



This category covers questions about the Netherlands, also known as Holland, and its 12 provinces. The word "Dutch" is used to refer to the people, language, and anything related to the Netherlands. The country itself operates under a parliamentary democratic constitutional monarchy.

500 Questions

How many people are in the Netherlands?

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As of 2021, the population of the Netherlands is around 17.5 million people.

Where is the population density of the Netherlands the highest?

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The western part of the Netherlands, including the provinces of South Holland and North Holland, has the highest population density in the country. Cities like Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and The Hague contribute to the high population density in this region.

What is the literacy rate in Netherlands?

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The literacy rate in the Netherlands is very high, estimated to be around 99%. This means that the vast majority of the population aged 15 and over can read and write.

What is the current unemployment rate in Holland?

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As of September 2021, the unemployment rate in the Netherlands was around 3.6%. This rate can fluctuate based on economic conditions and other factors.

What population of holland Michigan is Hispanic?

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As of the 2020 Census, approximately 16% of the population in Holland, Michigan identified as Hispanic or Latino.

Are you dutch?

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No, I am not Dutch. I am a computer program designed to assist with answering questions and providing information.

What is the scientific name of Netherland dwarf rabbit?

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There is no scientific name specific to the Netherland Dwarf rabbit. While the specific breed originated in the Netherlands, it was developed from the common European rabbit, which has been imported to most countries of the world and is the ancestor of all domestic rabbits. All domestic breeds, including the Netherland Dwarf, fall under the Latin name Oryctolagus cuniculus.

What is Holland's Theory of career choice?

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According to : According to John Holland's (1985) theory, there are 6 types of vocational personality which could make individuals better predisposed to certain occupations. Holland's fundamental underlying hypothesis is that people will have the most job satisfaction in occupations that match their personality type and so tend to choose a career that is reflective of their of their personality. Quoting John Holland himself, "people can function and develop best and find job satisfaction in work environments that are compatible with their personalities" (ICDM, 1991, p. 4-4).

These are the six personality types in brief. While each type is normally a part of us, usually one type is evidenced most strongly

* REALISTIC: outdoor type. These people tend to like and be good at activities that require strength and co-ordination. They are not too keen on socializing. They also like working with things (tools, machines etc). Examples of suitable jobs: Farmer, Truck driver, Pilot, Builder, Carpenter, etc

* INVESTIGATIVE: interested in logic and concepts. These people tend to enjoy and be good at abstract thought. They are often interested in science. They also like working with information (abstract ideas and theories) Examples of suitable jobs: Chemist, Mathematician, Pharmacist, Dentist, Researcher, etc

* ARTISTIC: tend to you their imagination a lot. They like to express their feelings and ideas. Dislike rules and regulations and enjoy music, drama and art. They also like creating things. Examples of suitable jobs: Artist, Actor, Dancer, Designer, DJ, Composer, Painter etc

* SOCIAL: enjoy the company of other people especially to help them. Tend to be warm and caring people. Example of suitable jobs: Nurse, Librarian, Counselor, Physiotherapist etc

* ENTERPRISING: also enjoy the company of other people, but mainly to dominate or persuade rather then help them. Enjoys actions more than thought. They also like to be the leaders. Examples of suitable jobs: Sales Rep, Headmaster, Lawyer, Managers, Journalist etc

* CONVENTIONAL: likes rules and regulations, structure and order. These people tend to be well organized with little or no imagination. Examples of suitable jobs: Secretary, Typist, Clerk, Factory worker etc

Who started corruption in Nigeria?

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Asked by Ratio4all

Corruption in Nigeria has historical roots and cannot be solely attributed to one person. It has been perpetuated by a combination of factors, including colonialism, military rule, weak governance structures, and lack of accountability mechanisms.

Are Neanderthals from the Netherlands?

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No, Neanderthals were an extinct species of archaic humans that lived in Eurasia, including regions such as western Europe. They are not directly associated with the modern country of the Netherlands.

Which of these rivers eventually flows into the North Sea through the Netherlands?

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The Rhine/Rhein/Rijn ; English/German/Dutch language name.

In the Netherlands is the delta region of the Rhine, where individual waterways are named , Waal, Lek, Maas(part of the Meuse river), and New Waterway.

Who is Petra Stienen?

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Petra Stienen is a Dutch writer, diplomat, and former politician. She is known for her work in human rights, the Arab world, and women's rights, as well as her involvement in advocating for diversity and inclusion. Stienen has written several books and is a prominent voice on social issues in the Netherlands.

What is the morality of the situation in 1942 in Holland?

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During 1942 in Holland, many individuals faced moral decisions due to the Nazi occupation. Some acted bravely to resist and protect those targeted by the Nazis, while others collaborated or remained passive. The situation highlighted the complexities of morality during times of extreme duress and oppression.

When did Anne Franks family go to Holand?

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Anne Frank's family moved to the Netherlands in 1933 to escape persecution in Germany. They eventually went into hiding in Amsterdam in 1942 to avoid being captured by the Nazis.

Where did the franks live before moving to holland?

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The Franks originally lived in Germany before eventually migrating to the Netherlands (Holland). They were part of the Germanic tribes that settled in the area during the early medieval period.

Is Holland considered part of Netherlands?

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Yes, Holland is a region in the Netherlands. However, the Netherlands is made up of twelve provinces, including North Holland and South Holland. So while Holland is part of the Netherlands, the two terms are not synonymous.

Who was the German 'big shot' in Holland who speech Anne Frank mentions?

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The German 'big shot' in Holland that Anne Frank mentions in her diary was most likely Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist who shared the hiding place with Anne and her family. Anne referred to him as Mr. Dussel in her diary to protect his identity.

What is the voting age in Holland?

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The voting age in the Netherlands is 18 years old.

When did Anne Frank immegrate to the Netherlands?

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Anne Frank and her family moved to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 1933 to escape the rise of the Nazis in Germany.

Why did anne franks family emigrate to holand?

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Anne Frank's family emigrated to the Netherlands in the early 1930s to escape persecution and discrimination against Jews in Germany. They hoped for a safe haven and a better life in Amsterdam. Unfortunately, they would later face persecution once again under the Nazi occupation during World War II.

Did Anne Frank took place during the years of World War 1 in Amsterdam Holland?

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No, "Anne Frank's Diary" took place during World War 2 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in a secret annex to escape the persecution of Jews by the Nazis.

Where can you now find Anne Frank's diary?

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Before he died, Otto Frank made provisions to preserve his daughter's writings, so that what she had written would live on and the Dutch people could read it. In 1980, after his death, the diary was willed to the Dutch Institute for War Documentation (today called the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation). This organization is committed to collecting and preserving all Netherlands-related archival materials from the Second World War. They are also known for their meticulous research, and once the diary arrived there, Institute scholars and researchers verified its authenticity. In 1986, they published a new and complete edition of it.

What do they grow in Holland?

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In Holland, they grow a variety of crops such as tulips, potatoes, vegetables, and flowers. The country is famous for its tulip fields and horticulture industry, which exports many of these products globally.