


Food & Cooking

Many organisms, such as humans, ingest food to get the nutrients needed to maintain life. Cooking and preparation are often a necessity, but also a joy for many people. The Food and Cooking category includes questions and answers on the ingredients in food, recipes, nutritional information, cooking utensils, where to find certain foods, and much more. Bon Appetit!

500 Questions

What is the correct punctuation for kids sandwiches?

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If you mean sandwiches for more than one kid/child, it would be kids' (s apostrophe) sandwiches.

For one kid: kid's sandwiches

For more than one kid: kids' sandwiches

Do humans eat chimpanzees?

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While historically there have been instances of humans consuming chimpanzees for food, eating chimpanzees is not a common practice in modern times. Additionally, due to ethical, conservation, and health considerations, the consumption of chimpanzee meat is largely illegal and discouraged worldwide.

What are the steps of making steam?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make steam, water is heated until it reaches its boiling point, which is when it turns into steam. The heat energy causes the water molecules to move faster and escape the liquid phase, creating steam. The steam can then be collected and used for various purposes, such as powering turbines or heating systems.

Why do teenagers prefer interesting dishes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teenagers may prefer interesting dishes because they are more open to trying new foods and flavors. They are at an age where they are developing their own tastes and experimenting with different types of cuisine. Interesting dishes can also be more visually appealing and engaging, making them more appealing to a younger audience.

Why do students frequently eat noodles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Students often eat noodles because they are affordable, easy and quick to prepare, and offer a variety of flavors and customization options. Additionally, they are a convenient option for busy students with hectic schedules.

What are environmental influences on behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Environmental influences on behavior can include factors such as culture, societal norms, family dynamics, peer pressure, and availability of resources. These influences can shape an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in a variety of ways, impacting their decision-making and interactions with others. Environmental factors can play a significant role in shaping an individual's personality and overall development.

How can you improve eating habits?

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Asked by Wiki User

To improve eating habits, focus on incorporating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. Be mindful of portion sizes and try to limit added sugars, saturated fats, and processed foods. Meal planning and preparation can also help you make healthier choices and avoid impulse eating.

Are therapists allowed to take clients to lunch and buy them gifts?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is generally considered unethical for therapists to take clients to lunch or buy them gifts, as it can blur the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship and potentially create conflicts of interest. Therapists should maintain a professional boundary with clients to ensure that the therapy remains focused on the client's well-being.

How many people eat bugs?

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Around 2 billion people worldwide include insects in their regular diet, particularly in regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Insects are a rich source of protein and nutrients, making them an important food source for many cultures.

Why does someone always call during dinner?

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It may just be a coincidence or it could be due to people having more free time to make phone calls during dinner hours. Consider setting boundaries by turning off your phone or activating the "Do Not Disturb" feature during meal times to avoid interruptions.

What foods do people often eat in bed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common foods that people often eat in bed include snacks like popcorn, chips, crackers, and candy. Some people might also enjoy indulging in comfort foods like ice cream, cookies, or a slice of pizza while lounging in bed. However, it is important to be mindful of potential spills and stains on bedding.

How many people eat raw flour out of the bag?

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Eating raw flour out of the bag is not recommended due to the risk of foodborne illness from potential contamination with harmful bacteria such as E. coli. It is difficult to determine the exact number of people who do this, but it is generally advised against for safety reasons.

Why does the last bite of food taste the best?

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Asked by Misscaz

The last bite may taste the best due to sensory adaptation. As you eat, your taste buds become less sensitive to the flavors, so the final bite, which hasn't been subjected to prolonged exposure, can seem more intense and satisfying. Additionally, anticipation and the knowledge that it's the last bite can contribute to heightened enjoyment.

Why do guys eat more than girls?

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Biological differences and caloric needs can play a role; men typically have higher muscle mass and metabolic rates. Societal norms and expectations around gender roles can also impact eating behaviors. Ultimately, individual eating habits are influenced by a wide range of factors beyond gender.

