

2012 Presidential Campaign

This category is for questions and answers about the 2012 political race for presidency of the United States.

500 Questions

Did Mitt Romney's children attend public school?

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All of Mitt and Ann Romney's five boys attended the Belmont Hill School for Boys in Belmont, Massachusetts. It is a private all-boys non-sectarian school in the affluent Belmont Hill neighborhood of Belmont, Massachusetts. It is just a short walk from the home on Marsh Street in Belmont Hill where Mitt and Ann raised their children and resided until 2009. Taggart Romney, Mitt and Ann's oldest son, now lives on Marsh Street in Belmont Hill.

What does the root word mitt mean?

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The root word "mitt" comes from the Latin word "mittō," which means "to send" or "to let go." It is commonly used in English to refer to a type of glove typically used in baseball.

What is the scientific name of a Romney sheep?

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The scientific name of the Romney sheep is Ovis aries.

How long can a president serve in turkey?

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Since the constitutional referendum in Turkey in 2017, the presidential term has been changed from seven to five years. In addition, with the removal of term limits, a president can now serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Prior to the referendum, the constitutional limit was two terms of seven years each.

Why would Romney make a good president?

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Romney's extensive experience in both the private sector and government positions make him well-suited for the presidency. He has a proven track record of successfully managing the economy and creating jobs. Additionally, his ability to work across party lines and his commitment to fiscal responsibility make him a strong candidate for the job.

Which presidential candidate is a published author?

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One presidential candidate who is a published author is Pete Buttigieg. He has written a memoir called "Shortest Way Home: One Mayor's Challenge and a Model for America's Future" which was published in 2019.

How many electoral votes did Barack Obama receive in Florida in 2012?

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Asked by Jkmyoung

This is a placeholder question until the results of the November 2012 election come in. The result has not yet been determined, but since New York has traditionally voted Democrat, and strongly supported Obama in the previous election (63%), Obama is expected to receive New York's 29 electoral votes.

How much does Ann Coulter weigh?

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Ann Coulter is an American lawyer, writer and political commentator. Ann weighs 66 kg and she stands 1.83 m tall.

Where does the name mitt come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to, accessed 25 January 2007:

The name "Mitt" is a diminutive form of the name "Milton;" the origin of this diminutive/nickname is American. In Mitt Romney's case, Milton was a cousin and former Chicago Bears quarterback.

How many African Americans voted in 2012?

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Not all of the votes have been counted in several states, but we do know more than 122 million people voted; more than 61 million of them voted for President Obama, while about 57 million voted for Mitt Romney. (Third party candidates got the rest.) We also know that President Obama received between 94 and 95% of the black vote nation-wide, and while the total number of voters was down slightly from 2008, most sources say the dip in the number of voters was not substantial. When final vote totals are published, I will add the number of voters to this answer.

What obstacles did President Barack Obama face in his first term as US President?

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Republican politicians (and Congress) who had gone so far as to take a vow to make President Obama have a one term presidency as their primary goal during that time (rather than serving the people). They were "The Party of NO". They voted against the good of the majority of the US people to seek this end when considering legislature, starting on his first days in office. They did this knowing, and despite, the negative effects that it would have on the economy, recovery, real human lives, and other realities that are not always evident on the surface of what people in politics say. They held the public hostage to their demands and obstructions.

Upon taking office as President, Barack Obama was faced with the collapse of the US financial markets and, by extension, the US economy, including the auto industry, and the continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other problems.

Did mitt Romney go on a mission?

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Mitt Romney served as governor of Massachusetts from June 2, 2003 until January 4, 2007.

Who were Mitt Romney's parents?

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Mitt Romney's parents were George and Lenore Romney. George was president of American Motors, governor of Michigan, and a Republican presidential candidate. Lenore was a candidate for the US Senate from Michigan.

What is Mitt Romney's strengths and weaknesses?

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he doesnt have weaknesses he will win the election!

Does Mitt Romney still have a stake in staples?

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Yes, he still retains a significant stake in Bain. However, he has not released the exact details of his actual stake, and, as his released tax filings are quite vague, it is impossible to know much more than the aforementioned generality.

Should he be elected President, he would almost certainly hand his entire financial portfolio over to a wealth management company in the form of a blind trust (as all current Presidents do), so that they could manage his finances WITHOUT him knowing the details of what was sold or traded, so as to avoid a conflict-of-interest when making decisions as President. Though many Presidential candidates do such a handover about now (i.e. when it becomes obvious that they will win their party's nomination), Romney given no indications of such a move. Do note, that this is not required at this point, however.

Is mitt Romney the first Mormon to run for president?

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No, the first Mormon to run for president was Joseph Smith, during the 1844 election. Mitt Romney's father, George, ran for president in the 1968 election, Mitt Romney ran in 2008 and 2012, and another Mormon, Jon Huntsman, also ran for president in 2012. Mitt Romney is the first Mormon to be chosen as a major party candidate.

Why did Barack Obama win the 2012 US presidential election over Mitt Romney?

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It's a matter of opinion, which makes it difficult to answer this sort of question. Supporters of the president would say he cares about average and working people, while Mitt Romney only cares about the super-wealthy. Supporters would also say that Mr. Obama wants to keep jobs in America, while Mitt Romney has a history of sending jobs to third-world countries. Also, many people believe the Republican party has moved so far to the right that it opposes women's access to contraception, opposes equal rights for gay Americans, and believes that all undocumented immigrants, even children who have lived here all their life, should be deported with no chance to ever become citizens. So, although some Americans do believe the country needs a change, they do not believe Mitt Romney would be the best candidate. Still, Mr. Romney has many supporters, and although he lost the election (this question was first asked before the election was held), 47% of Americans voted for him.

What is Mitt Romney home state?

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Mitt Romney grew up in Michigan but has lived in Massachusetts for most of his adult life.

Was Mitt Romney a Democrat?

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No Mitt Romney has never been registered as a democrat.

How many electoral votes did Barack Obama receive in Pennsylvania in 2012?

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In 2008: Barack Obama received 3,276,363 votes compared to McCain's 2,655,885 votes, giving Obama all 21 of Pennsylvania's electoral votes.

In 2012: This is yet to be determined. 20 electoral votes are up for grabs.

Is Mitt Romney a member of the Council on Foreign Relations?

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No he is not.

His father, former Michigan Governor George Romney was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. It is uncertain as to whether or not Willard Romney is a member of the CFR, but "Mitt" (not his real name)is not.

Was Mitt Romney born in Mexico?

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No. Mitt Romney was born and raised in America. He is an American citizen, and except for a two year mission in France, he has always lived in America. In order to run for President of the United States, you must be a US citizen born in America. Mexicans are not allowed to run for president.

Mitt Romney does have some distant relatives who live in Mexico. His father was born in Mexico to American parents but moved back to the US during the Mexican revelution when he was only a child. Mitt Romney's relatives in Mexico are his father's cousin's children.