


Pregnancy Symptoms

Questions and answers about the signs and symptoms that a woman experiences during pregnancy.

500 Questions

Does a girl get pregnant even if the sperm of the guy comes out after inserting it in her after sex?

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If the boy ejaculates after withdrawing it from the vagina the chances of getting pregnant are much lower, but they are not zero, since there are a few sperm in the pre-ejaculate (precum), and she can get pregnant from this. Also, depending on where the sperm lands when he ejaculates makes a difference. If he were to ejaculate onto her belly or back, some could drip into her vagina and, though not as likely, can still cause pregnancy.

How heavy is an egg?

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The average ostrich egg weighs about 1.4 kilograms (3.1 lb). That is over 20 times heavier than a chicken's egg.

What are some signs of being pregnant after giving birth?

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Having a one year old baby, it is not too long ago that I gave birth. There are immediate after efeects, and some that take a more longer term approach! The immediate: *Depending on whether you had drugs during the birth, if you did you will most likely feel extremely sick and probably vomit, and stay quite drowsy for an hour. This means you will be less likely to hold your baby straight away nor be able to breastfeed it there and then (as you will be too woosey). This happened to me. Also, you will be very bruised and sore on your arms/hands from where they have jabbed you a million times to get the drugs in! (Even if you only have Gas and Air you will probably still be sick. Unfortunately I do not know what happens after a c section or an epidural(my birth was very straight forward). But as soon as it is gone you feel 100%, and it only takes about 1 hour. *The most noticeable after effect is the soreness around the area where the baby exited! Your perineum. I did not have to have it cut, nor did it split, therefore I had no stitches, but it was still extremely sore and uncomfortable to sit on. It is worse when you go to urinate, the urine burns the sensitive skin. So I combatted this by drinking large amounts of water so my urine was nearly water itslef. Also, standing slightly to pee over the toilet helps, or even going whilst in the bath(gross I know but trust me you won't care!) *You also become strangely emotional, as all the new hormones start to kick the old ones out. This is very normal, and not so bad. Just remember that if it starts to get on top of you, talk to someone, husband, mum, sis, health visitor, midwife. *If you are going to breast feed you breasts will be ok, a little uncomfortable whilst your body gets used to the amount of milk the baby is taking. If you are not going to breast feed, be prepared for your breasts to swell up, and feel as solid as rocks. They will also go lumpy, which if not looked after can lead to mastitis. This is very uncomfortable, but unfortunatley I do not know how long it lasts as I breast fed. I do know what it feels like to have them swell up and become like rocks, as I dropped a feed later on around 11 months, and didn't do it properly. My breast swelled up, and I ended up expressing the milk myself over my mums bath as it was getting quite painfull. The idea is to do it slowly, a little at a time! *You also seem to sweat alot, which also dies down after a few months. So don't worry. *The next one lasts a bit longer. Even if you did your pelvic floor exercises you will still notice that you can not hold your bladder as full for as long! So when you need to go, go then, because chances are you won't make it. And when you sneeze, laugh too hard, run upstairs you are most likely going to notice that you have gone to the toilet right there and then without knowing! So keep on with the pelvic floors, they get stronger - just avoid trampolines trust me! Also, and nice side effect is that your hair seems like you've just step out of a 4day intensive nourishment treatment, and you nails are lovely and strong and long! Your eyes are brighter, and your skin is really healthy! The thing is, you forget all this stuff once it is over, it is just a distant memory, and what you have left is a beautiful baby! what a lovely answer. I am a midwife, and Mum of twins. Tired, tired tired. Both immediately and for several months afterwards. You may find that your emotions are a little raw, everything seems much more intensely coloured. If you find that the colour is dark however do talk to someone as you may be heading for depression. A few tears are normal however, usually as you contemplate hgoiw lucky you are. If anyone asks if they can help, say YES as quickly as you can. Visitors can make their own cup of tea/coffee. If someone offers to do the shopping have a list ready. If they can do the ironing, you can still chat while they do it. Make a sign saying "All help greatfully received and rewarded with a baby cuddle." If the Dad wants to help, show him what to do and leave him to get on with it while you have a nap.

Do gerbils urine stink?

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Barely. After a while, maybe about a month, the smell will start and you should clean the cage. They also don't pee that much because they are desert animals and therefore do not need much water. So it doesn't smell at first but eventually it will stink

Why do dogs nipples leak?

