthplace).

Because of Juliette's well-to-do upbringing, she felt unprepared for dealing with events in her life, so she found a way, through Girl Scouting, to help young women better prepare for their futures. So, her occupation later in life was concentrated on bringing Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to girls around the world.

Juliette first started troops in Scotland and London, then came to the USA and registered the first troop for membership in Savannah, GA in 1912.

When were Girl Scouts first founded in Sweden?

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March 12, 1912

The first Girl Scout troop in the US was started on March 12, 1912, which is considered the day they were founded.

Note: The name of the organization is Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), not GSA.

Do they sell girl scout cookies in South Africa?

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Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is very likely that Swedish Girl Guides do not sell cookies. No information about cookie sales is available on the Swedish Girl Guides web site (Scouterna).

However, members of USA Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and may be selling cookies in Sweden.

What is the meaning of the Girl Scout slogan?

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Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori Ed Esploratrici Italiani (CNGEI)

Girl Scout: Be Prepared

Ranger: Preparing to Serve

Brownie: The Best We Can

Associazione Guide E Scouts Cattolici Italiani (AGESCI)

Guide: Be Prepared

Ladybird: Here I Am

Wolf Cub: The Best We Can

Ranger: Prepared to Serve

What color eyes did Juliette Gordon Low have?

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The painting of Juliette Gordon Low and any color illustrations show her with brown eyes.

How can a 13 year old girl lose 30 pounds in 2 months?

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walk dogs, eat less junk food, hike, swim, just be active and eat healthier. there are pills that can burn fat cells, like niacin, or you can just eat food with lots of niacin. But exercise and healthy diet is the best way.

What is the best way to sell concert tickets?

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For people interested in selling tickets on Facebook I hope they would consider using the Facebook Application Viral Events. There is no per ticket transaction fee. Users collect ticket money directly into their Google Merchant account.

You can check it out here:


What are French Girl Guides like?

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They are very much like Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.

They follow the Girl Guide/Girl Scout Promise and Law.

They discover nature, make friends, be of service to others, respects others, learn leadership, and participate in camping, games, the arts, and sports.

Do Girl Guides in India sell cookies?

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Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is possible that Indian Girl Guides do not sell cookies.

What is Lovat Scouts's motto?

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The motto of the Australian Scouts is "Be prepared".

What are Girl Scouts called in Sweden?

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In Sweden today there are five scouts associations. Girl member organizations are all called Girl Guides. However, since the organizations are co-ed, everyone is called a scout, whether it is a he or a she.

The Swedish Guide and Scout Association (SSF)

The Guide and Scout Organization of the Mission Covenant Youth of Sweden (SMU-scout)

The Swedish YMCA-YWCA Guide and Scout Association

The Temperance Guide and Scout Association (NSF)

The Salvation Army Guide and Scout Association (FA)

Age groups:

Senior Guide 15-18

(called Ranger Guide by the Swedish

YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts)

Guide 12-14

Junior Guide 10-11

Minior Guide 8-9

Beaver Guide 6-7

(not all units have Beaver Guides)

How did Juliette Gordon Low get married?

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According to several Biographers, the Girl Scouts" Founder was buried in her Girl Scout Uniform and there were various decorations such as the Silver Fish (British) and the Thanks Badge on the jacket portion. Presdumably the Hat was either not used or may have been placed at her feet(People don"t normally wear hats indoors or in Church. ) I have no idea what her religious background was nor if any religious items were on or around her body. several biographers agree she had an open viewing and was laid out in her GSa Uniform, there are differences in descriptions of various insignia, etc.

Was Mariah Carey a girl scout?

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Selena Marie Gomez is a rising teen-queen on Disney Channel, but she was never a Girl Scout.