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Topics to Explore

What does the medical abbreviation CPC mean?

CPC stands for certified professional coder. A CPC has studied and taken a test to demonstrate knowledge of medical coding.

Cocktail made of gin and dry vermouth?

The name for it is a "Martini"

Lots of different takes on it, but basically it is Gin, French Dry Vermouth (Noilly Prat), Tonic Water, Lemon Twist. Some say ice, some say no ice to be true to the original. Some say no tonic water. Some say 1/3 Tonic, 1/3 Gin, 1/3 Vermouth. Some say 6/10 Gin to 4/10 Vermouth. Some say Sweet Vermouth is OK. Some say twist of lemon rind for fragrance. Some say slice of lemon. Some say lemon and mint garnish. I am not sure what the orignal recipe really is, but I think it was Gin, Vermouth, and Tonic, no ice. Greer Garson ordered it from Reginal Owen in 'Random Harvest' and got it in what looks like a tall shot glass.

How do you diagnose an obstruction complicated by ischemia?

An obstruction complicated by ischemia may be diagnosed through a combination of imaging tests such as CT angiography or magnetic resonance angiography, as well as clinical assessment of symptoms like pain and tissue damage. Additionally, blood tests measuring markers of tissue damage and decreased blood flow may be utilized to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment may involve urgent revascularization to restore blood flow and prevent further damage.

The purpose of an initial public offering (IPO) is to do what?

The first sale of stock to the public

or To raise money to fund a company's activities.

How do pilots pilot planes to their destination?

Answer 1:

After the flight's routing is decided (this is planned before the pilots arrive to the aircraft), the pilots enter all their waypoints into a very complex computer. The enroute portion of the flight is mostly controlled by computers with pilot's info.

The common misconception is that pilots no longer have to do anything but watch the airplane fly itself. This is not true: pilots have to know what to do in case something (or everything) fails. They are also in complete charge of push back (from the gate), taxi, take off, landing, and taxiing again. Among communications and other major and minor events during the flight.

Answer 2:

I wish my plane had a very complex computer to put my way points into and it would just fly to it.

Though some planes do have a flight computer, some (not all) of the General Aviation (GA) airplanes have GPS (not unlike your car) and auto-pilots. You can do your flight planning on maps (sectionals) and fly your plane by just maps, timer, and dead reckoning. This way is not fun on long trips, but all pilots learn how to fly this way.

Dating someone with an eating disorder?

Don't let the fact that they have an eating disorder turn you off. You just need to let them know that they are perfect just they way they are, they may tell you that they don't believe you or that your only lying, it doesn't matter just keep telling them, you just really need to mean it. And let them know that you do. And if it gets too serious you need to tell someone because it can become fatal.

What the project manager should do to perform the planning function?

Any Project that needs to be executed has to be planned. Any tasks that was begun without proper planning and due diligence is almost always a failure. So, as a responsible project manager you have to plan your project properly to ensure that, your baby is a success. After all, which project manager wants to spend months of his time on a failing cause? Atleast, I don't …

What are the Phases Involved in Project Planning?

Project Planning involves 4 important phases. They are:

1. Planning the Project Scope

2. Planning the Project Resources

3. Planning the Project Schedule

4. Planning Quality & Risk Management

Each of these 4 phases is equally important and have a significant impact on the success of the project.

As Project Managers we need to put in dedicated effort to plan for each of these phases and as expected. Numerous activities need to be taken up by the Project Manager during planning to ensure that the Project is a Success

Where is Mt Aconcagua located?

Mount Aconcagua is located in the Andes mountain range in South America. It is situated in the Mendoza Province of Argentina, near the border with Chile. It is the highest peak in both the Western and Southern Hemispheres.

How was Denzel Washington childhood?

IT was trouble at some point but he got thrugh it and became an actor.

Did Eddie Taylor meet Rev Ike?

Yes. Though it is not certain which city. Rev. Ike was an international evangelist. Eddie Taylor performed for these meetings from Los Angeles, CA to New York City to Macon, GA, to Jacksonville and Miami Beach, FL between the late 1960s through the early 1970s. Due to his enormous vocal gift, Taylor was discovered by a talent agent in Los Angeles. Thus, temporarily persuing a career in opera.

How do you write four less than a number is two thirds of that number?

As an algebraic equation, the statement four less than a number is two thirds of that number, looks like this: x - 4 = (2/3)x.

What is a parallelogram where all sides are equal?

A parallelogram where all sides are equal is a square.

Did Michael Jackson ever appear on MTV cribs?

No, Michael Jackson did never appear on MTV cribs :-)

In his later years he did some very personal interwiews like in living with Michael Jackson.

What does latin word specere mean?

Specere in Latin is an archaic verb meaning "to look at". It is the source of the more common verb with this meaning, spectare.

The verbal ending -tare is what is known as a "frequentative" ending, which conveys the idea of performing the action of the base verb frequently or repeatedly. Thus, for example, dicere is "to say"; dictare is "to say often; to assert repeatedly". In many cases a verb that is frequentative in form loses that nuance, becomes more or less synonymous with the base verb, and then edges it out. This is what happened with specere and spectare. Another example is canere and cantare, both meaning "to sing"; it is the frequentative form that survived and gave rise to the modern Romance verbs for singing, such as French chanter, Spanish cantar, Italian cantare.

What are some animals that begin with the letter X?

Animals beginning with the letter X:

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated at the bottom of this answer box.

