

Nokia Phones

This is a category for questions about the mobile phone company, Nokia. Nokia is the world's leading mobile phone supplier. The company is also a leading supplier of mobile and fixed telecom networks.

500 Questions

How do GPS cell phones invade privacy?

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Asked by Wiki User

GPS cell phones can invade privacy by tracking and recording a user's location data, which can be accessed by third parties either through malicious intent or via data breaches. This can lead to the monitoring of personal movements, habits, and routines without the user's consent, potentially compromising their privacy and security. Additionally, this information can be used for targeted advertising, surveillance, or even to track and harm individuals.

Can rocks break by running them over?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, rocks can break if you run them over with enough force, especially if they are brittle or have fault lines. In general, the larger the rock and the heavier the vehicle traveling over it, the more likely it is to break under the pressure.

BMW belong to which country?

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BMW is a German automobile manufacturer based in Munich, Germany.

How do you create a small radar to track mobiles?

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Asked by Arunram05

To create a small radar to track mobiles, you would need radar modules, microcontrollers (such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi), power source, display screen, and software for signal processing and displaying the mobile locations. The radar would emit electromagnetic waves, receive the reflections from mobile phones, and use signal processing algorithms to calculate their location. Keep in mind that building such a device may involve legal and privacy considerations.

What is NMEA OUT?

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Asked by Wiki User

NMEA OUT refers to the output of NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) data from a device. This data format is commonly used in marine electronics for communication between instruments and systems on boats and ships. NMEA OUT provides information such as GPS location, speed, heading, and other relevant data to other devices or navigation systems.

You want to know if you can store addresses for future use In a GPS?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, GPS devices and applications can store addresses for future use in the form of "Favorites" or "Saved Locations." This feature allows users to easily access and navigate to frequently visited addresses without having to manually input them each time.

What are the effect of school rules and regulations on the academic performance of a student?

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Asked by Wiki User

They help put the student in a like home environment with rules, assignments (chores), and a teacher who as all control (parent). So it is proven people perform better in a comfortable place (home), so it makes them have a better attitude about getting their work turned in and making sure they try their hardest.

How many type of transmission card in nokia BTS?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two types of transmission cards used in Nokia BTS: Abis Interface Transmission Card (AITC) and Transmission and Protection Unit (TPU) card. These cards are responsible for handling the transmission of data and ensuring connectivity for the base transceiver station.

What is the functioning of TRX card in Nokia BTS?

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Asked by Wiki User

The TRX card in a Nokia BTS (Base Transceiver Station) is responsible for handling the air interface communication with mobile devices. It connects to the antennas and manages the transmission and reception of signals between mobile phones and the network. The TRX card plays a crucial role in enabling mobile communication within a cell coverage area.

What is the function of BB2F card used in nokia BTS?

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Asked by Wiki User

The BB2F card in Nokia BTS is a Baseband Processing Unit that handles the digital signal processing tasks for the base station. It controls the radio resources, manages call setups, and processes the data before it is transmitted or received by the radio units. It plays a crucial role in managing the communication between the core network and the radio access network.

Is hydro locking permanent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hydro locking can cause serious damage to the engine if water enters the combustion chamber. Depending on the extent of the damage, it may require repairs or even engine replacement. In some cases, the damage can be repaired, but it is important to address the issue promptly to minimize potential long-term consequences.

How do you install software?

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Asked by Wiki User

you go through autorun, install the software, then if i comes with a driver you install that too.

What is the genre of the book 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho?

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Asked by Wiki User

The genre of 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho is philosophical fiction or allegorical fiction. It combines elements of adventure, spirituality, and self-discovery in a narrative that explores themes of destiny, personal legend, and the journey of life.

What are the Merit and demerit of manual database management?

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Asked by Wiki User

One merit of manual database management is that it can provide a greater level of control and customization over the data. A demerit is that it can be time-consuming, prone to human error, and limited in terms of scalability compared to automated database management systems.

Will dmv give me the name of a person from the license plate numbers?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the DMV will not give out personal information such as the name of a person associated with a license plate number without a valid reason, such as a legal request or investigation.

When will WWE launch its magazine in India?

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Asked by Wiki User

In India you can only buy magazine online or subscribe online from their site

Unlike other countries, where these magazines are available in local stores or book shops, wwe magazines are not available in stores in India so one has to buy online from amazon or any other website.

What are Paulo Coelho's awards?

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Asked by Wiki User

Paulo Coelho has received numerous awards throughout his career, including the Crystal Award from the World Economic Forum and the Golden Book Award from the Yugoslavian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has also been recognized by various countries with honors such as the Order of Arts and Letters from France and the Order of Rio Branco from Brazil.

I have to switch off my mobile to receive sms. is this a phone defect or network defect?

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Asked by Wiki User

in my opinion the messages forms a queue and due to phone receiving problem they cant enter.then to make it refresh we have to refresh it.

How does the Magic Gopher game work?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Magic Gopher runs on a simple method, on multiples of 9. The same symbol appears every 9 numbers starting from 0. Therefore if you add both of your digits together and subtract it from your original number, you would get a multiple of 9. Simple!

Does any software to spy on cheating girlfriends cell phone work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, There are several types of software you can install that can help.

Mobile software

Remote spy software for PC

Keylogger for PC

Where do you insert the memory card?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends in what? In a phone it's usually in the back near where the sim goes. In a camera it's usually at the side and in games consoles it varies, if you cant see an obvious slot, check for panels that flip open

How do you send songs from your computer to your phone using blue tooth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Make sure both Bluetooth 's are on, first. (ofcourse) . Then under your bluetooth icon somewhere it should say send file receive etc. Click on send file. Once you get there it'll ask you to where. And it should have your mobile phone already showing up. If not connect it. Then next, and it'll ask you what to send. You browse the file and click next once againa and it'll be sending to your phone via bluetooth! Easy as pie!

What is the difference between an SD card and a Micro SD card?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just form factor. microSDs are much smaller than a standard SD card. microSD cards are typically used for small and mobile devices whereas standard-sized SD cards can be used for laptops and specialty cases like digital SLR cameras.

Security code of nokia 1200?

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Asked by Wiki User

I forgot my security code for my nokia 2680?help??

What is the cheat code of nokia 1800 game forbidden treasures?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can't. It is impossible. What are you even ON about?!