


Human and Animal Interaction

We all live on this small planet. How do humans and animals coexist? What can we do during an encounter with an animal? How do we make things better? All these questions and more about us and the creatures around us.

500 Questions

Soil textures with moderate physical and chemical properties include what?

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Soil textures with moderate physical and chemical properties typically include loam soils, which are a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay. These soils have good water retention and drainage properties, are easy to work with, and have a good balance of nutrients for plant growth. They are often considered ideal for agriculture and gardening.

What is the earhtworm's ecoystem?

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Earthworms play a crucial role in aerating and improving soil quality, which benefits plant growth. They break down organic matter, releasing nutrients that are essential for plants. Additionally, earthworms are a food source for many animals, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the ecosystem.

How do sperms enter the ova?

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Sperms enter the ova through a process called fertilization, where the sperm cell's genetic material combines with the genetic material of the egg. This typically occurs in the fallopian tube after sexual intercourse and the meeting of the sperm and egg initiates the development of a new organism.

Why are humans so selfish in saying that cattle contribute much to global warming knowing well that humans have exploited cattle for more selfish reasons?

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It is important to acknowledge that humans have played a significant role in both the domestication and exploitation of cattle. However, the scientific consensus is that cattle do contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, particularly through methane production. Addressing this issue requires a holistic approach that considers both human actions and livestock management practices.

Do cows weep with sorrow when their species suffer?

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Asked by Rathnashikamani

No. Cows don't cry. Most of the time they'll pick on the weaker, more injured member of the herd until she falls down and never gets back up, or the farmer separates the injured and weak cow from the herd and puts her in a separate enclosure. A herd of cows have been known to pound a newborn calf to death probably because of a strange smell or sight that they don't like. And if they see a herd member die, they gather around sniffing the body, more curious than really feeling any emotional grief. When the body is taken away to be buried they don't beller with sadness or follow the body like a funeral procession.

Can you outrun a dangerous animal?

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It depends on the specific animal and the circumstances. In general, it is not advisable to try to outrun a dangerous animal as it may trigger a chase response. It is usually best to remain calm, back away slowly, and seek safety instead of attempting to outrun the animal.

Is there any connection between Down syndrome and fear of dogs?

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There is no direct connection between Down syndrome and a fear of dogs. Fear of dogs, known as cynophobia, can develop in any individual regardless of their health condition. It is important to approach individuals with Down syndrome, like anyone else, with patience, understanding, and respect when it comes to their feelings and fears.

What happened on September 27 1989?

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On September 27, 1989, the world saw the release of the album "Girl You Know It's True" by Milli Vanilli, which later became embroiled in a lip-syncing scandal. Additionally, on that same day, the asteroid 4769 Castalia came within 1.98 million miles of Earth, making it the closest asteroid encounter recorded at that time.

When a single cell undergoes many mitotic divisions in the nucleus producing many daughter cells it has conducted?

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This repeatidly dividing cell has undergone somatic cell divisions. Mitotic divisions add to new cells of the identical chromosome number and help in growth of an individual..

After meiosis I the two daughter cells would have how many chromosomes?

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23. The chromosome number is reduced to one half during the first meiotic division. Recall that the number of chromosomes is determined by the number of centromeres, and not the number of chromatids.

Nervous tissue contains specialized cells called?

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Neurons and glial cells. Neurons are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses, while glial cells provide support and protection for neurons.

Can human females sync up periods with a female animal?

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No, human females cannot sync up their menstrual cycles with female animals. Menstrual synchronization, also known as the McClintock effect, is a controversial theory that has not been scientifically proven in humans.

Why do millions of sperm released to fertilize a single egg?

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Many sperm are released during fertilization to increase the chances of successfully fertilizing the egg. The competition among sperm ensures that only the healthiest and most viable sperm will reach the egg, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. Additionally, it provides genetic diversity, as the successful sperm will carry a unique combination of genetic material from the parents.

How is energy needed to contract muscles?

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Muscle contraction is an energy-requiring process that mainly relies on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a fuel source. ATP molecules are broken down to release energy that powers the cross-bridge cycling between actin and myosin filaments in muscle cells, leading to muscle contraction. The energy from ATP hydrolysis is essential for the interaction between the actin and myosin filaments, enabling muscle fibers to shorten and generate force.

Chromosomes in the parent cell what before they divide into daughter?

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Chromosomes in the parent cell duplicate during the S phase of the cell cycle before they divide into daughter cells through mitosis or meiosis. Each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes from the parent cell.

Which of these supports the cell theory as it is stated today?

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The observation that all living organisms are composed of cells, the idea that cells are the basic units of structure and function in living organisms, and the concept that all cells come from pre-existing cells all support the cell theory as it is stated today.

If feces is usually about forty percent water and sixty percent solid matter reducing the water content to twenty percent would most likely result in what?

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Reducing the water content of feces to 20% would result in firmer and drier stools, making them harder to pass and potentially leading to constipation. Increasing fluid intake is important to maintain healthy bowel movements.

A person who has inherited the autosomal recessive disorder called?

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A person who has inherited an autosomal recessive disorder will have two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent. This results in the individual expressing the disorder. Symptoms can vary depending on the specific disorder.

Where do domestic horses live?

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Domestic horses typically live in pastures, paddocks, or barns on farms or ranches. They require space to exercise and graze, as well as shelter to protect them from the elements. Some may also be kept in stables or stalls.

Why must animal cells eat food to survive?

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Animal cells require food to survive because they need nutrients to carry out essential biological functions such as energy production, growth, repair, and maintenance. The nutrients obtained from food provide the building blocks for cell structure and enable cells to perform their various functions. Without a constant supply of food, animal cells would not have the necessary resources to stay alive and carry out their vital activities.

Which animal eats dead human bodies from graves?

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There are various animals that may scavenge on human remains in graves, including insects like blowflies and beetles, as well as small mammals such as raccoons and rats. These animals typically feed on decomposing flesh and tissues.

What is the function of an grasshopper testis?

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The function of a grasshopper testis is to produce sperm cells through the process of spermatogenesis. Sperm cells are essential for sexual reproduction in grasshoppers, where they fertilize the eggs produced by the female grasshopper.

How many chromosomes are in each daughter cell compared to the original cell?

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In mitosis, each daughter cell is identical to the original cell and contains the same number of chromosomes. In meiosis, each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

What were the scilly isles like in 1907?

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In 1907, the Isles of Scilly were primarily rural and maintained a traditional way of life. Fishing and farming were the main sources of income for the inhabitants. The islands were remote and had limited transportation links, making them a secluded and peaceful destination.

Oxygen is what in cellular respiration?

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Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain during cellular respiration. It is essential for the production of ATP, the energy currency of the cell, through a series of reactions that ultimately result in the formation of water.