



Economics is the study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services whether in a city, country or a single business. Questions about supply and demand and economic theory are welcome here.

500 Questions

How does a country in debt make people poor?

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Asked by Wiki User

It takes their money in order to get out of debt.

What do you understand by nature and scope of economic geography?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geography is an interesting subject.South America has vast resources of forests,water,minerals and land but many of its resources have not been fully untilized.let us consider each of these resources and see to what extent and in what manner they have been used.The largest forests of the continent are the selva.

Which condition leads to an increase in supply?

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Asked by Wiki User

an increase in the cost of raw materials

What are the three goals of a healthy economy?

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Asked by Wiki User

stable prices

full employment and economic growth

In what type of economy the government owns the basic means of production?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Communist Economy.



What type of economy is the best?

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Asked by Wiki User

The United States has a mixed economy which has many disadvantages for everyone. Often times the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. The best economy is an Equitable Economy. It is the fairest economy and an economy that rewards workers at all levels of an organization if that organization is successful (much different than a socialist view which distributes equal portion no matter the contribution). Currently people are allowed to steal data from those that are unprotected and it's legal. In an Equitable Economy, every person that contributes data receives a portion relative to what their data contributed to the overall revenue from any venture.