


Job Training and Career Qualifications

Job training and career qualifications are important factors in getting a certain job or position. Training prepares a person to be qualified for a job. Many people of different occupations continuously train to maintain, update and upgrade their skills.

500 Questions

Where can you get a pharmaceutical degree online?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can pursue a pharmaceutical degree online through various accredited universities and colleges that offer distance learning programs in pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences. Make sure to check the accreditation of the program and the licensing requirements in your region before enrolling.

After 3 half lives of a radioactive substance remains A al B one half C one third D one eighth?

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Asked by Wiki User

After 3 half lives, the original substance will be reduced by a factor of 2 each time. So after the first half-life, it will be reduced to half (A al B). After the second half-life, it will be reduced to one-quarter (A al C). After the third half-life, it will be reduced to one-eighth (A al D).

What Is a Geothermal Design Engineer?

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Asked by Riverrio

A geothermal design engineer is a professional who specializes in designing systems that utilize geothermal energy for heating, cooling, and power generation. They are responsible for creating plans and specifications for geothermal projects, ensuring that they are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable. These engineers work closely with other professionals, such as geologists and project managers, to develop and implement geothermal systems.

What are the active residues in Dowex 2 and Dowex 50?

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Asked by Wiki User

The active residues in Dowex 2 are sulfonic acid groups, while in Dowex 50 they are quaternary ammonium groups. These functional groups are crucial for ion exchange processes in these resins.

Architects and builders were brought to Timbuktu to build?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, architects and builders have certainly delivered to Timbuktu to contribute to the development of the city's astounding mosques, madrasas, and different architectural structures. Timbuktu, located in present-day Mali, used to be a center of learning, trade, and subculture at some point at the top of the Mali Empire in the 14th to sixteenth centuries. The town grew to become famous for its Islamic scholarship and wealth, attracting scholars, architects, and craftsmen from a variety of components of the Muslim world.

These professional humans performed a necessary role in designing and setting up the iconic mud-brick constructions that nevertheless stand in Timbuktu today, such as the Djinguereber Mosque, Sankore Madrasa, and Sidi Yahya Mosque. The mixing of nearby construction strategies with architectural know-how from different areas resulted in special and elaborate buildings that exhibit the city's prosperous records and cultural heritage.

The collaboration between nearby craftsmen and professional architects added to Timbuktu highlights the city's importance as a hub of mental and architectural innovation throughout this period. The architectural legacy of Timbuktu serves as a testimony to the city's historic significance and the change of expertise and ideas that took the region inside its walls.

What is is the principal of dominance?

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Asked by Wiki User

The principle of dominance states that in a heterozygous individual for a trait, only one allele (dominant allele) is expressed in the phenotype, masking the expression of the other allele (recessive allele). This dominance relationship is seen in Mendelian inheritance patterns.

If you get a major in Biology in a 4 year college but you want to become a Zoologist which is a certain kind of Biology would you then go to another college and study Zoology?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's possible to become a zoologist with a biology degree by gaining relevant experience through internships, volunteer work, and research opportunities focused on zoology. However, if you want a more specialized education in zoology, pursuing a graduate degree in zoology or a related field may be beneficial. It's not always necessary to switch colleges for this; you can explore graduate programs that offer zoology concentrations within your current institution.

What is the residue called found on a beaker?

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Asked by Wiki User

The residue found on a beaker is typically referred to as precipitate or sediment. This residue may be the result of chemical reactions, evaporation of liquid solutions, or the presence of impurities.

How do police officers investigate murder crimes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Police officers investigate murder crimes by gathering evidence from the crime scene, interviewing witnesses and suspects, reviewing surveillance footage, analyzing forensics, and building a case to identify the perpetrator. This process involves thorough documentation, collaboration with forensic experts, and following specific protocols to ensure the integrity of the investigation. Police also work closely with prosecutors to gather enough evidence to support a conviction in court.

How long does an ASE certification last?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ASE certification does not expire. Once an automotive service technician becomes ASE certified, they are considered certified for life. However, it is recommended to periodically recertify to stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards and technologies.

What makes a conductor a conductor?

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A conductor is a musician who leads an ensemble, such as an orchestra or choir, by guiding musicians in interpreting a musical score, setting the tempo, cueing entrances, and shaping the overall musical performance. Conductors use a combination of musical knowledge, technical skill, communication, and leadership to bring out the best in the musicians they are directing.

What shape is a DNA strand?

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Asked by Wiki User

A DNA strand is typically depicted as a double helix, resembling a twisted ladder. It consists of two long chains of nucleotides that are connected by hydrogen bonds between complementary bases.

How can you advance as a marine biologist?

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Asked by Wiki User

To advance as a marine biologist, one can pursue advanced degrees, gain specialized training and certifications, conduct research, publish findings, collaborate with experts in the field, and participate in conferences and workshops. Building a strong network, gaining field experience, and staying updated with the latest technologies and methodologies are also essential for career advancement in marine biology.

What is a difference between freight and logistics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Freight refers to the physical goods being transported from one place to another, while logistics refers to the management of the flow of goods, including transportation, storage, and distribution. Freight is a component of logistics, which encompasses a broader range of activities to ensure effective movement of goods.

What kind of clock does a paleontologist use?

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Asked by Wiki User

A paleontologist might use a geologic timescale clock, which shows the Earth's history in a chronological order based on rock layers and fossil records. This allows them to track the evolution and extinction of species over millions of years.

Are there chubby chasers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, some people are attracted to individuals who are larger or curvier in size, and they may identify as "chubby chasers." This preference is just one of the many diverse preferences that people have when it comes to attraction.

What does description of animal mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

A description of an animal typically involves providing details about its physical appearance, behavior, habitat, and any other distinctive characteristics that help identify and distinguish it from other animals. It is a way of painting a picture of the animal through words.

Who pays astronomers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Astronomers are usually paid by academic institutions, research organizations, government agencies, or observatories. They may also receive funding through research grants and collaborations with industry partners. Additionally, some astronomers work in the private sector for companies involved in space exploration, satellite technology, or astronomy-related services.

What are the pros of being a Zoologist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some pros of being a zoologist include the opportunity to work with a wide variety of animals, contribute to conservation efforts, and conduct research to better understand and protect wildlife. Additionally, zoologists often get to work outdoors and make a positive impact on the natural world.

Is a flood geological or meteorological?

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Asked by Wiki User

A flood can be caused by both geological and meteorological factors. Geological factors include things like soil composition and topography that can affect water flow and vulnerability to flooding. Meteorological factors, such as heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or storm surges, can also lead to flooding by increasing water levels in rivers, lakes, or coastal areas.

Difference between 3pl and 4pl logistics?

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3PL (third-party logistics) refers to outsourcing logistics services to a third-party provider, while 4PL (fourth-party logistics) involves outsourcing the entire logistics process, including the management of multiple 3PLs. 4PL providers act as a single point of contact for managing the entire supply chain and coordinating logistics activities.

What collage do you have to go to become a cop?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become a police officer, you typically need to attend and graduate from a police academy, which provides the necessary training and education. In addition, some agencies may require candidates to have a college degree in criminal justice or a related field. Check with the specific law enforcement agency you are interested in to understand their specific requirements.

What is cost plus residual value?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cost plus residual value is a method used to evaluate the worth of an asset based on both its original cost and its expected residual value at the end of its useful life. The residual value is the estimated value an asset will have at the end of its useful life, which is then added to the original cost to determine the total value or worth of the asset.

How much is a haft ton?

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Asked by Wiki User

A half ton is equal to 1,000 pounds or approximately 454 kilograms.