

Republic of Macedonia

This category covers questions about the Republic of Macedonia, a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeastern Europe. It declared independence from Yugoslavia on September 8, 1991 which was recognized on April 8, 1993. Since then, the Republic of Macedonia has been disputing with Greece over the use of the word "Macedonia," which is also a region in Greece.

500 Questions

How are you in macedonian?

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Asked by Wiki User

Како си? ['Kako si] in single-form, or Како сте ['Kako ste] in plural.

What is greater Macedonia?

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Asked by Qsefthiupoiu

The Great idea concept is an expansionist agenda propagated by the government and nationalists of the Former Yugoslav Republic. It suggests that ancient Macedonia on the northern Greek peninsula was a sovereign state allegedly inhabited by an "Macedonian' ethnic identity that was attacked by an allied force of Greeks, Serbians and Bulgarians. The area that makes up this 'Greater Macedonia' incorporates the historical Macedonia of Greece, and parts of Albania and Bulgaria into the territory that is now the Former Yugoslav Republic. This concept has no basis in ethnic, historical or geographic reality. Historical Macedonia was an ancient Greek kingdom on the northern Greek peninsula that today is a Greek province on the northern Greek peninsula. Even under foreign occupation which saw the name "Macedonia" applied to a larger administrative area that stretched beyond the boundaries of historical Macedonia, the majority of the FYROM still remained outside.

When did USS United States vs HMS Macedonian happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

USS United States vs HMS Macedonian happened on 1812-10-25.

Did Philip of Macedonian conquer the Spartans?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, he defeated Thebes and Athens who opposed him militarily. Sparta stayed out of it as its military force had shrunk to ineffectiveness as a result of the wars it had been involved in over the previous century.

How long does it need for a package from the UK to arrive to Macedonia?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends from the Hellenic (Greek) posts. They use to be really slow. It should be max one week. It depends from the Hellenic (Greek) posts. They use to be really slow. It should be max one week.

Marriage between Greek orthodox and Macedonian orthodox?

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Asked by Wiki User

Generally if the love is true the female follows the man, below is straight out of the bible and a true beliver will follow, dispite political differences, good luck!

(1) The husband is the head of the wife. He is to be her protector and provider. When a wife takes her husband's name, she displays submission to him, which is in accord with God's will. Notice: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord" (Eph. 5:22; also read Colossians 3:18).

The following scriptures show that God has given the husband authority over his wife:

I Corinthians 11:3: "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."

Ephesians 5:23-24: "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."

What is a city in the country just south of Macedonia and Albania?

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Asked by Wiki User

Athens, in Greece, is the city just south of the country of Macedonia and the country of Albania.

Where is Mastodonia?

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There is not a place called Mastodonia. Do you mean Macedonia? The Republic of Macedonia, is a country in southeastern Europe. It is also a name for a region of Northern Greece.

Does Macedonia have monarchy?

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Macedonia is a province in northern Greece but used to be monarchy in ancient times when it was a Greek kingdom. The most famous Macedonian king was Alexander the Great of the Argead Dynasty that originated in Argos in the Peloponnese and founded Macedonia on the northern Greek peninsula.

What is Macedonia's favorite food?

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Asked by Wiki User

The traditional Greek lamb gyros with tzatziki (pita souvlaki) as only Greece can make of course.

However, Greeks from Macedonia in the north just like the Greeks from Athens in the south enjoy an assortment of traditional and not so traditional Greek culinary delights.

Thessaloniki Bougatsa - Custard filled pastries

Lamb dolmades

Macedonian style Trahana - Tomato jus soup with mussels

Spanakopita - Spinach pie

Yemista - stuffed peppers and tomatoes

Baked Florina peppers in fresh tomato puree

Steamed Salmon from Drama

Calamari and octopus fresh from the Aegean sea

Kozani style cabbage rolls

Gigantes - giant beans oven baked

Macedonian fish soup

Sarmades of Siatista - Stuffed cabbage with saffron

Lamb stew with capers from Kastoria

Saganaki Kefalotiri

Boubari, Ground meat sausages

Fresh olive bread

Warm figs

Roasted Chestnuts

steaming sea bass

Akanes of Serres

Macedonian Ravani

Pork and Leek Roll

and many many more....

Pizza and cooldudeishere add me this is my id 4 ps3

This macedonian conqueror invaded Egypt in 332 bc?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alexander the Great. The Egyptian city of Alexandria was founded by him.