


Viruses (biological)

A virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms. Viruses display a wide diversity of shapes and sizes, called morphologies. Generally viruses are much smaller than bacteria. Most viruses that have been studied have a diameter between 10 and 300 nanometres.

500 Questions

Is varicella zoster virus gram negative of gram positive?

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Gram-positive and gram-negative refer to the Gram stain used to prepare slides of bacteria for viewing under a light microscope. Viruses are too small to see under a light microscope and have to be prepared differently for viewing under an electron microscope. So the answer to your question is neither

Name 3 types of virus?

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  1. Influenza virus: A respiratory virus that causes flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, and body aches.
  2. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus): A virus that attacks the body's immune system, leading to a weakening of the immune response.
  3. Herpes simplex virus: A virus that can cause oral or genital herpes, presenting as cold sores or painful blisters.

What is a peplon?

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It seems there may be a spelling error in your question. However, if you meant "peplum," it is a flared or ruffled piece of fabric that is attached at the waist of a dress, top, or jacket, creating a decorative element. Peplums can add shape and volume to an outfit.

Is the flue a virus?

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No, a flue is not a virus. A flue is a duct, pipe, or chimney for conveying exhaust gases from a fireplace, furnace, boiler, or smokestack. On the other hand, a virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of an organism.

Cell in which a virus multiplies it self?

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A virus multiplies itself in a host cell by using the cell's machinery to replicate its own genetic material and produce new viral particles. The virus takes over the host cell's resources to create copies of itself, eventually causing the host cell to burst and release the newly formed viruses to infect other cells.

Bacteria virus and their general characteristic?

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Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that have a cell wall and reproduce through binary fission. They can be beneficial or harmful. Viruses are not cells, but genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat. They infect living cells to replicate. Both bacteria and viruses can cause infections in humans.

When a virus enters a cell it?

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When a virus enters a cell, it injects its genetic material into the cell. The virus then hijacks the cell’s machinery to replicate itself, producing more virus particles. This process can ultimately lead to cell death and the spread of the virus to other cells in the body.

What is the difference between cells and viruses?

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Virus: is a strand of hereditary material surrounded by a protein coating that can infect and multiply in a host cell.

Host Cell: a living cell invaded by or capable of being invaded by an infectious agent.

Is Brucellosis virus used in treatment of spindle cell carcinoma in horses?

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Brucellosis is a bacterial infection caused by Brucella species, not a virus. It is not used in the treatment of spindle cell carcinoma in horses. Treatment for spindle cell carcinoma in horses typically involves surgical removal of the tumor, followed by additional therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation depending on the extent of the disease.

What are the harmful effects of human viruses?

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Human viruses can cause a range of harmful effects, including respiratory illnesses, gastrointestinal illnesses, skin lesions, neurological disorders, and even cancer. They can also lead to immunosuppression and facilitate the development of secondary infections. In severe cases, viruses can result in organ failure and even death.

Which is the smallest virus?

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i think it's Family Parvoviridae (20-25 nm in diameter), that's is according to the book of Maria Danessa Delost entitled Introduction to Diagnostic Microbiology, page 338 isn't it the polio virus??

Did fungi cause the influenza?

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No, fungi do not cause influenza. Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses, not fungi. Fungi typically cause infections such as athlete's foot, yeast infections, or fungal pneumonia.

Can biological virus inhibit in salt?

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Biological viruses can be deactivated or inhibited in salt because salt can disrupt the virus's structure and function by causing osmotic stress. High salt concentrations can damage the virus's genetic material and proteins, rendering it unable to infect host cells. This is why salt is commonly used as a preservative to inhibit the growth and spread of viruses in certain environments.

A picture of the influenza virus?

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I'm unable to display images as I'm a text-based AI. However, the influenza virus is a spherical particle with proteins on its surface that help it infect cells. It contains genetic material in the form of RNA and is known for causing the flu in humans.

Which is more dangerous a virus or bacteria?

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Both viruses and bacteria can be dangerous, but viruses are generally considered more dangerous because they depend on host cells to reproduce, making them harder to control and eliminate. Bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, while most viral infections require supportive care and antiviral medications.

What type of virus is Anthrax?

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Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by Bacillus anthracis, not a virus. It can affect both humans and animals, and can be transmitted through spores.

Why is a virus considered a living thing?

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Viruses are not considered living things because they cannot carry out essential life processes on their own, such as metabolism or reproduction. They require a host cell to replicate and are not composed of cells themselves.

How are viruses similar to parasites?

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Viruses are similar to parasites because both require a host to survive and both destroy the cells in which they multiply (cause harm to the host).

What is used to treat a virus?

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The treatment of virus infections is usually left up to the patient's own immune system, although it may be hard to accept when the doctor says the only cure is for 'nature to take its course'. The treatment of virus infections such as influenza will usually involve: * Drinking plenty of water. * Staying at home. People who go to work or school in this condition not only risk spreading the virus to their colleagues, but also run a higher risk of catching a bacterial infection. * Taking a painkiller such as paracetamol (eg Panadol) or ibuprofen (eg Nurofen) to bring your temperature down. * Preventive vaccines have been developed against most viral diseases. The vaccine gives the body some help in quickly and effectively fighting the virus but of course must be taken in advance of the infection. 80% of people who take annual vaccines find they avoid flu infection. An increasing number of antiviral remedies are being developed that prevent the virus multiplying and cause the illness to run its course more quickly. Unfortunately, these remedies can still only be used on very few viruses. Antibiotics have no effect upon viral infections such as colds or flu, and it is important that we limit antibiotic use only to bacterial infections that won't get better on their own. Over-use of antibiotics reduces their effectiveness by encouraging the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is a serious and increasing problem globally.

What is the common medical name of the flu?

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'Avian Influenza' is not the scientific name, the scientific name is actually Orthomyxoviridae, Influenza Type A, subtype H5N1.

The common names are: Avian Influenza, bird flu, and fowl plague.

Is there homeostasis in a virus?

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No viruses do not have homeostasis. They have no cellular activities because they are not made of cells.

Viruses do not respond or adapt to the environment. Any changes in the viruses are brought about by the host cells that make the new copies of the virus.

When science says that viruses evolve, it is really the host cell that makes the changes in the virus. So the virus type accumulates these changes, but it doesn't make the changes itself.

What virus is found in water contaminated by sewage?

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The hepatitis A virus is commonly found in water contaminated by sewage. It can cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, nausea, and jaundice. Proper sanitation and water treatment are essential to prevent the spread of this virus.

What is the name of the virus that causes influenza?

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Influenza is caused exclusively by viruses in the Orthomyxoviridae family.Viruses are not true cells and are metabolically inert until they are attached or inside of a host cell of a plant or animal (including humans).

What is the Common name for Epstein Barr virus?

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The common name for Epstein Barr virus is EBV or human herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4).

Pour plate and spread plate?

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Pour plate method involves pouring a known volume of liquid culture onto the agar plate and spreading it evenly over the surface. Spread plate method involves spreading a known volume of liquid culture over the surface of the agar plate using a sterile spreader. Both methods are used for isolating and enumerating bacteria from a sample.