

Moons and Natural Satellites

Natural Satellites, also know as moons, are natural celestial bodies revolving around a bigger object like a planet or a dwarf planet. Some famous natural satellites are our Moon (Luna), Ganymede, Europa and Titan.

500 Questions

Why are there so many moons?

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Moons are formed from the debris left over after a planet's formation. Some planets like Jupiter have many moons because of their strong gravitational pull, which allows them to capture and retain more moons in their orbit. Other moons may be captured asteroids or comets that were pulled in by a planet's gravity.

What is Saturn's smallest moon?

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Saturn's smallest moon is Aegaeon, which is only about 0.3 miles (500 meters) in diameter. It was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft in 2008.

Who is Neil Armstrong's wife?

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Neil Armstrong's wife was Janet Shearon. They were married in 1956 and had three children together. Janet supported Neil throughout his career and was by his side during his historic Apollo 11 mission to the moon.

How many moons does the sun have?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Sun doesn't have "moons".

The term "moon" applies to satellites of planets or planetoids. An object orbiting the Sun is classified as a planet, dwarf planet, asteroid, comet, or a Kuiper Belt object.

Why do all the planets revolve around the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Planets revolve around the Sun due to gravitational force, which is strongest at the center of mass of a system. The Sun's immense gravity pulls the planets towards it, causing them to orbit around it in elliptical paths. This balance of gravitational forces keeps the planets in their orbits.

What is a moon buggy?

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Asked by Wiki User

A moon buggy, also known as a lunar rover, is a vehicle designed for astronauts to travel on the surface of the moon during missions. It is usually equipped with wheels or tracks for mobility and has the capacity to carry astronauts, scientific instruments, and samples collected during exploration. Moon buggies have been used in past Apollo missions and are planned for future lunar exploration missions.

What are depressions on the moon called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depressions on the moon are called craters, which are formed by the impact of meteoroids, asteroids, or comets hitting the lunar surface. These impacts cause the surface material to be ejected, creating a depression in the process.

Why do things happen to preteens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Things happen to preteens as part of their growth and development process. This can include hormonal changes, social interactions, academic challenges, and emotional ups and downs. It's a period of transition from childhood to adolescence, which can bring about a range of new experiences and challenges.

The first man to go to the moon?

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Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission. He famously said, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind," upon setting foot on the lunar surface.

What time does the moon come out in Canada?

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Asked by Wiki User

The time the moon rises in Canada can vary depending on the specific location within the country. You can check online resources or use a moonrise calculator to find the exact time for the area you are interested in.

What is the name of the object with an orbital period of 58000years with a 10km diameter?

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Asked by Wiki User

The object you are referring to is likely Sedna, a dwarf planet located in the outer regions of our solar system. Sedna's highly elliptical orbit takes it about 58000 years to complete one full orbit around the Sun, and it has an estimated diameter of around 1,000 km.

How many moons does Uranus and Neptune have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uranus has 27 known moons, while Neptune has 14 known moons.

Is it normal for someone to use their toes like their fingers and in fact can pinch hard enough to bring blood If this is normal is there a lot of people born with this ability?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not normal for someone to have the ability to use their toes like fingers and pinch hard enough to cause bleeding. This could indicate a rare condition called ectrodactyly or be a unique physical trait. It is not common for people to be born with such an ability.

How many moons does Uranus have?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2011, Uranus has 27 known moons, which are named after characters from the works by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.

The 5 largest moons (boldface) were the earliest discovered. The 13 inner moons are involved with the 13 known rings of Uranus. [See related question.]

Listed in order of increasing orbital distance from Uranus:

  • Cordelia
  • Ophelia
  • Bianca
  • Cressida
  • Desdemona
  • Juliet
  • Portia
  • Rosalind
  • Cupid
  • Belinda
  • Perdita
  • Puck
  • Mab
  • Miranda
  • Ariel
  • Umbriel
  • Titania
  • Oberon
  • Francisco
  • Caliban
  • Stephano
  • Trinculo
  • Sycorax
  • Margaret
  • Prospero
  • Setebos
  • Ferdinand


Does uranus have volcanoes?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Uranus is a gas giant and doesn't have a solid surface like the rocky bodies of the solar system, such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and many moons. It is theorised to have a solid iron core, but this wouldn't allow for volcanic activity.

Uranus' moon Ariel has many features that are theorised to be caused by volcanic action. These actions are caused by the massive gravity of Uranus squeezing and squashing the moon.

Can Artificial satellites orbit forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, artificial satellites cannot orbit forever. Factors such as atmospheric drag, gravitational perturbations, and decay in their orbit due to various forces will eventually cause them to fall back to Earth or drift away into space.

Does the sun shine on the moon?

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Yes, the sun shines on the moon, just as it shines on Earth. The moon doesn't generate its own light, so it reflects the sunlight that strikes its surface. This is why we see the moon brightly lit when it's in the night sky.

Who's idea was it of man going to the moon?

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The idea of sending humans to the moon originated as part of the Apollo program by NASA in the United States during the 1960s. President John F. Kennedy announced the goal of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth before the end of the decade in 1961.

How fast a man can run?

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The fastest recorded speed for a human is around 27.8 miles per hour (44.7 km/h) reached by Usain Bolt in 2009. On average, a well-trained male runner can achieve speeds between 10-12 miles per hour (16-19 km/h) for short distances.

What are the names of Saturn's moons?

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Asked by Wiki User

mimas is one of them and tethys is another.

you mean Saturn has 30 moons, 12 of which are unnamed. the ones that are named are Pan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Jana, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Rhia, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Pheobe.

How do you patch a hole in a moon bounce inflatable?

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Asked by Wiki User

To patch a hole in a moon bounce inflatable, first clean and dry the area around the hole. Apply a vinyl repair patch over the hole following the manufacturer's instructions. Press firmly and ensure the patch adheres completely to seal the hole. Allow time for the patch to set before inflating the moon bounce again.

What is Neptune's biggest moon?

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Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune and was discovered on October 10, 1846, by English astronomer William Lassell.

What is the ugliest moon?

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Beauty is subjective, but some people may find the moon Phobos, a small irregular-shaped moon of Mars, to be less aesthetically pleasing compared to other moons in our solar system.

List two discoveries about the moon made by clementine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Clementine spacecraft discovered evidence of ice deposits in permanently shadowed craters near the moon's poles, suggesting a potential water resource. Additionally, Clementine helped confirm the presence of iron-rich minerals on the moon's surface.

Why are there crescent moons carved on outhouse doors?

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Asked by Getacar

The crescent moons on outhouse doors were believed to be a symbol of femininity in many cultures, representing the moon goddess. It was a way to designate the outhouse for women's use in a time when gender-specific facilities were not common. Over time, the practice became a way to differentiate between men's and women's restrooms.