



The pregnancy topic is for questions regarding the nine-month development of the fetus inside the mother's womb.

500 Questions

What type of cell is bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, meaning they lack a true nucleus and other organelles commonly found in eukaryotic cells. They are single-celled organisms that can be found in various environments and play important roles in ecosystems.

What color will my baby's eyes be I have dark brown eyes my mother has dark brown and my father has hazel My husband has green eyes His mother has dark brown eyes and his father has blue eyes?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many factors that determine eye color, including multiple genes. Based on the given information, there is a possibility that your baby may have brown, hazel, or green eyes. The final eye color cannot be predicted with certainty.

What should pregnant women do during a solar eclipse?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pregnant women should avoid looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse to prevent any potential harm to their eyes. It is safe to be outside during a solar eclipse, but using proper eye protection or observing indirectly through a pinhole viewer is recommended. Enjoy the event from a safe viewing location.

I am a blue eyed man with a brown eyed baby is she mine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so it is possible for a blue-eyed parent to have a brown-eyed child and vice versa. The baby's eye color is not a definitive indicator of biological paternity. If you have concerns about paternity, a DNA test can provide more accurate information.

Could you be pregnant if your period was a couple days late and it was very heavy with lots of bloods clots and lasted for three days and a pregnancy test a day before it started was negative?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible to experience heavy bleeding with blood clots during pregnancy, known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. However, it is also common for women to have irregular periods from time to time, which may include heavy bleeding. If you are concerned, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

What is nocturnal animal?

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Asked by Wiki User

A nocturnal animal is one that is active during the night and sleeps during the day. These animals have adapted to low light conditions and often have special senses to help them navigate and find prey in the dark. Examples of nocturnal animals include owls, bats, and raccoons.

How many sperms race toward the egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

During fertilization, hundreds of millions of sperm are released in the vagina but only a few hundred make it to the egg in the fallopian tube. However, only one sperm will successfully penetrate and fertilize the egg.

How long does sperm take to run from your vagina after sex?

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Asked by Wiki User

It doesn't - your body absorbs them, and what isn't used to make babies is broken down into proteins and used as nutrients. And in case you are about to wonder, NO you can't do that instead of eat.

If your period is 10 days late but 10 urine tests all came back negative is pregnancy still possible?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is still possible to be pregnant even if urine tests are coming back negative. If you continue to have concerns, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider for further testing and evaluation.

If the same condom is used twice what are the chances of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reusing a condom is not recommended as it increases the risk of breakage, which can lead to pregnancy or the transmission of sexually transmitted infections. It is best to use a new condom for each sexual encounter to ensure effectiveness.

How do you get semen to stay inside you after sex?

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Asked by Wiki User

After sex, it's normal for some semen to trickle out due to gravity. But you could try laying down or propping your hips up for 10-15 minutes to give the sperm a better chance at reaching the cervix. However, keep in mind that this won't guarantee conception.

Who determines twins the mom or the DAD?

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Asked by Wiki User

Twins are the result of multiple eggs being fertilized (fraternal), or an egg splitting into two or more (identical). So, it is the mom who determines if it is twins or not. Having twins is common in some families although it can happen to anyone.

Why does the endometrium have many cells but no collagen and elastic fibers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The endometrium is constantly undergoing changes in response to hormonal signals during the menstrual cycle. The abundance of cells contributes to its regenerative capacity. Collagen and elastic fibers are not present because they would restrict the endometrium from being able to thicken and shed during menstruation.

What features does a baby have at 6 months through pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

At 6 months of pregnancy, a fetus has developed all major organs and structures, with some refinement and maturation still occurring. They can open and close their eyes, respond to sound, and practice breathing movements. At this stage, they are gaining weight rapidly and beginning to develop more defined features like eyebrows and eyelashes.

How long do you pee on a pregnancy test?

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Asked by Wiki User

You typically pee on a pregnancy test for about 5 seconds, making sure to saturate the absorbent tip. Follow the instructions on the test package for the most accurate results.

What is the difference between pre-ejaculate and pre-ejaculatory fluid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pre-ejaculate refers to the clear fluid that is occasionally released from the penis before ejaculation, while pre-ejaculatory fluid specifically refers to the fluid released from the Cowper's glands, which may contain sperm. Both are involved in lubricating the urethra during sexual activity.

Do you start getting cramps 4 days after the sperm meets egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cramps can be a common early pregnancy symptom, but they typically do not occur as early as 4 days after fertilization. Cramping can have various causes, including implantation, uterine changes, or menstrual cycle changes. If you suspect you may be pregnant and are experiencing cramps, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and guidance.

If the urine is in a dirty cup is it still affective when taking a pregnancy test?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using urine from a dirty cup can potentially introduce contaminants that could interfere with the accuracy of a pregnancy test. It is always best to use clean, sterile containers for urine samples to ensure the most accurate results.

Why do pregnant women undergo aminocentsis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pregnant women undergo amniocentesis to examine the chromosomes of the fetus for genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome. This test can help diagnose potential genetic conditions and provide crucial information for the parents and healthcare providers to make informed decisions about the pregnancy.

What can happen if you pee on a pregnancy test too long?

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Asked by Juicey44

Leaving urine on a pregnancy test too long can lead to inaccurate results due to the evaporation of the liquid, which can cause lines to appear or disappear. It is important to follow the test instructions and read the results within the recommended time frame to ensure the accuracy of the test.

Why does pregnancy increase a womans energy needs?

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Asked by Madeenah

Pregnancy increases a woman's energy needs because her body is working harder to support the growth and development of the baby, as well as to maintain her own health. The additional energy is required for the development of the placenta, increased blood volume, and other metabolic changes that occur during pregnancy.

Can you strip your own membranes?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not recommended for individuals to attempt to strip their own membranes. This procedure should only be done by a qualified healthcare provider, such as a doctor or midwife, as it carries some risks and should be performed in a sterile environment to reduce the chances of infection. If you are considering membrane stripping, consult with your healthcare provider.

How long does each phase of mitosis last?

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Asked by Wiki User

The duration of each phase of mitosis can vary depending on the cell type and conditions, but generally: prophase lasts about 20-30 minutes, metaphase around 5 minutes, anaphase about 1-3 minutes, and telophase around 5-10 minutes. These times can be shorter or longer in different contexts.

Does Cervical mucus stop once sperm penetrates the egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, once sperm penetrates the egg and fertilization occurs, the cervical mucus does not play a role in preventing further sperm penetration. The focus shifts to the successful implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

Will poppy seeds hurt you when pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consuming poppy seeds in moderation is generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, excessive consumption should be avoided as they contain trace amounts of opiates which could potentially affect the baby. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.