


Religion & Spirituality

Throughout human history, humans have been searching for meaning. Many people find it in religious or spiritual worship or practice. The questions of religion have occupied humanity since our beginnings. Questions here include the ancient, organized, and new & evolving religions; faith, spirituality, and alternate pathways; as well as those of people still searching. Questions about the origins of religion, comparison of religion, and Atheism are also found here.

500 Questions

What is the heliocentic theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

The heliocentric theory proposes that the Sun is at the center of our solar system, and the planets, including Earth, orbit around it. This idea was introduced by Nicolaus Copernicus in the 16th century and replaced the geocentric model that positioned Earth at the center.

What are contextual factors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Contextual factors are the elements and circumstances surrounding a situation that can affect how it is understood or experienced. These factors can include cultural norms, historical events, physical environments, social relationships, and economic conditions. Understanding contextual factors is important for gaining a comprehensive view of a situation or phenomenon.

Definition of academic achievement in educational administration how can the school environment affect academic achievement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Academic achievement can be defined as excellence in all academic disciplines, in class as well as extracurricular activities.It includes excellence in sporting,behaviour,confidence,communication skills,pantuality,assetiviness,Arts,Culture, and the like.

What are the essence and nature of values?

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Asked by Wiki User

Values are fundamental beliefs that guide our behaviors and decisions, reflecting what is important to us. They serve as a moral compass, shaping our attitudes and actions towards ourselves and others. Values are deeply ingrained and influence our perceptions of right and wrong, shaping our character and defining who we are.

Importance of philosophy in nursing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Philosophy in nursing helps nurses develop a deeper understanding of the values and beliefs that guide patient care. It also supports critical thinking skills and ethical decision-making. By incorporating philosophical perspectives, nurses can provide more holistic and patient-centered care.

How does metaphysics affect a person's axiology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metaphysics, which deals with the nature of reality and existence, can influence a person's axiology by shaping their beliefs about the nature of values and the ultimate purpose of life. For example, if someone believes in a metaphysical framework that emphasizes spiritual or transcendental values, this may lead them to prioritize these values in their ethical and moral reasoning. Additionally, metaphysical perspectives on topics like free will, determinism, and the nature of reality can also impact an individual's approach to ethics and decision-making.

Which two church groups have the fastest growing membership today in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

The two church groups with the fastest growing membership in Latin America today are the Evangelical Christian denominations and the Pentecostal churches. These groups have experienced significant growth due to their emphasis on personal conversion experiences, charismatic worship, and social outreach programs.

A sentence using the word deciphered?

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Asked by Wiki User

She worked diligently until she finally deciphered the ancient symbols on the stone tablet.

Is bereavement bad?

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Asked by DiamondXmas

Bereavement is a normal and natural response to losing someone you care about. It can be a difficult and challenging process, but it is an important part of the healing and grieving process. Seeking support from loved ones or a mental health professional can help you navigate through this difficult time.

What does the catholic church do about corrupt leaders?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Catholic Church takes allegations of corruption among its leaders seriously and may investigate the claims internally. Depending on the severity of the allegations, the Church may take disciplinary action, including removal from office. Ultimately, the Church aims to uphold the principles of integrity and ethical conduct among its leaders.

Is heaven a bribe?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, heaven is not a bribe. Belief in a higher power and the concept of an afterlife like heaven is a part of many religious beliefs and provides comfort and hope for many people. It is seen as a reward for living a virtuous life and following the teachings of that belief system.

What motivates people to seek religious freedom?

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Asked by Wiki User

People seek religious freedom to practice their beliefs without fear of persecution, discrimination, or repression. This freedom allows individuals to worship, express their faith, and live according to their religious values without interference from the government or societal pressures. It is a fundamental human right that enables individuals to find spiritual fulfillment and live authentically according to their beliefs.

What religions does Voo Doo have in common with?

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Asked by Miriclechild

Voodoo shares similarities with some African traditional religions, such as the Yoruba religion in Nigeria and Candomblé in Brazil, due to its focus on ancestor veneration, spirit possession, and connection to nature. It also has influences from Catholicism, as seen in the syncretic practices of Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo.

