

Seat Belts and Safety Systems

A safety system is an automotive component designed to keep an occupant safe before and after an impact. A part of this system is the seatbelt, which is designed to keep the driver or passenger strapped to their seat even in a roll-over event.

500 Questions

How does inertia affect a person who is not wearing a seat belt during a collision?

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In physics, inertia means that though the car is brought to a sudden stop, the person inside will continue in a forward motion. A seat belt would restrain the person's forward movement and prevent the person being injured by the dashboard, or by being thrown through the windscreen. Air-bags are used in modern cars to also cushion against the effect of inertia.

If the seat belt warning key in ignition warning and lights on warning have all been disabled How can you turn them back on?

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On the 1987 Honda Accord DX I recently acquired I believe all 3 of those things are controlled by the ICU (Integrated Control Unit), under the dash above the hump. It has one connector plugged into it. Maybe yours has a similar unit that is unplugged.

On my Honda accord there is a seat belt control box that is under then passenger seat. Mine was unplugged and cut all power to seat belt alarms and power seat belts

How do you disable the seat belt chime on a 2009 GMC Sierra?

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There is a plug underneath the passenger side seat, if you unplug this the sound will stop but also the airbag will stop working, and a light saying so will appear in front of the driver, balance your annoyance

In the state of Illinois who gets the tickets if a passenger is not wearing a seat belt?

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If the passenger is a minor or child the ticket goes to the driver but if your passenger is an adult the passenger is issued the ticket. I speak from experience, a few years ago while driving down Interstate 57 my wife and I were pulled over by an Illinois State Trooper. It was around Thanksgiving and they were out in force issuing seat belt tickets. I was given a ticket and so was my wife (Happy Holidays huh?). Her ticket as the passenger was written in her name. 55 dollars a piece! In a state that doesn't require motorcyclists to wear a helmet....don't get me started. We learned our lesson.... Buckle Up, It's the Law :) I agree with the above poster. I know for those that aren't use to seat belt laws they feel it's a nuisance, but in Canada we have been wearing seat belts for years and it's like breathing now. Without seat belts most of us feel naked. In 1994 I was a passenger in a head on collision and trust me, if I hadn't had my seat belt on I would have gone through the windshield! I'm for seat belts law or not!

How many people die per year from not wearing a seat belt?

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Failure to wear a seat belt contributes to more fatalities than any other single traffic safety-related behavior. 63% of people killed in accidents are not wearing seat belts. Wearing a seat belt use is still the single most effective thing we can do to save lives and reduce injuries on America's roadways.

Data suggests that education alone is not doing the job with young people, especially males ages 16 to 25 ­ the age group least likely to buckle up. They simply do not believe they will be injured or killed. Yet they are the nation's highest-risk drivers, with more drunk driving, more speeding, and more crashes. Neither education nor fear of injury or death is strong enough to motivate this tough-to-reach group.

Rather, it takes stronger seat belt laws and high visibility enforcement campaigns to get them to buckle up.

Seat belts are the most effective safety devices in vehicles today, estimated to save 9,500 lives each year. Yet only 68 percent of the motor vehicle occupants are buckled. In 1996, more than 60 percent of the occupants killed in fatal crashes were unrestrained.

If 90 percent of Americans buckle up, we will prevent more than 5,500 deaths and 132,000 injuries annually.

The cost of unbuckled drivers and passengers goes beyond those killed and the loss to their families. We all pay for those who don't buckle up ­ in higher taxes, higher health care and higher insurance costs.

On average, inpatient hospital care costs for an unbelted crash victim are 50 percent higher than those for a belted crash victim. Society bears 85 percent of those costs, not the individuals involved. Every American pays about $580 a year toward the cost of crashes. If everyone buckled up, this figure would drop significantly.

The first American car to come with seat belts was the?

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I'm thinking it was the 1948-49 Tucker. He truly believed in safety in other aspects.

Drivers seat does not go back?

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drivers seat does not go back?

Are people less likely to be in an accident if they are wearing a seat belt?

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AnswerNot less likely to be in an accident unless they are prone to moving about the vehicle while they're driving.For instance trying to maintain control of the vehicle and get in the back seat at the same time. Seat belts won't prevent stupidity from happening only protect the possible stupid person from getting ejected through the window of the vehicle as it careens wildly across the median into oncoming traffic .Only coming to rest after hitting a transfer truck head-on and bouncing off into a 4 wheel tire-screeching skid side-swiping another vehicle in the process and the continuing over the embankment where upon it flips and bursts into flames.

