


The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans.

500 Questions

Modern humans belong to the group of hominids known as what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Modern humans belong to the group of hominids known as Homo sapiens.

Why don't people realize that red hair is not a common Irish feature?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may hold stereotypes about physical traits associated with certain nationalities based on limited exposure or cultural representations. However, the prevalence of red hair in Ireland is not as high as some may assume, and it is not a defining feature of Irish identity. It is important to challenge stereotypes and recognize the diversity within any population.

What is the smallest ethnic group in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

The smallest ethnic group in the world is believed to be the Sentinelese tribe, an indigenous group living on North Sentinel Island in the Andaman Islands of India. Due to their isolation and protection from outsiders, their exact population is unknown but estimated to be very small, likely fewer than 100 individuals.

Where did life originate?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exact origin of life on Earth is still a topic of scientific debate. One prominent hypothesis is that life may have originated around hydrothermal vents in the deep sea, where the conditions would have been suitable for early life to form. Other theories suggest that life may have originated from chemical reactions on the early Earth's surface.

What is the human Race O?

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Asked by Wiki User

The human race refers to the collective group of individuals that belong to the species Homo sapiens. It is characterized by shared physical traits, such as bipedalism and large brains, as well as cultural characteristics like language and complex societies.

When a cell doubles in diameter cell membrane is multiplied by what?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a cell doubles in diameter, the cell membrane surface area is multiplied by four. This is because the surface area of a sphere (or a cell in this case) is proportional to the square of its radius.

What lived first on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Microscopic single-celled organisms known as prokaryotes, such as bacteria, are believed to have been the first forms of life on Earth. They appeared around 3.5 to 4 billion years ago.

Give me an example of behavioral genetics?

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Asked by Wiki User

A classic example of behavioral genetics is studying the heritability of intelligence by comparing the IQ scores of identical twins raised apart versus fraternal twins raised apart. By examining the extent to which genetic factors contribute to intelligence, researchers can better understand how genes interact with environmental influences to shape cognitive abilities.

A geographical or physical feature that can both protect and isolate a civilization?

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Asked by Wiki User

A mountain range can both protect and isolate a civilization. The natural barrier of rugged terrain and high elevations can shield the civilization from outside threats, while also limiting movement and communication with other regions.

Why are people different colours?

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Asked by Wiki User

People have different skin colors due to the amount of melanin produced by their skin cells. Melanin is a pigment that helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays. The amount of melanin produced is determined by genetics and varies among individuals, resulting in a range of skin colors.

Do pure races exist?

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Biologically, there is no scientific basis for the concept of "pure races." Human populations have mixed and intermingled over thousands of years, leading to a diverse range of genetic markers across all groups. The idea of distinct and separate races is a social construct, not a biological reality.

Which branch of anthropology deals with the study of human characteristics?

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يهتم علم الإنسان الحيوي بدراسة الخصائص الإنسانية من منظور بيولوجي وتطوري.

يشمل هذا الفرع من علم الأنثروبولوجيا العديد من المجالات الفرعية، مثل:

  • علم الآثار الحيوي: يدرس الرفات البشرية القديمة لفهم صحة وتغذية وسلوك أسلافنا.

  • علم الرئيسيات: يقارن بين البشر وسائر الرئيسيات لفهم أصول السلوك البشري.

  • علم التطور البشري: يدرس كيف تطور البشر عبر الزمن.

  • علم الوراثة البشرية: يدرس تنوع الجينات البشرية وتأثيرها على صحتنا وسلوكنا.

  • علم الأحياء القديمة: يدرس كيف تفاعل البشر مع بيئتهم عبر الزمن.

يهدف علم الإنسان الحيوي إلى فهم ما يجعلنا بشرًا، وكيف تغيرنا عبر الزمن، وكيف نتكيف مع بيئتنا.

هل تود معرفة المزيد عن أحد مجالات علم الإنسان الحيوي؟

One reason why foragers typically have low rates of population growth is because?

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Asked by Alandoedwards

foragers rely on unpredictable food sources in their environment, leading to uncertainty in food availability. This uncertainty often results in fluctuations in population size, with periods of abundance followed by scarcity. Additionally, foragers typically have high energy demands due to their active lifestyle, which can limit their ability to invest in reproduction and lead to lower population growth rates.

Sexual dimorphism in humans will change or stay the same over time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sexual dimorphism in humans is likely to stay relatively constant over time, as it is influenced by genetic factors and evolutionary history. However, various external factors such as changing societal norms and cultural practices could impact the expression of sexual dimorphism in different populations.

How is Anthropology similar to psychology and sociology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anthropology, psychology, and sociology are all social sciences that study human behavior. They each examine different aspects of human life, with anthropology focusing on cultures and societies, psychology on individuals' thoughts and behaviors, and sociology on social structures and relationships. Despite their differences in approach, all three disciplines aim to understand and explain the complexities of human society.

How do hunter gatheres co-operate with each other?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hunter-gatherers cooperate through shared tasks such as hunting, gathering, and childcare. They often rely on reciprocal relationships and sharing resources within the group to ensure everyone's survival. Communication and working together are essential for their collective success in adapting to their environment and securing food.

Why are people obsessed with their weight?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may be obsessed with their weight due to societal pressures, media influence, and personal insecurities. The desire to fit into certain beauty standards, fear of being judged, and pursuit of health and fitness goals can also contribute to this obsession.

Who was the first person to cheat?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's difficult to determine the first person to cheat as dishonesty has likely existed since the beginning of human history. Cheating can take many forms and has been observed in various contexts, from relationships to games to academic settings.

Strengths and weaknesses of structuralist-functionalist approaches?

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Asked by Wiki User

Strengths of structuralist-functionalist approaches include their focus on the interrelated parts of a system and how they contribute to the system's overall stability and function. They provide insights into societal norms, values, and institutions that uphold social order. However, weaknesses include oversimplification of social phenomena and neglect of individual agency, diversity, and conflicts within societies.

Humans instinct avoiding danger?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, humans have an instinctual response to avoid danger to protect themselves from harm. This instinct is a result of evolution and helps individuals survive and adapt to their environment. It triggers the fight-or-flight response, leading to an immediate reaction when faced with a potential threat.

Why do people avoid people they are attracted to?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may avoid others they are attracted to due to fear of rejection, lack of confidence, or uncertainty about the other person's feelings. Additionally, some individuals may avoid those they are attracted to as a way to protect themselves emotionally or as a defense mechanism.

Are emotions innate?

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Yes, emotions are considered innate and universal to all humans. Research suggests that basic emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise are hardwired in the brain and have evolutionary origins that serve important purposes for survival and social interaction. However, the expression and regulation of emotions can be influenced by culture, environment, and individual experiences.

Why do you cross your fingers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crossing your fingers is a common gesture to express hope or luck. It is believed to have originated from pre-Christian times as a way to ward off evil spirits and protect oneself from harm. Today, it is often used in a more lighthearted way to wish for good luck or success.

10 reasons people migrate?

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Asked by Wiki User

People migrate to seek better economic opportunities, escape persecution or conflict, reunite with family members, pursue education or training, access better healthcare, find a better quality of life, experience new cultures, escape natural disasters or environmental degradation, seek political asylum, and for adventure and personal growth.

What is perceptual development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Perceptual development refers to the gradual process through which individuals acquire and improve their ability to interpret and make sense of sensory information from the environment. It involves the maturation and refinement of sensory systems such as vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, as well as the cognitive processes that help in organizing and interpreting this sensory input. Through perceptual development, individuals become more adept at perceiving and understanding the world around them.