Who is another person besides Buddha who left a life of luxury in order to pursue wisdom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jesus, a central figure in Christianity, is known for leaving a life of comfort to spread his teachings and wisdom to others. He lived a simple and humble life, focusing on love, compassion, and spiritual growth.

What does consider thy ways mean?

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Asked by GODSMIRACLE1o08

"Consider thy ways" is a phrase that urges reflection on one's actions, decisions, and overall way of living. It prompts individuals to think carefully about their behavior and choices in order to assess whether they align with their values, goals, and principles.

In a classroom is discipline important?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • The importance of discipline in a student's life is to get them prepared for the working world. Students are given some wise teachings not only to concentrate on their subjects at school, but how to behave amongst the other students because once out in society they will have to reach back and use some of the tools they have learned at school.

What do you want to prove in life?

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Asked by Wiki User

I want to prove that it's possible to make a positive impact on the world by spreading kindness, compassion, and understanding. I hope to show that small acts of generosity and empathy can lead to meaningful change and create a more harmonious society.

What is the name of the belief that all churches are corrupt but god is not?

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Asked by Wiki User

The belief you are referring to is often called "Sola Scriptura," which translates to "Scripture alone." This belief holds that while churches may be flawed and corrupt, God's teachings in the Bible are pure and infallible.

When did Lisa Lopes die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lisa Lopes, also known as Left Eye, died in a car accident on April 25, 2002. She was a member of the group TLC.

Where is Roberts Liardon now?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of my last update, Roberts Liardon is a Christian author, speaker, and spiritual leader based in California, USA. He travels internationally for speaking engagements and continues to write books on topics related to faith and spirituality. It is recommended to check his official website or social media for the most current information on his whereabouts.

Why don't liberals believe in God?

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Asked by Wiki User

This question falls prey to several sad suppositions.

It suggests that all liberals are godless and all conservatives are godly.

It suggests that to be godly a person must be not liberal but conservative.

None of those is true.

There is much depth and scope to the relationships between religious beliefs and political or moral stance.

Each of us is able to have a different religious belief or political stance from the next person. It is in our nature to differ on the same things.

There are people who think that, if a person follows a particular religion or political belief, it means they are moral or immoral. That is entirely wrong; a person's morality is not dependent upon a particular religion or a particular political belief.

Most statistics might suggest that Christians comprise a larger share of the conservative sector and non-Christians are usually a part of the liberal sector.

The Census Bureau's 2008 ARIS survey showed that only 15% of Americans replied they do not believe in God or are unsure if there can be a God.

Take any two people, one who identifies as a conservative and one as a liberal. Each tends to think in different ways.

But it is not possible to determine the reasons why a person decides to follow a particular political or religious belief system without inquiring of the individual person.

In the case of politics and religion, all stereotypes are entirely wrong.

Who are allies and who are adversaries or enemies to Afghanistan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Afghanistan's allies include countries such as the United States, India, and some European nations. Adversaries or enemies to Afghanistan include the Taliban, ISIS, and other extremist groups operating within the region.

Why is life short?

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Asked by Wiki User

Life is not short. Life is endless. Please refer with Bible. Reference: Matthew 5:3; 19:29, Malachi 3:15-18. The Bible just says about the LIFE. God bless You.


Mortal life is 72yrs (exceptions of course: younger or older), but, that's

what God said.

Eternal life with Jesus comes as you accept Him as your Savior.

Can people live forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, there is no scientific evidence or technology that allows people to live forever. While advances in medicine and biotechnology are helping people live longer, aging and mortality are still inevitable aspects of human life. However, ongoing research is being conducted to better understand the aging process and explore ways to potentially extend lifespan.

Can you prove that life is very short?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to see life as short is by comparing it to the vastness of time and space in the universe. In the grand scheme of things, a human life span is just a tiny blip. Additionally, the feeling that time passes quickly as we age is a common experience shared by many, reinforcing the perception of life's brevity.