



The cultivation of plants and animals through farming, mainly for food. Agriculture is also known as the Geography of Food.

500 Questions

How does a small cement silo work?

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Asked by Wiki User

A small cement silo works by storing dry cement powder and releasing it into a mixer or conveyor system through a controlled discharge mechanism. The silo typically has an aeration system to prevent clogging and ensure a consistent flow of cement. The cement is loaded from the top and can be unloaded from the bottom through a screw conveyor or air slides.

How do you fill a silo?

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Asked by Wiki User

A silo is typically filled by transferring material to it through a conveyor system, a truck, or by using an auger or blower system. The material is deposited into the silo until it reaches the desired level or capacity. It's important to follow safety guidelines and ensure the material is evenly distributed to prevent uneven settling.

What is the scientific name for artichokes?

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The scientific name for artichokes is Cynara scolymus.

What are the purposes of surveys?

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Asked by Wiki User

Surveys are used to gather data from a specific group of people to understand their opinions, preferences, behaviors, or characteristics. They can help organizations make informed decisions, assess customer satisfaction, evaluate programs, conduct research, or gather feedback for improvement.

Which had greater impact on humans Agricultural revolution or information revolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Agricultural Revolution had a greater overall impact on humans as it transformed societies from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled agricultural communities. The Information Revolution, while significant in reshaping how we communicate and access knowledge, is a more recent development with implications that continue to unfold.

Definition of the dynamic encounter theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dynamic encounter theory suggests that individuals constantly adapt and adjust their behavior when interacting with others based on a range of factors such as their goals, expectations, and the social context of the interaction. It emphasizes that social encounters are fluid and continuously evolving, influenced by the feedback and responses received from others. This theory highlights the complexity and unpredictability of human interactions.

The white oak tree has the scientific name Quercus Alba This is also the name of the?

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Asked by Wiki User

The white oak tree has the scientific name Quercus alba. This is also the name of the species.

What are the four learning areas of technology and livelihood education?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four learning areas of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) are Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). These areas encompass a wide range of practical skills and knowledge that prepare students for various vocational and technical careers.

What is the scientific name for a dogwood leaf?

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The scientific name for a dogwood leaf is Cornus florida.

What are the competitive advantages of information technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information technology can provide a competitive edge through increased efficiency, better decision-making based on real-time data, improved customer service through personalized interactions, and enhanced collaboration among teams. Additionally, IT can enable companies to adapt quickly to market changes and innovate faster than competitors.

What is the cranberry phylum?

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Cranberries belong to the phylum Angiosperms, which includes flowering plants.

Can someone give me an example of superstitious beliefs related to agricultural practices and natural phenomena?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of a superstitious belief related to agricultural practices is the idea that planting certain crops during a specific phase of the moon can affect their growth. Another example is the belief that appeasing nature spirits or deities through rituals or offerings can bring about a successful harvest.

How does the English equivalent of 'agrarius' and 'cultura' explain the use of the word 'agriculture'?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word 'agrarius' in Latin means "pertaining to fields," while 'cultura' means "cultivation." When the two are combined to form 'agriculture' in English, it refers to the practice of cultivating land and producing crops. This term encompasses the entire process of working and caring for the fields to grow food or other resources.

Hindi language to convert English converter tools?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many online tools available that can help in converting English text to Hindi. Some popular options include Google Translate, ImTranslator, and Quillpad. Simply copy and paste the English text into the tool to automatically generate the Hindi translation.

How does gardening or agriculture affect succession?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gardening or agriculture can impact succession by altering the natural vegetation composition and structure of an ecosystem. Intensive agriculture can disrupt natural successional processes by removing native species and introducing non-native plants. In contrast, sustainable gardening practices can promote succession by creating favorable conditions for diverse plant communities to establish and evolve over time.

How do you introduce a farmers cooperative?

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Asked by Wiki User

To introduce a farmers cooperative, you can start by explaining that it is a group of farmers who work together to market their products, purchase supplies in bulk, and share resources to improve their overall efficiency and profitability. Highlight the advantages such as collective bargaining power, cost savings, and mutual support among members. Clarify the democratic structure where each farmer has a voice in decision-making processes.

What household appliances do farm laborers have available to them?

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Asked by Wiki User

Farm laborers may have household appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, and stoves in their homes or common living spaces provided by the farm. These appliances help make daily tasks more convenient and manageable for farm workers.

What system replaced the open field system in farming?

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The open field system in farming was replaced by the enclosed field system, which involved consolidating small, scattered strips of land into larger, fenced-off fields that could be managed more efficiently by individual landowners.

Which Australian state leads the nation in the production of dairy products?

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Victoria leads the nation in the production of dairy products in Australia. It has a strong dairy industry with large dairy farms and processing facilities.

What is a homophone for rye?

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Asked by Lalilalol

A homophone for "rye" is "wry".

What benefits did the 3 field system have on the population?

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The 3-field system increased agricultural efficiency by allowing for crop rotation, which improved soil fertility and increased yields. This led to a more reliable food supply, reduced risk of famine, and supported population growth. Additionally, the system helped to diversify crops, providing a wider range of essential nutrients for the population.

What benefits did the 3 feild system have on the population?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three-field system helped improve agricultural productivity by allowing for more land to be used for farming purposes, leading to increased food production. This increase in food supply helped support a growing population by ensuring a more stable and consistent food source throughout the year. Additionally, the rotation of crops in the three-field system helped replenish soil nutrients, which in turn increased yields and sustained a larger population.

How did the agricultural revolution affect the different stages of the demographic transition?

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Asked by Wiki User

The agricultural revolution led to increased food production and economic stability, contributing to lower mortality rates and increased life expectancy in the pre-industrial stage. During the industrial stage, advancements in agriculture allowed for growing urban populations and better nutrition. In the post-industrial stage, mechanization and technological advancements in agriculture have led to decreased birth rates due to smaller family sizes and decreased reliance on manual labor.

What percentage of Germanys land is forest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Around 32% of Germany's land area is covered by forests.

What is an evaluative conclusion?

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Asked by Wiki User

An evaluative conclusion is a final assessment or judgment made based on the information presented in a piece of writing or research. It involves analyzing the evidence, considering different perspectives, and forming a reasoned opinion on the topic.