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Ok I dont really know much about dog birth and all that but in this case i think it would be best (for your dogs sake) to go and see a veterinarian dont want to take any chances now do you? Hope this helps -sammi-

Do cats get morning sickness when pregnant?

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Horses are unable to throw up. So, not that type of morning sickness. They can colic though, so just be sure they don't do that. If they do colic, keep them moving. Get some friends over & take shifts walking your house & give him plent of food/water. DON'T LET HIM LAY OR SIT. Take him to a vet if it doesn't improve by the next day. Signs of colicing is not eating or drinking, laying. Keep an eye on your house. If you ride them too much, they can colic, as well as if they get over-heated. Colicing is like a stomach ache & since horses can't throw up, it can become very serious.

How do you know if your rabbit is going to have babies?

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We have had two litters of rabbits with a mixture of bucks and Kits. We found the normal placid mother to be quite aggressive coming close to the delivery. Buy a good gardening glove to protect yourself. Thanks Billy the Bunny!

Dog upset stomach?

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A dogs stomach may be hot for various reasons. They could either have just exercised, had recently ate food, or they could be physically hot.

What do you give a cat for diahrea?

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There can be a number of causes for diarrhoea in a cat. The most common ones are changes to the normal food, the food isn't agreeing with the cat or is being given human food too frequently. Even stress or a change in environment can cause diarrhoea in some cats, such as moving furniture around.

Bland food is very easy on the stomach. Plain cooked chicken (tiny amounts of rice are often recommended also, but are not compulsory) helps calm the cat's stomach, and should be fed for a few days, or until the cat's bowel movements are back to normal. Cooked white fish can also help.

In addition to plain foods, malt pastes such as "Pro-kolin" are also very effective. This should be available at your local vet and in some pet shops. Malt pastes encourage beneficial bacterial flora in the cat's stomach and gut, which help calm the digestive system. Most cats like the taste and will lick this off a finger.

It is imperative that you get your cat to drink as much as possible during this time. Diarrhoea is very dehydrating which can cause even more problems (and quickly can become fatal in kittens). Adding a little chicken stock (the juice the chicken was cooked in) into the cat's water, or enticing it to drink some kitten or cat milk usually works.

If the diarrhoea has not cleared up in two or three days, take the cat to the vet.

How heavy is a egg?

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The turkey eggs that I have are 3.1 to 3.4 oz each w/ shell

The jumbo turkey egg ( double yolks) weight 4.8 oz each w/ shell

Where do you feel movements when your 19 weeks pregnant?

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I am four months pregnant with my second child, and I feel fetal movement in my abdomen a little to the left of my navel. Once you are farther along with your pregnancy, you should be able to feel movement pretty much anywhere in your stomach area.

Does ginger ale actually help with nausea?

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Cola syrup helps with nausea because it has phosphoric acid that helps to sooth the stomach. Drinking flat Coca-Cola as a substitute of cola syrup will have the same effect.

The past couple of days I have felt my baby everyday..and now I dont. How often should you feel your baby move at 19 weeks?

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I am actually 20 weeks which leaves me to understand that we are in close range. Nevertheless, you need not be worried as the baby is still very much premature and has a long way yet to go. But it is wise to ask such a question as being an expectant mother myself I sometimes worry over this as well. i.e yesterday and today, I have noticed a reduction the the amount of times my unborn one has moved. But do not worry, as long as you do the regular walking and move about, eat right and do not lift heavy equipment etc, get enough rest, you will be fine. From 25 weeks onwards, the kick counts will increase. :-)

Is it possible for a woman who is 24 weeks pregnant to leak breast milk?

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Perhaps there are many possible factors such as:

1. GROWTH HORMONES (GH) or somatotrophin and chicken prolactin/ovine prolactin administered by the poultry manufacturing industry in chickens, subsequently affects the pituitary gland to produce breast milk hormones (the fact that I've changed my diet from an Organic Raw Vegetarian to Semi Vegetarian which includes fish and poultry of non organic producers) which increase breast size in humans this would be chicken prolactin which increases the size of chickens and 'fattens' the chickens; (check out:

2. GLAND STIMULATION from SUCKING THE BREASTSduring love making. The blood flow stimulates the glands of the breasts.;

3. ENLARGED PITUITARY CONDITION -- The pituitary gland in addition to producing other hormones for glands like the adrenals (ACTH), growth hormones (GH), thryoid (TSH), follicles for hair (FSH), to name a few, also produces the prolactin hormone (PRL) for breast milk growth. An imbalance can cause a tumor in the Pituitary Gland called hyperprolactinaemia.

