


Hobbies & Collectibles

Hobbies and Collectibles has to do with things people do because they enjoy doing them; and includes such activities as collecting art, camping and hiking, crafting with wood or other materials, and collecting everything from coins to comic books and dolls to stamps. Whether you have a postcard that you want to know the value of or want to know where you can purchase a highly-prized collectible, how to plant a garden or something about your favorite craft, you can ask your question here.

500 Questions

Which country was a 2000 year old life size teracotta army discovered?

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Asked by Wiki User

The terracotta army was discovered in China. It was buried with the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, to protect him in the afterlife.

How were religious icons used?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religious icons were used in Christianity and other religions as holy images or objects meant to aid in prayer and meditation. They served as a visual representation of religious figures or events, and were believed to possess spiritual significance and help believers connect with the divine. Icons were often venerated and used as a means of expressing faith and devotion.

What factor is important to the emergence of first civilizations?

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Asked by Wiki User

The agricultural revolution, which allowed for a sedentary lifestyle and surplus food production, was crucial to the emergence of the first civilizations. This surplus enabled social stratification, the development of specialized labor, and the formation of complex societies with centralized authority. Additionally, geographic factors such as fertile land, access to water sources, and natural barriers for defense played a key role in the location and growth of early civilizations.

What tools were used to build churches in 1066?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1066, tools such as hammers, chisels, saws, plumb bobs, and trowels were commonly used in the construction of churches. These tools were typically made of wood, stone, or metal and were used by skilled craftsmen and laborers to build the intricate structures of churches during that time period.

How many people visit Tikal per year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tikal National Park in Guatemala receives approximately 300,000 visitors per year.

How does physical geography affect the way people live in Ancient Egypt?

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Asked by Wiki User

most of them lived by the river nile which they based their whole loves on. it gave them water to drink and bathe in and every once in a while it would flood, making the perfect soil for their crops and livestock to thriive on.

Who built the Sacsayhuaman?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sacsayhuamán was built by the Inca Empire, specifically under the rule of Emperor Pachacuti. It served as a ceremonial and defensive complex overlooking the Inca capital of Cusco in modern-day Peru. The construction of Sacsayhuamán involved intricate stone carving and fitting techniques that have puzzled historians and archaeologists to this day.

What do the yurok tribe use as shelter?

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Asked by Molly5264

The Yurok Tribe traditionally used redwood planks to build rectangular plank houses. These houses were made by overlapping planks of redwood and had a slanted roof covered with brush or bark. Today, some members of the Yurok Tribe still practice traditional housing techniques, while others live in modern homes.

You excavate historic sites and discover interesting objects like old coins and pottery who are you?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am an archaeologist who specializes in excavating historic sites to uncover artifacts such as old coins and pottery. My work involves analyzing these objects to learn about the past societies and cultures that once inhabited the area.

About the living culture lifestyle of early man equivalent to class seventh standard for your project?

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Asked by Wiki User

Early humans lived in small groups called tribes, they were hunter-gatherers who relied on hunting animals and gathering plant foods for survival. They lived in shelters made of wood, leaves, or animal skins, and used stone tools for hunting, cooking, and other tasks. Their culture included cave paintings, rituals, and storytelling to pass down traditions and knowledge.

What are pottery fragments?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pottery fragments are broken pieces of pottery or ceramics that have been found at archaeological sites. These fragments can provide valuable information about the culture, technology, and trade of the people who created them. Archaeologists use pottery fragments to date sites and reconstruct ancient pottery-making techniques.

How do you dig in the ground for arrowheads?

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When searching for arrowheads, use a small hand trowel or shovel to carefully dig small holes in areas where you suspect artifacts may be buried. Take care not to disrupt the soil too much, as this can damage any artifacts you may find. Make sure to follow all local regulations and obtain permission if you are planning to dig on private land.

How much is a hunk of obsidian worth?

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The value of a hunk of obsidian can vary depending on its size, quality, and location. Generally, smaller pieces can be purchased for a few dollars, while larger or more pristine specimens can range from $10 to $100 or more. Rare or unique types of obsidian may command higher prices among collectors or retailers.

How do people understand sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

People understand sign language by using their hands and fingers to create specific movements and gestures that convey words, phrases, and meanings. Sign language also involves facial expressions and body language to help communicate emotions and nuances. People who are fluent in sign language are able to understand and interpret the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of the language just like spoken languages.

How home language is acquired?

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Asked by Wiki User

Home language is acquired through exposure to it from family members and caregivers from a very young age. Children learn by listening, imitating, and practicing language in their everyday interactions within the home environment. Consistent exposure and opportunities for communication play a crucial role in language acquisition.

What is the need of value education in professional institutes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Value education in professional institutes is important to help students develop a strong ethical and moral foundation. It helps them understand the importance of integrity, respect, and responsibility in their professional lives. Value education also fosters a positive work culture and promotes social responsibility among future professionals.

How can you decorate your assignment?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can decorate your assignment by using headings, bullet points, numbering, bold or italic text, colored text, relevant images or charts, and a consistent font style to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Be sure to follow any guidelines provided by your instructor.

What is meant by critical pedagogy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Critical pedagogy is an educational approach that emphasizes questioning established power structures and promoting social justice through education. It involves engaging students in critical thinking, analysis of societal issues, and developing a sense of agency to create positive change in the world.

Life in 1908?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1908, life was quite different compared to today. People relied more on manual labor for tasks, there was limited technology, transportation was mainly by horse and carriage, and communication was primarily done through letters or face-to-face. Society had different norms and values, and industrialization was transforming the way people worked and lived.

How child acquire his first language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children acquire their first language through exposure to language input from their caretakers and their environment. They start by listening to speech around them, mimicking sounds and eventually forming words and sentences. This process is natural and typically occurs during the critical period in early childhood.

Could you Explain the four step method for business problem solving for information system related problems?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! The four-step method for business problem solving in information systems involves first defining the problem, analyzing the problem by gathering relevant data, developing potential solutions, and finally selecting the best solution and implementing it. This systematic approach helps businesses effectively address and resolve information system related problems.

Where say hello by the tongue?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most cultures, people say hello out loud, using their vocal cords and tongue to form the sounds. The tongue plays a role in shaping the letters and sounds that make up the word "hello."

What does staples mean by the phrase public space in what way is he capable of altering it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Staples refers to public space as an environment where he, as a black man, is often viewed with fear and suspicion. He is capable of altering this space by deliberately changing his behavior, such as whistling or speaking softly, to appear less threatening and make others around him feel more at ease. Staples uses this strategy to navigate public spaces without causing undue alarm or drawing negative attention.

Which of the following describes a major similarity between the Marshall Plan and Radio Free Europe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer this question…Both were intended to help the United States win popular support in Europe.

What is a Greek prefix meaning earthquake?

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Asked by Wiki User

seismo-, seism-, -seism, -seisms, -seisma, -seismically, -seismical, -seismal, & -seismic