


Libertarianism is an ideological belief of freedom of thought and action. It advocates a radical redistribution of power and defends each person's right to life, liberty, and property. This philosophy includes anarchism, minarchism, libertarian socialism, right-libertarianism and left-libertarianism with their distinct ideologies.

500 Questions

What principle is the US government built upon?

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OF the people,

BY the people, and

FOR the people.

How many siblings did nellie mcclung have?

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Nellie McClung had 5 kids. there names were Mark, Hoarace, Jack, Florance, and Paul

What is 4409?

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4409 was started by a young man in Arizona who was arrested numerous times in order to challenge the fraud and corruption in state and local government. They have hundreds of videos showing this.

He and his friends also started Camerafraud which is a group (which what I can tell has also spread world wide) dedicated to the removal of photo radar which they claim is a scam and not about safety but rather generating revenue They also deal with many subjects that mainstream media will not cover such as vaccines, fluoride in the water and toxic chemtrails.

Does liberalism undermine or promote democracy?

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Socialism can promote democracy, but it ultimately depends on the type of socialism we are talking about.

Traditionally, socialism promoted economic democracy, which means equal power relations and collective-decision making in the workplace. This may have taken the form of direct democracy on the part of each worker, or it might have meant democratically electing management.

This type of democracy is still promoted by modern day market socialists and advocates of decentralized planned economies.

If we are talking about the type of socialism that existed in the Soviet Union and "Communist states", then many political scientists would say no, this type of socialism did not promote democracy. The Soviet Union had a command economy, where decisions were made in a hierarchical chain-of-command.

Ironically, the Soviet model of "socialism" was inspired by capitalist management practices known as Taylorism and scientific management.

What is the difference betwen the civil servant and public servant?

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The civil service in Ghana is linked very strongly to the military systems. Public service in Ghana is not so closely linked and therefore can be a little more easy to get into.

In which national election were women first able to vote?

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As early as 1792 in the African nation of Sierra Leone, heads of households (about 1/3 of them women) were given the right to vote. In South Australia, limited suffrage was granted in 1861, on the same basis as it had been extended in the US state of New Jersey betwen 1790 and 1807: the ownership of property.

In the US

New Jersey allowed property holding women to vote from 1790 to 1807. Wyoming and Utah as territories passed laws to extend the right to vote, and in Wyoming this continued into statehood in 1890. Colorado in 1893 was the first state to vote to extend voting rights to women.

It was not until the 19th Amendment (1920) that women in the entire US were guaranteed the right to vote.

The libertarian party is an example of what?

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In politics, the Libertarian Party is an example of a third party. The Green Party and the Constitution Party are other examples of third parties.

Can you vote in primaries if registered as a libertarian?

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Depends on the primary: if they state allows for people who are not registered Republicans or Democrats to vote in the primary then you are allowed.

What were president lincolns hopes for reconstruction?

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One goals were to have a quick reunion with the south.

How many seats did the Green Party win in last election?

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the green party has no seats a the current time

A Libertarian today is a person who wants the individual to have what?

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more personal freedom, less economic freedom.

How did the US react to fear of Anarchists in the early 1900?

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The us governments response to the rise of these political philosophies was to demonize them and instill fear of them. They are the reason there is fear in the first place. Who has more fear of the end of government or capitalism than the people who benefit from them the most?

What is the difference between hyperpluralism and pluralism?

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Interest groups are so numerous and have such varied competing interests that coalitions are difficult to form, and thus no bills can garner enough votes in Congress to pass; policy gridlock results.

What is a unitary system?

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give main powers to the central government. the non-central government only have the power given to them by the central government.

examples: france china

What impact does checks and balances have on public opinion?

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the opinion on the checks and balance was to increase sovereignty.

What is a Libertarian today is likely to support?

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more central government,more personal freedom

What is the name of the country that was not colonized by another country?

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Most countries in the world were not colonised by Great Britain, so there are too many to list.

Who was the leader of the Palestine Leader Organization?

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Yasir Arafat was the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO) since 1968 and of the Palestinian Authority since 1994. He supported Saddam Hussein during the Persian Gulf War but is generally recognized as a moderate within the Palestinian Leadership. He shared the Nobel Prize for peace in 1994.

Who controls the world?

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There are two powers at work. God and Satan, Good and Evil. If you believe in God, I am a Christian.

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

What are the basic needs of a man?

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Air to breathe. Water to drink. Food to eat. Clothing and shelter to protect you from the elements. Some meaningful contact with people and a "purpose" or "position" to both earn some money to support yourself and to serve others (and, thereby, yourself). Connection with the universe or perhaps even a higher power, should you believe in one.