4. MEDICATIONS such as metoclopramide or thioridazine cause increased levels of the prolactin hormone;

5. DUCT ECTASIA in older women can increase milk secretion in the breasts.

Can you feel a baby move at 15 weeks?

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Every woman is different. Although it is unlikely in first time mothers, do not completely rule it out. It could also be gas you are feeling.

Most first time Mums feel movement at around 20 weeks, and second time Mums around 16 weeks.

I dont think it honestly matters if you are a first time mom or not! If you understand what is going on with your body im pretty sure anyone can tell between gas and the baby, i dont know about other women because everyone is different but gas and the baby felt different to me. I am a first time mom and I felt my baby around 15 weeks. And after the first day of feeling the baby i felt it more and more everyday. So, it is possible.

How early in a pregnancy do you start to feel the fluttering inside you?

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I felt that same sensation very early on in all three of my pregnancies--like bubbles or fluttering. I believe it was around 7-8 weeks for each. Everyone said that it couldn't be the fetus because the fetus is too small, and that's probably true. However, it's definitely related to the pregnancy because I only felt that particular sensation when pregnant. Never before, never in between pregnancies, and never after I stopped having babies.

Most women don't feel the "fluttering" until about 4 or 5 months along. But some women who have been pregnant before can detect it a bit earlier.

I started feeling little flutters at about 3 months pregnant but now I'm 3 months 3 weeks and I feel little taps in my belly its weird even though its my 3rd baby.

when i was pregnant my doctors said that most first time moms start to notice movement at 24 weeks of pregnancy, that was almost right on for me with my first, however with my second child i noticed a lot sooner since i knew what to be feeling for, i noticed with my second around 15 to 18 weeks, which the doctor also said was not uncommon.

How do you feel at 6 weeks?

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Six weeks of what? Pregnancy? Well if this is the question i can answer... Everybodys body is different.. but when i was six weeks i had barely found out i was pregnant main reason sense of smell is real sensitive and food i liked before made me sick....

Can you feel your baby move at 8 weeks?

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Yes, it's definitely possible, no matter what anyone says. My midwife felt my little girl kick at 10 weeks, because she knew where to push down and what not. She's a strong little baby at 20 weeks right now but my boyfriend still hasn't felt it, but it can take a little time for a casual outsider to feel it.

Don't doubt yourself, if you think it's your baby, it probably is. :)

How does a hamsters stomach look during pregnancy?

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They'll grow around the middle. Not like a human pregnancy with a bump in the stomach (although the pregnancy will show here at first) but all around; their hips and stomach both will look very bloated and if you touch it GENTLY will feel somewhat firm and bumpy.

When does a mother feel the baby during pregnancy?

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Feeling your baby move for the first time when you are pregnant is very exciting. Your baby started moving around around 7 weeks, but you won't be able to feel him until 16 - 22 weeks. If you have already had a baby, you might be able to feel it a little earlier because you know what the movement feels like. Mothers have described the movements as butterflies or even popcorn popping in your stomach. Once you feel the movement more frequently you will be able to tell without a doubt that it's the baby moving and not gas or hunger pains. The movements start out fairly weak, but late in your pregnancy they will get much stronger!

Is it possible to feel your baby's heartbeat through your belly?

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No, with a Doppler stethoscope it can be heard at approx. 8-10 weeks in a thin woman.An ultrasound machine can see the fetal heart at 6-8 weeks depending on the qualiity of the machine. The fetal heart is way to small to feel early in the pregnancy, in fact, it cannot even be felt at full term.

Im 6 months pregnant and my baby has not move since last night is that normal?

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It is nothing to worry about until you have movement on a regular basis and should keep track. If you notice a lack of movement, you should contact your doctor soon (don't panic this doesn't mean you are having a miscarriage, just room for concern and you doctor may want to induce you early to protect the health of you and your baby).

How do you know whether you are vomiting due to food poisoning or because you are pregnant?

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Food poisoning sets in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after eating. It also makes you so violently sick that sometimes you cannot make it out of the bed.

Morning sickness or pregnancy nausea is normally not so violent and is often triggered by a smell or memory of a taste. It lasts alot longer than food poisoning as well.

If you think you have food poisoning though, you should really go to the hospital. I think food poisoning can kill you. Good luck.