Now if you had your seat belt on this would not have happened because you would not be able to get into the rear seat and you would've known it so you probably wouldn't have tried to.However now you are trapped upside down inside a burning vehicle.

I'm sorry what was I talking about again?

Answer 2

In practice, I don't think you would a lot of difference. Nobody wants to crash. However, you can easily see reasons why there might be a difference between seatbelt-wearing and non-seatbelt wearing drivers.

For example, people who don't wear seatbelts might try harder to avoid hitting something because they know the result is going to be painful. Have you ever noticed how Volvo drivers don't seem to care what they hit? Seatbelts could be kind of like that.

However, if someone wears a seatbelt, it at least means they are thinking of road safety and the possibility of injury and are taking steps to reduce it. Possibly they are better educated about safe driving and are generally better drivers because of this.

In World War I, the British air-force initially refused to give their pilots parachutes because they thought people would just jump out at the first sign of damage instead of fighting on and perhaps saving their expensive planes or downing the enemy. Unfortunately, this also meant a lot of pilots died needlessly.

I don't think that drivers blindly trust seatbelts to save them, and therefore will try just as hard to avoid accidents. For this and the reasons above, I think they may be involved in fewer accidents than people who don't wear seatbelts.

How fast do air bags deploy?

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I can't give an exact time, but I believe it is around the 5 nanoseconds mark. An airbag will deploy and start to deflate in less time than it takes to blink your eye

How do you make the driver side seat belt longer on a 2004 Chevy Cavalier?

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If your seat belt doesn't fit, the only available option, (other than not buckling up) is to use a seat belt extender. A seat belt extender is typically about 8" in length and snaps into the existing seat belt, providing a longer belt and a better fit. Seat belt extenders are not universal in fit and you must get the extender for your particular vehicle. You can do so by calling the service department of your local dealership. Some dealers may charge for the extender, while others provide them free of charge. So give your Chevy dealer a call.

Can you get a seat belt ticket if your pulled over?

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Yeah, if you didn't have your seatbelt on and you get another ticket if your pulled over too long.

What is the seat belt law in England?

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If the vehicle is fitted with seatbelts, they must be worn unless:

  • You are reversing
  • You are supervising a learner driver who is reversing
  • You are driving a vehicle designed for goods and you are travelling less than 50 metres to an place where you will collect or delivery something
  • You have a medical certificate of exemption
  • Driving a licenced taxi that is driving, seeking or carrying a person for hire
  • Driving a private hire vehicle that is carrying a person for hire
  • A disabled person wearing a disabled person's belt
  • Riding in or driving a police, fire or rescue vehicle
  • Riding under a trade licence in order to investigate a mechanical fault in the vehicle
  • Riding in a vehicle that is taking part in a procession on behalf of the crown
  • A child under 3 years old in the rear of a taxi if the correct restraint is not available.

Children must be in booster seats until they reach 12 years of age or 135cm tall (whichever comes first), the only exceptions are if:

  • They are in a taxi where no booster is available
  • Travelliung a short distance in unexpected necessity, if the correct booster is not available.
  • Where two occupied boosters seats make fitting a third one impossible.

If any of these three apply, the child must ride in the back with an adult restraint.

If you are not wearing your seatbelt when you're supposed to be, you can face £100 fixed penalty fine (up to £500 if you go to court).

If a passenger is under 14, the driver of the vehicle is responsible for ensuring the child is using their seatbelt and will be liable to further fines if they are not.

Passengers who are 14 or over are responsible for themselves and will be fined if they are not wearing their seatbelts.

What is the emample of passive restraints?

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Airbag, Seat Belt and anti-lock brakes

What causes airbags to have an open circuit?

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There is not enough information in your question to provide a complete answer. Circuit testing of an air bag is potentially VERY dangerous. Air bags can be caused to deploy when tested in this manner depending on the equipment used. I caution you to have this done by somebody who is trained to diagnose a problem like this.

What do you do if the seat belt is stuck and will not go over your shoulder on a 1994 Ford Escort LX?

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it may just be stuck, or it burned out and needs to be taken apart. A dealer will charge you for electrical work

use the emergency seat belt crank in the back seat near the door pillers should be an access pannel about the size of a silver dollar believe can be turned with an Allen wrench get it all the way back and call it good the motor for the seat belt is not a cheap fix

How does inertia affect a person who is not wearing a seatbelt during a collision?

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When the car stops, the person continues forward, at the same speed that the car was travelling at. Into the dash, into the windscreen, maybe even THROUGH the windscreen and onto the road.

Beat up, cut up and run over - not a good thing.