


Mapping and Cartography

Questions about different types of maps and the technique of creating maps

500 Questions

Angle between geographic north and north compass needle points?

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The angle between geographic north and the north compass needle points is the magnetic declination. This angle varies depending on your location on Earth, as the Earth's magnetic field is not aligned perfectly with the geographic north pole. To navigate accurately using a compass, it's essential to adjust for the magnetic declination in your area.

Which conclusion about the Inca city of macchu picchu can be draw form the map at left?

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The Inca city of Machu Picchu was strategically located on a mountain ridge surrounded by steep cliffs on three sides, providing natural defenses and a breathtaking view. The city's layout shows meticulous planning and organization, with distinct areas for agriculture, residential buildings, and ceremonial spaces. The intricate system of terraces and agricultural fields indicates advanced engineering and agricultural knowledge by the Incas.

What are the advantages of online maps?

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Asked by Wiki User

Online maps provide real-time updates, detailed directions, and access to reviews and ratings for businesses. They offer convenience and accessibility for users to navigate unfamiliar areas efficiently.

A list that explains the parts colors or symbols of a chart?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Title: Describes the subject of the chart.
  2. Axes: Represent the variables being measured, such as time or quantity.
  3. Legends: Explain the meaning of colors or symbols used in the chart.
  4. Data points: Represent individual values within the data set.

A astrolabe is a star map drawn on a metal plate?

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An astrolabe is actually a navigational tool used in ancient times to determine the altitude of celestial bodies like stars and planets. It consists of a metal disc with markings to aid in measuring angles and time, used for navigation and astronomy purposes. It helped sailors and astronomers locate themselves based on the position of celestial bodies in the sky.

What are the immediate directions?

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Immediate directions refer to instructions or guidance that need to be acted upon promptly or without delay. They are typically short-term in nature and require quick action to achieve a specific goal or outcome.

The distortion of external appearances is called?

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The distortion of external appearances is called visual distortion or visual hallucination. It involves perceiving objects in a warped or altered way that does not accurately reflect reality.

Where is holland located in the European map?

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Asked by Wiki User

Holland is a region in the western part of the Netherlands, which is located in northwestern Europe. The country of the Netherlands is bordered by Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North Sea to the north and west.

What is the map symbol for fire station?

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The map symbol for a fire station is typically represented by a red square with a white lowercase letter "F" inside.

If distance between two cities on a map is 4 inches the actual distance is 60 miles what is the scale of the map?

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The scale of the map is 1 inch represents 15 miles. This is calculated by dividing the actual distance (60 miles) by the distance on the map (4 inches).

Show you the map of appalachin highlands?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to display images or maps. However, you can easily find maps of the Appalachian Highlands region by searching online or using mapping applications like Google Maps or Bing Maps. The region includes parts of eastern North America, stretching from Alabama to Newfoundland.

On the map of Europe where is Luxenburg?

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Luxembourg is a small country located in Western Europe. It is bordered by Belgium to the west, France to the south, Germany to the east, and has a small section to the north with the Netherlands.

What arm of the Mediterranean Sea are the Greek Isles?

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The Greek Isles are located in the Aegean Sea, which is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea. The Aegean Sea is situated between the Greek mainland and Turkey.

How many north's in a military map?

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North on a military map typically refers to the direction of the North Pole. The map should indicate true north, grid north, and magnetic north for navigational purposes.

What type of map shows changes in elevation at earths surface?

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A topographic map displays changes in elevation at Earth's surface through the use of contour lines. These lines connect points of equal elevation, allowing viewers to visualize the landscape's terrain and features.

What are the three types of map scales?

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The three types of map scales are linear scale (representing distances as a ratio such as 1:50,000), verbal scale (describing distances in words like "1 inch represents 1 mile"), and graphic scale (using a line marked with distances on the map).

Where is Rass Island Located?

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Rass Island, also known as Lavan Island, is located in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Iran. It is part of the Hormozgan province.

What is the length on a map that represents 80m when the scale is 1cm to 5m?

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Asked by Wiki User

The length on the map that represents 80m with a scale of 1cm to 5m would be 16cm. To find this, divide 80m by 5m to get 16. Then, scale it down to one centimeter.

How do geographers use the theme of regions to organize information about the Earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geographers use the theme of regions to categorize and organize different areas of the Earth based on common characteristics such as climate, culture, language, or economic activities. This helps geographers analyze and understand spatial patterns, similarities, and differences across various parts of the world. By identifying regions, geographers can make sense of the complex interactions between human and physical geography.

What is the purpose of a sketch map?

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Asked by Wiki User

A sketch map is used to provide a simple visual representation of an area or route. It helps convey key information quickly, such as landmarks, directions, or points of interest. Sketch maps are often used for planning purposes, fieldwork, or to give a general overview of a location.

Does Malta have any active volcanoes?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Malta does not have any active volcanoes. The country is not located near any tectonic plate boundaries where volcanic activity is common.

What western army saw large scale mutiny?

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The French army during World War I saw large-scale mutinies in 1917. The soldiers were exhausted and disillusioned by the prolonged conflict and poor conditions, leading to widespread acts of insubordination.