


Questions about the deliberate and systematic mass killing of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. Famous genocides include the Holocaust, Dafur and Rwanda, and even the Crusades.

500 Questions

The conflict between hutu and tutsi?

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The Difference between the Hutus and the Tutsis was based on European Imperialism. Rwanda was originally occupied by the Germans and then later the Belgians. The Europeans thought that the Tutsis were ethnically superior then the Hutus because of the fact that the Tutsis had lighter skin. This resulted in preferential treatment for Tutsis. The Hutus resented this special treatment. The Europeans made Hutus and Tutsis have identity cards with their race printed prominently on the pass. This was how the Hutus identified Tutsis during the genocide. In short the Hutus resentment of the Tutsis were caused by the Europeans that colonized Rwanda and their pseudo science. Also note that the Tutsis were the minority population but got more rights because of the color of their skin

Why was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre banned?

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after waching chucky in real life 2 boys took a little boy up to a train track and beat him up (gave him bruses that kind of beating) so badly to Make it look like he had been hit by the train the little boy died by being so badly hurt he was a little boy i mean really little and the 2 boys blamed it on chucky or waching chucky gave them the idea so thay banned chucky

what a stupid thing to do blame it on chucky ITS NOT REAL KEEP IT IN MIND X

Why is the genocide in Darfur occurring?

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  1. The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, social status, or other particularity.

  2. Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. -

The Islamic controlled government, located in East and North Sudan, started the genocide as an ethnic cleansing of the Darfur region in West Sudan. They "hire" militia groups known as the Janjaweed to attack villages, rape, kill and loot. I have hire in quotations because the government is not paying them, their reward is what they are able to steal.

The Darfurians are now being forced out of their lands and into neighboring Chad. So far, no government has intervened in a meaningful way. There have been treaties made with the government of Sudan that they are not sticking to. They assist the Janjaweed in the attacks occasionally with air support. Though they deny it, we know that it is the government assisting them, for they are the only ones who have the knowledge and experience to fly these helicopters as the air support.

There has been demands put on China, who has a strong trade system with Sudan as it does with the US, to cut its ties (along with ending its oppression of the people of Tibet) but that also does very little. If the US were to stop trades with China, the Chinese economy would collapse, forcing them to give in, but the US economy would collapse as well.

The UN can and has sent in peace keepers, but they can do very little to help because they cant fire unless being fired upon. And since it is the Darfurians and not the UN peace keepers the Sudanese government wants dead, then there is little if nothing they UN can do to help

In the end, the only solution seems to be military force, which the US can not currently provide due to its entanglements in Iraq and Afghanistan.


As with everything, especially contentious issues like what is happening in Darfur there are a number of answers, depending on whom you speak with and who offers comments.

In order to derive a proper, balanced, objective version of events I would suggest that you read or consult a number of sources rather than simply taking the first written piece that you find as the whole and complete truth. Dbxsoul

How did the Darfur Genocide begin?

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Rebels to arms for Independance of Darfur. The Janwaweed Militia, supported by the Sudanese Govt. wanted to eliminate the issue of self-proclamation of Darfur. They just wanted to wipe the Darfur people, so that none remains alive to ask for liberty.

Did the UN ever declare genocide in Darfur?

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they went out to smell roses and dance on unicorns

How many children died from the genocide in Darfur?

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Up to 400,000 people have died due as a result of direct attacks and conflict induced malnutrition and disease. The vast majority of these have been women, children and civilian men. More than 3 million people have been displaced and are living in IDP camps. More than 350,000 people are deprived of humanitarian support due to the threat of attack faced by aid workers. Thousands starve each month due to the Sudanese government impeding humanitarian aid efforts. A further 4 million Darfuri residents are dependant on limited international humanitarian assistance. The violence is now spilling onto neighbouring Eastern Chad.

What are some differences and similarities between rwanda's genocide and Darfur Sudan's genocide?

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The similarities between the Rwandan genocide and Darfur are that rebel's attack government and the government's reply is to purposely kill not only the rebels but the civilians. The World hasn't and didn't do anything really to stop it. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, and many more removed from their homes. Both acts were some what supported by the government.

Did Adolf Hitler give a direct order of genocide?

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He is solely responsible for causing the holocaust. The officers who helped him were following his orders.

Why is the The Columbine high school massacre important?

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It's an important part of American history.

There has been tons of research done on school violence for a few reasons: to understand it and to prevent it.

There's always that quote that circulates around---"history repeats itself"---and some people believe that students are taught history in classes so that they don't repeat the bad events (violence, wars, school violence, the Holocaust, etc.).

Is Africa in the Holocaust right now?

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No, it ended in 1945.

How many people did hitler kill and why?

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The exact number of people killed by the Nazi regime may never be known, but scholars, using a variety of methods of determining the death toll, have generally agreed upon common range of the number of victims.

