


In poetry, diamante or diamond poem is made up of six or seven lines, usually forming a shape of a diamond. It is used to compare and contrast two distinct subjects. This style was developed by Iris Tiedt in 1969.

86 Questions

What are some ing verbs that describe sky?

  • Glimmering
  • Darkening
  • Brightening
  • Twinkling

What is an acrostic poem for the word carbon?

Certainly, here is an acrostic poem for the word "carbon":

C arbon, element number six, A tomic symbol C, a crucial fix, R eacts with oxygen to form CO2, B uilding blocks of life, oh so true, O ne of nature's fundamental brew.

Is a Simulated diamond a real diamond?

Simulated diamonds are also known as diamond simulants and include things like cubic zirconia (CZ), moissanite, and YAG. They can also include some natural clear gemstones like white sapphire, white zircon or even clear quartz. Simulated diamonds do not possess the chemical and physical properties of actual diamonds, so they generally sell for a relatively low cost. Source:

What is the best a simulated diamond or a synthetic cultured laboratory grown diamond?

This is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Simulated diamonds, like cubic zirconia, are affordable and offer a similar appearance to natural diamonds, while synthetic cultured lab-grown diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds but may be more expensive. Ultimately, the choice between the two would depend on factors such as budget, desired quality, and ethical considerations.

What are some good diamante topics?

  1. Love vs. Hate
  2. Spring vs. Fall
  3. Success vs. Failure
  4. War vs. Peace
  5. Nature vs. Technology

What language does diamante come from?

The word "diamante" originates from Italian. It is derived from the Italian word "diamante," which means "diamond" in English.

How do you write a diamante poem on The Cay?

To write a diamante poem on The Cay, you can start by brainstorming words and phrases related to the book. Begin with a three-line stanza describing the two contrasting subjects of The Cay (such as Phillip and Timothy), then use a series of three-line stanzas to highlight the differences between them, ultimately creating a diamond shape with a clear contrast in the middle. Remember to use nouns, adjectives, and gerunds to create a vivid image in each line.

Inviting a tiger by Jose Garcia Villa?

"Inviting a Tiger" by Jose Garcia Villa is a poem that explores the idea of daring and risking danger in the pursuit of pleasure. The poem describes a situation in which the speaker is inviting a tiger, embodying danger and excitement, to enter a garden filled with beautiful flowers. It suggests a sense of thrill and risk-taking that comes with inviting the unknown into one's life.

What is a antonym diamante poem?

An antonym diamante poem is a poem written in the diamond shape format that contrasts two opposite concepts or words in each line. The poem typically starts with the first concept or word at the top, transitions in the middle to the opposite concept or word, and then concludes with the first concept or word at the bottom.

What is the poem all about the i can no more hear love's by jose garcia villa?

"I can no more hear love's" by Jose Garcia Villa is a poem that expresses the speaker's inability to feel romantic love due to past pain or disappointment. The speaker is detached and numb to the idea of love, feeling as though their capacity to experience it has been lost. The poem explores themes of emotional distance and loss.

What is in both diamante and cinquains?

Both diamante and cinquains are types of poems that follow a specific structure and format. They both consist of a set number of lines and syllables, and have a particular pattern in terms of the arrangement of words and phrases. Additionally, both forms of poetry often focus on contrasting or comparing elements within the structure of the poem.

What is an example of a diamante poem about wind?

Whisper calm, gentle blowing, howling, stirring Breezes, gusts, gales, cyclones Roaring, raging, shrieking Violent, powerful Stormy Typhoon

Why Jose Garcia Villa title the poem ant is beautiful and noble?

Jose Garcia Villa might have titled the poem "The Ant is Beautiful and Noble" to challenge the common perception of ants as simply pests or insignificant creatures. By highlighting their beauty and nobility, Villa could be emphasizing the importance of recognizing the value and complexity of all living beings, no matter how small.

What is a diamante poem about quadrilaterals?

Quadrilaterals Four sides, four corners Rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus, square Shapes with unique properties.

What is another word for the -ing words used in diamante poems?

Gerunds are another word for the -ing words used in diamante poems. Gerunds are verbs that act as nouns by adding the -ing suffix.

What is the definition of diamante poem?

A diamante poem is a seven-line poem that forms a diamond shape when centered on the page. It typically follows a specific format where the first and last lines have one word, and each subsequent line adds more words until the middle line is the longest, then decreases in length until the last line.

What is the country that is your country poem of Jose garcia villa all about?

The poem "My Country" by Jose Garcia Villa is an introspective reflection on the poet's love and longing for his home country, the Philippines. Through vivid imagery and emotional language, Villa expresses his deep connection to the land, culture, and people of his homeland. The poem evokes a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the beauty and uniqueness of the Philippines.

Can you show me a acrostic poem about hope?

Holding onto dreams Overcoming obstacles Pushing through darkness Embracing the light

What is the addressee in the poem Jose garcia villa?

Jose Garcia Villa wrote many poems, so I can't really help you on a specific one without more information. However, this site lists many of his poetry collections. If you are looking for a specific poem, you might see if any of the online bookstores have a look inside feature enabled for these titles... you might be able to see the title page and find the one you are looking for.

Help coming up with ideas for a diamante poem?

Sure! A diamante poem is a seven-line diamond-shaped poem that compares two opposite or contrasting ideas. You could start by selecting two contrasting subjects, such as day/night or love/hate. Consider using descriptive words and explore how each subject relates to the other. Remember to structure the poem with a specific format: line 1 - one word (subject one), line 2 - two words (adjectives describing subject one), line 3 - three words (action words related to subject one), line 4 - four words (connecting both subjects), line 5 - three words (action words related to subject two), line 6 - two words (adjectives describing subject two), line 7 - one word (subject two).

Why people write diamante poems?

People write diamante poems as a creative way to explore opposites or contrasts in a structured format. The diamond shape of the poem visually represents the shift from one idea to its opposite, making it a visually engaging form of expression. Additionally, the challenge of adhering to the specific structure of a diamante poem can spark creativity and inspire writers to think in new ways.

Which line in the diamante the transition to the opposite idea?

In a diamante poem, the transition to the opposite idea typically occurs in the middle line. This is where the poem shifts from describing one topic or concept in the first half to contrasting it with another topic or concept in the second half.

Examples of metrical romance poem?

Some examples of metrical romance poems include "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," "The Knight's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer, and "Tristan and Iseult." These poems typically focus on chivalric themes, courtly love, and adventurous quests within a structured metrical framework.