Why do people eat anything the edible that they can get their hands on?

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People may eat anything edible they can find due to factors such as hunger, limited resources, lack of access to nutritious food, or cultural practices. In some cases, individuals may also have a condition known as pica, where they have an appetite for non-nutritive substances.

2 Application of Scientific method give some situation or example of Chemistry?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Determining the melting point of a substance by heating it gradually and recording the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid.
  2. Investigating the effect of varying concentrations of a reactant on the rate of a chemical reaction by performing multiple trials and collecting data.

How much Star Fruit is sold in the U.S yearly?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's estimated that around 15-20 million pounds of star fruit are sold annually in the United States. The fruit is primarily grown in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii, but some is also imported from countries like Mexico and the Philippines.

How much does the average person spend on hot dogs?

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The average person in the United States spends about $20-25 per year on hot dogs, which translates to about 70 cents to $1 per pound of hot dogs consumed. This cost can vary depending on factors such as location, brand, and quantity purchased.

Is this a fact or a opion Gobal Wildlife is awesome and fun?

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Asked by Wiki User

That statement is an opinion as it reflects personal feelings and preferences towards global wildlife. Different people may have different opinions on the subject.

Which state eats the most chili?

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Asked by Wiki User

Texas is famous for its love of chili, particularly the dish known as Texas chili. It is traditionally made with beef and does not include beans or any other fillers. Texas is often recognized as the state that eats the most chili in the United States.

What does the average American eat 3 pounds of each year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average American is 36.6 years old and eats 1,996.3 lbs. of food per year. The average man is 5'9" and weighs 190 lbs. The average woman is 5'4" and weighs 164 lbs. Each year, Americans eat 85.5 lbs. of fats and oils. They eat 110 lbs. of red meat, including 62.4 lbs. of beef and 46.5 lbs. of pork. Americans eat 73.6 lbs. of poultry, including 60.4 lbs. of chicken. They eat 16.1 lbs. of fish and shellfish and 32.7 lbs. of eggs.

Americans eat 31.4 lbs. of cheese each year and 600.5 lbs. of non-cheese dairy products. They drink 181 lbs. of beverage milks. Americans eat 192.3 lbs. of flour and cereal products, including 134.1 lbs. of wheat flour. They eat 141.6 lbs. of caloric sweeteners, including 42 lbs. of corn syrup. Americans consume 56 lbs. of corn each year and eat 415.4 lbs. of vegetables. Every year, Americans eat 24 lbs. of coffee, cocoa and nuts. Americans eat 273.2 lbs. of fruit each year.These foods include 29 lbs. of French fries, 23 lbs. of pizza and 24 lbs. of ice cream. Americans drink 53 gallons of soda each year, averaging about one gallon each week. Americans eat 24 lbs. of artificial sweeteners each year. They eat 2.736 lbs. of sodium, which is 47 percent more than recommended. Americans consume 0.2 lbs. of caffeine each year, about 90,700 mg. In total, Americans eat an average of 2,700 calories each day.

What percentage of the prisons in the US are privately owned?

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Approximately 8.4% of state and federal prisoners in the US are housed in privately operated facilities. However, the percentage of privately owned prisons can vary by state, with some states having a higher proportion of privately operated prisons than others.

Why are only women expected to cook for their family?

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This expectation is rooted in traditional gender roles where women were historically seen as responsible for managing the household and caregiving tasks. However, these roles are changing as society evolves to recognize that cooking and other household tasks should be shared responsibilities regardless of gender.

How many Dominicans live in USA?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, it is estimated that there are around 2 million Dominicans living in the United States. Dominicans make up one of the largest immigrant groups in the U.S., with significant populations in states like New York, New Jersey, and Florida.

What percentage of people in America have Gardens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well,well,well.It's good that you ask this question beause I DON'T KNOW!Just joking!!

Ok,let me tell you.Of all I know I think it IS at LEAST 60%.So now I think the orret answer is 80%.