


Research Papers

Includes questions related to the research, preparation and composition of formal written reports based on well researched findings and presented ideas.

500 Questions

Correlational method allows researchers to compare the degree of what?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correlational method allows researchers to compare the degree of relationship between two variables. It helps to determine if changes in one variable are associated with changes in another variable. This method does not establish causation, only association.

Research paper topics on human growth and development?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. The impact of early childhood experiences on adult mental health.
  2. The role of genetics and environment in shaping adolescent development.
  3. The effects of technology on children's cognitive and social development.
  4. Sociocultural influences on aging and late adulthood.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal studies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages are:

1. high in validity - people usually do not remember past events and if they were asked about their past, they would not remember

2. picking up long-term changes

Disadvantages are:

1. it takes a long period of time to gather results

2. a need to have a large sample size and accurate sampling to reach representativness

3. participant may drop out, this is called subject attrition.

Seven steps involved in research process?

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Asked by Wiki User

The seven steps in the research process are:

  1. Identify the research problem
  2. Review the existing literature
  3. Formulate a hypothesis
  4. Design the research methodology
  5. Collect data
  6. Analyze data
  7. Draw conclusions and report findings.

What is the criteria of a good research problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good research problem is specific, relevant, and significant to the field of study. It should be clear and address a gap in the existing knowledge. Additionally, the research problem should be feasible to investigate within the constraints of time, resources, and ethical considerations.

Who is the most mysterious personality?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most mysterious personality is subjective and can vary between individuals. Some popular choices for mysterious personalities include figures like Rasputin, the Zodiac Killer, and the Unknown Soldier.

What is naturalistic observation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Naturalistic observation is a research method where researchers observe and document the behavior of subjects in their natural environment without any intervention or manipulation. It involves observing behavior as it naturally occurs without any interference from the researcher, allowing for a more authentic understanding of the subject's behavior. This method is often used to study behaviors that may be difficult to recreate in a laboratory setting.

How are more examples of dedication?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. An athlete who consistently wakes up early to practice before school or work.
  2. A student who spends hours studying every day to achieve top grades.
  3. A musician who practices their instrument for hours on end to perfect their skills.
  4. An employee who goes above and beyond in their work to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality results.

How do you illustrate a cyclical nature?

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Asked by Wiki User

A cyclical nature can be illustrated by showing a continuous loop or circle representing the cycle. This could involve using visual elements like arrows or graphics to demonstrate the progression from one point in the cycle to another in a seamless and repeating pattern. Additionally, using a timeline or infographic can help visualize the cyclical nature with clear starting and ending points.

Why is it important to be a good person?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being a good person brings positivity and kindness into the world, fostering healthy relationships and a sense of community. It also contributes to personal happiness and fulfillment, as acting with integrity and compassion can improve self-esteem and emotional well-being. Ultimately, being a good person helps create a better society for everyone.

Why does a society gets the criminals it deserves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Society's values, laws, and enforcement mechanisms all play a role in shaping criminal behavior. A lack of social support systems, economic inequality, and limited opportunities can also contribute to criminal behavior. Addressing these underlying factors can help prevent crime and create a more just society.

Which theoretical framework of sociology sees religion as playing a role in maintaining the status quo and creating inequalities?

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Asked by Wiki User

The conflict theory perspective in sociology sees religion as a tool used by dominant groups to maintain their power and status over subordinate groups. It views religion as a means of justifying and perpetuating social inequalities and divisions within society.

How can we eliminate the research problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

To eliminate a research problem, you can refine your research question, gather more relevant data, consult with experts in the field, review existing literature thoroughly, and consider using different research methods or approaches. It's also valuable to ensure that your research is focused, rigorous, and aligned with the goals of the study.

What is the place of theory in research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Theory in research provides a framework for understanding and interpreting data, guiding the research process to answer specific questions. It informs hypotheses and guides the formulation of research questions, helping researchers make sense of their findings and connect them to existing knowledge in the field. Theoretical frameworks also shape research design, methods, and data analysis techniques.

How does racial and gender discrimination causes poverty?

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Asked by Wiki User

Racial and gender discrimination can lead to limited access to education, employment opportunities, and resources for certain groups, which can result in lower income and socioeconomic status. Discrimination can also contribute to systemic inequalities that perpetuate poverty among marginalized communities. Additionally, discriminatory practices in housing, healthcare, and criminal justice can further exacerbate poverty for individuals facing racial and gender biases.

As a good American citizen it is important to respect the diversity of this country Unfortunately discrimination has been an ongoing struggle for centuries What is the best way for citizens to cor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best way for citizens to combat discrimination is to educate themselves on different cultures and perspectives, challenge their own biases, speak out against discriminatory behavior, and support policies and initiatives that promote equality and inclusion for all individuals. It's also important to listen to and uplift the voices of those who have been marginalized or discriminated against.

What are principal roles of research in social and societal development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Research plays a crucial role in social and societal development by generating knowledge that informs policy decisions, addressing pressing social issues, and promoting evidence-based solutions. It helps in understanding and analyzing complex social problems, promoting innovation and technological advancements, and fostering social change and improvement. Additionally, research contributes to knowledge sharing, capacity building, and empowering communities to actively participate in their own development processes.

What does data from national crime victimization survey tell us about crime in the US today?

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Asked by Wiki User

The National Crime Victimization Survey provides information on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. It helps researchers and policymakers understand the prevalence of crime, trends over time, and the demographic factors that contribute to victimization. The data can also inform crime prevention efforts and resource allocation to support victims and improve safety in communities.

What are the roles of theories in research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Theories in research provide a framework for understanding phenomena, guiding the design of research studies, and explaining the results obtained. They help researchers make sense of complex relationships, predict outcomes, and generate new hypotheses for further investigation.

What is a descriptive survey?

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Asked by Wiki User

A descriptive survey is a research method used to gather information about the characteristics, behaviors or opinions of a population. It aims to describe the current status or situation rather than to explain causal relationships. This type of survey is commonly used in social science research to provide a snapshot of a specific group or phenomenon.

What is normative method survey?

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Asked by Wiki User

A normative survey method measures attitudes, opinions, or behaviors against established norms or standards. It is used to evaluate how closely an individual or group conforms to these norms, providing insights into societal expectations and potential areas for intervention or improvement.

Example of paradigm?

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Asked by Wiki User

A paradigm is a set of beliefs, values, and assumptions that shape how individuals perceive and interpret the world. For example, the scientific paradigm emphasizes empirical evidence and experimentation as the basis for understanding the natural world.

Types of research objectives?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Exploratory research objectives aim to understand a topic in a new way or generate new ideas.
  2. Descriptive research objectives focus on describing characteristics or relationships within a population or phenomenon.
  3. Explanatory research objectives seek to identify causal relationships and explain why certain phenomena occur.
  4. Evaluation research objectives assess the effectiveness or impact of a program, policy, or intervention.

What is an example of an qualitative observation?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of a qualitative observation is describing the color, texture, or shape of an object without using numerical data. For instance, noticing that a flower is bright red, a table feels smooth, or a cloud appears fluffy are all qualitative observations.