  • X-L Spring Tui Chub: Gila bicolor oregonensis
  • X-ray Tetra (fish): Pristella maxillaris
  • X: Parailia pellucida
  • Xami Hairstreak: Callophrys xami, Callophrys xami texami
  • Xanclomys: a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America.
  • Xanthareel (yellow eel)
  • Xanthidae - crab
  • Xanthippe's Shrew: Crocidura xantippe
  • Xanthostigma - Longfin Sanddab fish
  • Xantic Sargo: Anisotremus davidsonii
  • Xantis: a yak.
  • Xantus (murrelet - small seabird)
  • Xantus Leaf-Toed Gecko: Phyllodactylus xanti
  • Xantus murrelet: a small seabird found in the California Current system in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Xantus Swimming Crab: Portunus xantusii
  • Xantus's Hummingbird: Basilinna xantusii
  • Xantus's Murrelet: Synthliboramphus hypoleucus
  • Xantusia henshawi - Granite Night Lizard
  • Xantusiidae: family of night lizards.
  • Xeme (Arctic fork-tailed gull)
  • Xenarthra - mammal in South America
  • Xenarthra: a mammal in South America.
  • Xenarthrans: The superorder Xenarthra is a group of placental mammals
  • Xeniades Swallowtail: Mimoides xeniades
  • Xenicidae: a family of New Zealand wrens.
  • Xenipirostirs - bird from Madagascar
  • Xenipirostris: genus of birds from Madagascar.
  • Xenoclea Longwing: Heliconius melpomene xenoclea
  • Xenocrates Leafwing: Polygrapha xenocrates
  • Xenopeltidae - snakes
  • Xenopeltidae: family of reptiles including sunbeam snake- Xenopeltis.
  • Xenoposeidon
  • Xenops: a rain forest bird from the Americas.
  • Xenopterygii: order of fishes including clingfishes.
  • Xenopus: a South African clawed frog (name means "strange foot").
  • Xenotarsosaurus
  • Xenurine: a species of armadillo; a cabassou.
  • Xenurus unicinctus: an armadillo native of the tropical parts of South America.
  • Xerarthra: mammal related to sloth
  • Xerces blu - extinct butterfly, Glaucopsyche lygdamus xerces, Glaucopsyche xerces
  • Xeric Ambersnail: Succinea Indiana
  • Xerus (a species of squirrel found only in Africa)
  • Xestia Badicollis
  • Xestia Elimata
  • Xestus Fangblenny: Petroscirtes xestus
  • Xestus Sabretooth Blenny: Petroscirtes xestus
  • Xiaosaurus: plant eating dinasour from jurassaic period
  • Xingu Corydoras: Corydoras xinguensis
  • Xingu River Ray: Potamotrygon leopoldi
  • Xinjiangovenator
  • Xinjiani Ground-Jay: Podoces biddulphi
  • Xiphias (swordfish)
  • Xiphias Gladius
  • Xiphosuran (horseshoe crab)
  • xlot
  • Xoloitzcuintli: a dog.
  • Xoni: mystical creature.
  • Xuanhanosaurus
  • Xuanhuaceratops
  • Xuanhuasaurus
  • Xuthus Swallowtail: Papilio xuthus
  • Xylophone Cat: A cat that is only by legend but some claim to have seen it.

Have there ever been any shark attacks on long island's south shore?

it's possible, they've been known to hang around the edge of long island in the summer. I'm sure it's possible they could follow prey in, the increase in grey seals has definitely increased the possibility.

Does not washing your hair stop it from being greasy?

It actually allows the oil glands to continue an uninterrupted oil creation process which increases the amount on your hair, so not washing your hair=more grease.

It will clean the oils out of your hair, but it won't stop it from becoming greasy. If it does, you should change your shampoo and seek advice from your doctor if that doesn't correct the problem. Your skin has oil glands that secrete a certain amount of oil. If this should stop, your skin will dry out and begin to itch. It could be a sign of a medical problem. If you feel your hair is too oily or gets oily too soon, you should consult a doctor.

What actors and actresses appeared in Loose Ends - 2010?

The cast of 2012 Seeking Closure - 2010 includes: Bruce Allen Dawson as Martin Healy Christie Beran as Waitress Cici Carmen as Sandra Greg Coale as David Nizer Brandon Dawson as Street Person Interviewed John Doty as Polish Leader Brian Dragonuk as Michael Sweeny Sarah Fasha as Sara the office worker Alexandra Frankel as Victoria Ericka Gardner as Carol Healy Christina July Kim as Kim Vaughn Pete Karas as Rocker in traffic jam Aubrohn King as Driver Michael Kourtesis as Michael Taylor Seth Kozak as Businessman Neva Krauss as Karen Howze Kodie Lake as Robert Nizer Connie Lamothe as Christy Murphy Logan Mcdonell as Golden Gate Marili Mejias as JoJo Marlena Neal as Office worker Norman Outlaw as Restaurant Patron Tomas Owens as Golden Gate Altorro Prince Black as President of the United States Reiner Prochaska as EPA Director Ritmiller Sara Rickwa as College Girl Kimberly Spak as Elizabeth Taylor Jonathan Stoddard as Matt Kevin Tan as San Vaughn Ryan Tse as Tran Vaughn Eva Ward as Office worker Christina Zamora as Jessica

2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee code P0601?

Trouble code P0601 means: Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error