The estimates:

  • 5.1-6.0 million Jews, including 3.0-3.5 million Polish Jews
  1. 1.8 -1.9 million non-Jewish Poles (includes all those killed in executions or those that died in prisons, labor, and concentration camps, as well as civilians killed in the 1939 invasion and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising)
  • 500,000-1.2 million Serbs killed by Croat Nazis
  • 200,000-800,000 Roma & Sinti
  • 200,000-300,000 people with disabilities
  • 80,000-200,000 Freemasons [23]
  • 100,000 communists
  • 10,000-25,000 homosexual men
  • 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

Why? His goal was to create an anglo saxon race.

How did the Nazi Germany use concentration camps to carry out genocide?

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In the late 1930's the Nazis killed thousands of handicapped Germans by lethal injection and poisonous gas. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, mobile killing units following in the wake of the German Army began shooting massive numbers of Jews and Roma (Gypsies) in open fields and ravines on the outskirts of conquered cities and towns. Eventually the Nazis created a more secluded and organized method of killing enormous numbers of civilians -- six extermination centers were established in occupied Poland where large-scale murder by gas and body disposal by cremation were systematically conducted. Victims were deported to these centers from Western Europe and from the ghettos in Eastern Europe which the Nazis had established. In addition, millions died in the ghettos and concentration camps as a result of forced labor, starvation, exposure, brutality, disease and execution.

Why did the arena massacre happen?

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The Arena Massacre took place in Trinidad and Tobago on December 1st 1698.

Is there going to be another Holocaust?

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During the war in Bosnia there were camps where Albanian men and women were separated and all of them starved. The women were raped daily by 30 soldiers. When they were too far gone in their pregnancies they were let out. A sure way to kill a society and when this became known, that they had used rapes as a weapon, it was finally declared a warcrime in the war tribunal in Haag. So in a way it have already happened because the world didn't go in. Men from a camp testified that they had managed to put a radio together and hear the president deny there was a camp there.

Read the passage below from Barack Obama's 2013 speech at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. What evidence does this excerpt provide to support the conclusion that Nazis pursued a policy of genocide t?

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Read the passage below from Barack Obama's 2013 speech at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. What evidence does this excerpt provide to support the conclusion that Nazis pursued a policy of genocide toward Jews during World War

How likely is another Holocaust?

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It is not very likely becauseof modern day communication and technology.


I don't see that 'communciations and technology' make another holocaust more or less likely. The genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was carried mainly with the use of machettes, for example (about 800,000 Tutsis were killed in 3 months). The rest of the world didn't want to do know about it - till it was over.

How was rwandan genocide resolved?

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Rwanda, while under Dutch control, was an established colonial state. A minority group, the "Tutsis", were given special status and privileges over the majority ethnic group, the "Hutus", by the Dutch colonial powers in exchange for collaboration. Many Tutsis abused their position and repressed the Hutus. After Rwanda gained independence, the Hutu government began a program to oppress the Tutsis, some of whom began a rebellion against the Hutus. After the moderate vice-president of Rwanda was killed by the Rebels, radical Hutus incited a massive country-wide mob to begin the ethnic cleansing of the Tutsis. This is known as the "Rwandan Genocide", which eventually prompted UN intervention, although not until the end of the genocide.

To address the issue of nazi genocide during world war 2 the allies?

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The Allies and the Underground Resistance tried to help thousands of Jews escape from occupied countries and get relocated elsewhere. The majority of the Jews relocated to the United States and Israel. Once the war was over the Jews were freed from the concentration camps and cared for. The survivors were eventually relocated. The dead ones were properly buried. The Allied Forces made the Germans bury the Jews.

What groups involved in the Bosnian genocide?

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The Bosnian Genocide refers to either genocide at Srebrenica and Zepa and both of those were perpetrated by Bosnian Serbs in the Army of Republika Srpska led by General Ratko Mladic.

How was the Holocaust involved in the genocide?

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The Holocaust was an event in which approximately 6 million Jews were killed, along with substantial numbers of other people whom the Nazis disliked (communists, homosexuals, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.).

What genocide act did Hitler commit?

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The killing of about 6 million Jews.

What is the problem in the Rwandan Genocide?

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The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was largely composed of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda following earlier waves of Hutu violence against the Tutsi. Most of the dead were Tutsis and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus. The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.

Juvénal Habyarimana was a dictatorial leader of the Republic of Rwanda who death in 1994 sparked the genocide. Cyprien Ntaryamira, President of Burundi also died in the plane crash.

Who was involved in the nanking massacre?

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The Japanese and Chinese were involved in the Nanking Massacre of 1937. The imperial Japanese army murdered and raped Chinese civilians and unarmed combatants.

What countries were involved in armenian genocide?

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Armenia, Greek and Assyrian population of the Ottoman Empire, also Rwanda, Cambodia, Guatemala, Turkey, China, Ukraine.


One needs to distinguish between perpetrators and victims.