


This topic is for questions about the European country Norway. Norway lies north in Europe, bordering to Sweden, Finland and Russia, and the capital is Oslo.

500 Questions

Why Some parts of Norway and Sweden and Finland have Twenty four hours of Sunshine during the summer and twenty four hours of darkness during the winter?

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This phenomenon is known as the midnight sun and polar night, which occur in higher latitudes due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. As a result, during summer months the region experiences 24 hours of sunlight, while in winter it experiences 24 hours of darkness. The closer a location is to the North Pole, the longer the period of continuous daylight or darkness will be.

How does the North Atlantic Current affect Norway?

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The North Atlantic Current brings warm water and air to Norway, creating a milder climate than other regions at similar latitudes. This helps keep Norway's coastal areas ice-free and supports diverse marine life. However, changes in the North Atlantic Current can also impact Norway's climate and ecosystems.

How much does electricity cost per kilowatt hour in Norway?

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The average cost of electricity in Norway is around 1 NOK per kilowatt hour, but prices can vary depending on factors such as location, type of energy provider, and consumption patterns.

Where are you if you are exploring a large cold Ocean north of Norway?

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You would be exploring the Barents Sea, located north of Norway. This sea is known for its rich biodiversity, including various species of fish, marine mammals, and seabirds.

Is Norway an earthquake zone?

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Norway is not considered a high-risk earthquake zone. It experiences occasional seismic activity, but the tremors are usually of low magnitude and infrequent. The country is not located near any tectonic plate boundaries, which are areas prone to more frequent and stronger earthquakes.

Why might Sweden and Finland receives less rain than Norway?

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Sweden and Finland receive less rain than Norway because they are located in the rain shadow of the Scandinavian mountain range. This mountain range blocks moisture-laden air masses coming from the west, resulting in less rainfall in the eastern regions of Sweden and Finland. Additionally, Norway's coastal location allows it to receive more moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, increasing its rainfall levels.

What is the the approximate latitude of Oslo and Norway?

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The approximate latitude of Oslo, the capital of Norway, is 59.9 degrees North. Norway as a country stretches from about 58 to 71 degrees North latitude.

Nearly half of Norway lies above which named line of latitude?

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Nearly half of Norway lies above the Arctic Circle, which is located at approximately 66.5 degrees north latitude. This demarcation signifies the point at which the sun does not set for at least 24 hours during the summer solstice.

What is Norwegian pink fiord gemstone?

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Norwegian pink fiord gemstones are actually a type of pink marble found in Norway. The unique combination of minerals in the marble gives it a distinctive pink color with white streaks, making it a popular choice for decorative purposes such as countertops, flooring, and interior design elements.

What was the Norwegian heavy water sabotage?

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The Norwegian heavy water sabotage was a series of operations undertaken by Norwegian saboteurs during World War II to prevent the German nuclear weapon project from acquiring heavy water, a critical component for producing nuclear weapons. The saboteurs successfully destroyed German heavy water production facilities multiple times, impeding the progress of Nazi Germany's nuclear program.

What norwegian city is located at about 70 degrees north latitude?

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Tromsø is a Norwegian city located at approximately 70 degrees north latitude. It sits in the northern part of Norway, above the Arctic Circle, making it one of the northernmost cities in the world.

What is the name of the Chakras in Norwegian?

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Norwegian uses the Sanskrit terms as the 'official' names for the chakras (ex. Sahasrara), but the common terms are normally translated as follows:

  • Mooladhara: rotchakra, basechakra (root or base chakra)
  • Swadistana: seksual-chakra, måne-chakra (sexual or moon chakra)
  • Manipura: navle-chakra (navel chakra)
  • Anahata: hjerte-chakra (heart chakra)
  • Vishuddhi: hals-chakra (throat chakra)
  • Ajna: det tredje øye (the third eye)
  • Sahasrara: krone-chakra, visdoms-chakra (crown or wisdom chakra)
Source: Related link.

These are not everyday terms, but will be known to people familiar with New Age or alternative medicine.

Why is powdered limestone sometimes deliberately added to lakes in countries like Norway and Sweden?

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Powdered limestone is added to lakes in Norway and Sweden as a restoration technique to combat acidification caused by acid rain. Limestone acts as a buffer, neutralizing the acidity in the water and improving the pH levels to support aquatic life. This helps to restore the ecological balance of the lake and promote biodiversity.

What is the coordinates of Longyearbyen in Svalbard Norway?

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Answer #1:

78.15N, 15 E


Answer #2:

The east end of Runway 28 at Svalbard Longyear Lufthavn, the northernmost

airport in the world with regularly scheduled commercial flights, is located at 78.3437° north latitude

15.5099° east longitude. Of course, other spots around the town have somewhat different coordinates.

What is the time difference between Calgary and Oslo?

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Oslo, Minnesota, USA (UTC-6/UTC-5) is almost always one hour ahead of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (UTC-7/UTC-6).

Oslo, Florida, USA (UTC-5/UTC-4) is almost always two hoursahead of Alberta.

Oslo, Norway (UTC+1/UTC+2) is usually eight hours ahead of Alberta except from the second Sunday of March to the last Sunday of March and during the week of 31 Oct, when the time difference is seven hours.

What is the time difference between Jamaica and Norway?

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The time difference between Jamaica and Norway is typically 6 hours, with Jamaica being 6 hours behind Norway. Norway is in the Central European Time (CET) zone, while Jamaica is in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone.

Why Norway can produce so much hydroelectricity?

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Norway can produce a lot of hydroelectricity because it has abundant water resources in the form of rivers and waterfalls, which can be harnessed to generate electricity. Additionally, Norway has a hilly and mountainous terrain that is well-suited for building hydroelectric power plants. The country also has a long history of investing in and developing hydroelectric infrastructure.

If its 10pm in the US what time is it in Norway?

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Asked by C23456H

If it's 10 pm in the US, it would be 4 am in Norway. Norway is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time in the US.

What is the latitude of oslo?

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The latitude of Oslo, Norway is approximately 59.9 degrees north.

What is the average snowfall in Norway?

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The average snowfall in Norway varies widely depending on the region. In general, coastal areas tend to receive less snow compared to inland and mountainous regions. In places such as Oslo or Bergen, the average snowfall can range from 30-50 inches per year, while in northern regions like Tromsø, it can exceed 100 inches.

Are Norwegian rats secondary consumers?

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No, Norwegian rats are primary consumers as they primarily feed on plants, seeds, fruits, and insects. Secondary consumers are animals that eat the primary consumers.

The ratio of men to women in Norway?

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As of 2021, the gender ratio in Norway is approximately 1.02 males to every 1 female, indicating a slightly higher proportion of men in the population. This ratio can vary slightly depending on age groups and regions within the country.

How will global warming affect Svalbard?

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Asked by Wiki User

Global warming will cause temperatures in Svalbard to rise, leading to increased melting of the Arctic ice cap and glaciers, which will contribute to rising sea levels. This could have severe consequences for the unique Arctic ecosystem and the species that depend on it, such as polar bears and seals. Additionally, it may also impact the traditional way of life of the indigenous population in Svalbard.

What are the ethnic physical characteristics of Norwegians?

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Norwegians typically have fair skin, light hair (blonde to light brown), and blue or light-colored eyes. They are often tall with a lean build.

What is norways weather like?

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Norway has a varied climate due to its long coastline, mountains, and inland plateaus. In general, the coastal areas have milder winters and cooler summers with more precipitation, while further inland experiences colder winters and warmer summers with less precipitation. It's important to note that weather can vary greatly depending on the specific region and time of year.