

Smoking While Pregnant

According to the Surgeon General: "Babies whose mothers smoke while pregnant or who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth have weaker lungs than unexposed babies, which increases the risk for many health problems." Ask questions here regarding smoking habits during pregnancy and their negative effects on the developing fetus.

293 Questions

Are panic attacks dangerous while your pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

I SUGGEST TYPING IN THE WORD PANICK ATTACKS AND SEE WHAT YOU COME UP WITH. IT IS A START. Panic attacks during pregnancy is extremely common. It is also common in women going through perimenopause and finally menopause and it's due to chemical changes (hormonal) in the body. During pregnancy your blood sugars can be high, low, and other strange things can happen. My girlfriend who was pregnant many years ago with her first child just got panic attacks while having a shower. She stated she was worried about drowning. I told her to have a bath or a sink wash until she felt more confident to take a bath or shower. During pregnancy as you know one can have strange cravings to go along with everything else. A pregnant woman can go into fits of tears over seemingly nothing, depressed, feeling ugly and large feel like they are packing 200 pounds around when she really doesn't look that bad at all. Magazines and the media DO NOT help new mothers and instead put fear into them. They warn them of all the things that CAN happen to their baby even before they are born. Of course the standard is, see your doctor when you should for checkups, don't drink alcohol or too much caffeine, eat well, take some vitamins, exercise, etc. Other than that women have been having babies since the beginning of time and most are healthy chubby little cuties and there is no reason your baby won't be healthy. Stop reading too many magazines or baby books or listening to people that love to tell you their 'horror stories of giving birth.' Remember that each woman is different and she has several choices to give birth which she should discuss with her doctor. No, panic attacks are not dangerous while you are pregnant, but they are exhausting so between being pregnant (makes you very tired at times) and the stress of panic attacks the two will slow your energy level to stop and may cause you some depression because of the frustration of it all. I suffered from panic attacks in the 1970s and I know they aren't pleasant. Sometimes it's genetic and sometimes hormonal. These attacks will probably pass sometime before the birth of your baby or after the birth. Please discuss this with your doctor and see what he/she thinks of a medication you may be able to take while pregnant. You could also seek counseling as some pregnant women do. I don't normally recommend someone going to their doctor while pregnant to go onto medications, but, panic attacks will keep you extremely lethargic and far more depressed than you need to be. You will not die from panic attacks. You will not have a heart attack. A large percentage of people will suffer at least one to two panic attacks in their lifetime (sometimes brushed off as anxiety attacks.) If you would like more information on panic attacks please go onto my Private Message Board and I will research it for you. Congratulations early!

Does smoking spice cause birth defects?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it does i smoked while i was pregnant stupidest thing ive ever done... my daughter was born with nodules on the inside of her neck and i have been to multiple drs none of them has ever seen what it is she is 3 months now just had an ultrasound last week they still do not know its so scary for a mother PLEASE DO NOt MAKE SAME MISTAKE AS ME you will regret it for sure...please

-Nevaehs MOMMY

What can happn during pregnancy if a woman smokes while pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

some of the times when you are pregnant the smoking will go through and harm your baby by coming out being special need or even having problems breathing. As the pregnancy goes on the baby can or can not be effected. smoking while pregnant can cause problems for you and the child.

Can weed leave your body if you smoke while pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. I'm assuming you care for the baby you are carrying. The smoke and other chemicals you are taking in are replacing the oxygen you and your baby need. Your poor child could be born with all sorts of defects, retardation or it could be born dead.

My Ex was addicted to "weed", so I know how people can act about it. Give it up, at least while you're pregnant. Don't be selfish with your baby's future.

People say "weed" is a natural "herb" God allows to grow, so you should be able to smoke it. Well, if you're going to use this kind of reasoning, then so is Poison Ivy. Why not go out in the woods somewhere and gather up some "righteous" Poison Ivy. Bring it home, dry it out and roll a "fat one". Don't be selfish with your baby's life.

Well if your trying to ask will it be out of your system while pregnant then the answer is YES. It takes just as long to get out of your system as it would anyone else, Around 30 days, give or take. And to answer the question above about why not go roll a fat one of poison ivy, well that's because it wont get you high and could make you break out dummy! Just answer the question, no need to be smart about it!

What is a good sentence for smoking is bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

smoking is bad because it could make you lungs go black and most importantly... Just because your friends smoke dose not mean you have to smoke and its not really cool because your trying to say that getting yellow teeth and raising your stress level is cool.

What is douching?

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Asked by Starlight84

That is a method used to rinse out the vaginal interior. You use a mild solution. Most are prepackaged and ready to use now, insert the little end and rinse out the interior area of the vagina. It is not recommended to do on a regular basis as it can cause your delicate inner lining to become unbalanced pH wise or to get some sort of yeast problem.
Douche. It is the process of cleaning the female genitals by irrigation, usually with water.

If you may be pregnant and you take Encare spermicide can this cause a miscarriage or harm the fetus?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am looking for an answer to a similar question. I may have become pregnant this week. I don't wish to be pregnant, but if I was I don't want to loose it. If my husband and I use a spermicide would it damage the possible embryo, if it exists?

Is 4 months into pregnancy to late to quit smoking?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's never too late to quit smoking. Of course we can't know if you smoking so far has had any effect.

If I used spermicide while pregnant can it harm the fetus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not likely. However, you should avoid introducing harsh chemicals into the vaginal region because, although they cannot reach the uterus directly, they may be absorbed into the vaginal tissue.

When to see a gynecologist?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is better to see a gynec first around age of 13-14 then after certain period a regular check-up visit would definetely help women's health

How much will someone save a month if they quit smoking?

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Asked by Wiki User

I depends on how much you smoke. Let's say a person smokes 1 pack each day. A pack of cigarrettes cost about $3 (also depends on the brand). So 3 X 31 days = $93 save if that person stops smoking. That's $1116 per year and if a person smokes until they die (supposing they started smoking when they turned 18 and lived until the age of 60), they will have spend about $46,872.

WOW! That is enough money for a nice down payment on a house or 2 nice vehicles, or what a typical middle class person makes in 1 year.

Encourage all of your friends and family to quit smoking so they can live long enough to enjoy the savings.

Does smoking cause birth defects?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the CDC press release February 28, 2011:

Maternal cigarette smoking in the first trimester was associated with a 20 to 70 percent greater likelihood that a baby would be born with certain types of congenital heart defects, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defects, contributing to approximately 30 percent of infant deaths from birth defects annually.

The study found an association between tobacco exposure and certain types of defects such as those that obstruct the flow of blood from the right side of the heart into the lungs (right ventricular outflow tract obstructions) and openings between the upper chambers of the heart (atrial septal defects). The study is in the Feb. 28 issue of the journal Pediatrics.

"Women who smoke and are thinking about becoming pregnant need to quit smoking and, if they're already pregnant, they need to stop," said CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. "Quitting is the single most important thing a woman can do to improve her health as well as the health of her baby."

Based on the findings of this and other studies, eliminating smoking before or very early in pregnancy could prevent as many as 100 cases of right ventricular outflow tract obstructions and 700 cases of atrial septal defects each year in the United States. For atrial septal defects alone, that could potentially save $16 million in hospital costs.

See the link below for the full press release.

Can the baby die from smoking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes smoking puts the mother and unborn child at risk. Cigars contain dangerous chemicals like nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar. Therefore smoking increase the risk of pregnancy complications.