



This category contains all questions regarding cheating and everything it entails, whether it is emotional or having physical relations with someone other than your significant other.

500 Questions

How can you make your wife leave?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not ethical or appropriate to try to make your spouse leave. If you are in a troubled relationship, it's better to seek counseling or legal advice to navigate the situation with understanding and respect. Communication and honesty are key in addressing any issues in a relationship.

Osteons are found where?

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Asked by Wiki User

Osteons are found in compact bone tissue, which makes up the outer layer of bones. They are the structural units of compact bone, consisting of concentric layers of bone tissue surrounding a central canal that contains blood vessels and nerves.

Is kissing cheating?

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Whether kissing is considered cheating can vary based on individual relationships and boundaries agreed upon by partners. Some people may consider kissing someone other than their partner as a form of infidelity, while others may view it differently. It's important to communicate openly with your partner about what constitutes cheating in your relationship.

What do you do when you find out your husband has been living a double life?

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Asked by Wiki User

When discovering that your husband has been living a double life, it's important to prioritize your well-being. Seek support from trusted friends or a therapist to process your feelings and decide on the best course of action for yourself. Consider open communication with your husband to address the situation and determine if rebuilding trust is possible.

If her panties are stained does that mean she is cheating?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, stained panties do not necessarily indicate cheating. Stains can occur due to various reasons such as menstrual blood, discharge, or accidents. It is important not to jump to conclusions and instead have an open and honest conversation with your partner if you have concerns.

Is your man cheating if you found condoms and one has been used and you also found a letter from a woman?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is likely that your man is cheating if you found condoms that have been used and a letter from another woman. It is important to have an open and honest conversation with him to address your concerns and decide how to move forward in the relationship. Trust your instincts and prioritize your emotional well-being in this situation.

How can you compete if your wife is cheating with a man much larger than you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Confront the situation openly and honestly with your wife, expressing your concerns and feelings. Seek couples therapy to address the underlying issues in your relationship. Consider seeking individual therapy to process your emotions and decide the best course of action for your well-being.

How do you know if your spouse is cheating because he is no longer taking showers at home and when asked about it he gets very defensive?

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Asked by Wiki User

While lack of hygiene habits and defensiveness can be red flags for cheating, it's important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner to express your concerns. Communication is key in any relationship, so try to approach the topic calmly and listen to what they have to say. If you feel uneasy about their responses or behavior, consider seeking couples therapy or professional guidance to address the issue.

Why do men love their spouse one day and then hate them the next?

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Asked by Wiki User

Relationship dynamics are complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as stress, communication issues, unresolved conflicts, and individual differences in personality. It is important for both partners to communicate openly, address underlying issues, show empathy, and seek professional help if needed to work through any challenges in the relationship.

How long can semen leak out of a women's body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Semen can leak out of a woman's body for up to several hours after intercourse, as the body expels excess fluid. However, most semen is normally ejaculated into the vagina and the majority of it either stays in the vagina or is absorbed by the body.

Is putting your arm around a girl considered dancing?

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Ludo doesn't believe in cheating on school work, but then he took a French test and everyone else was cheating, so he did it, too. Now, he tells himself that cheating is usually bad, but sometimes it is O.K. This is an example of:?

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Asked by Kieyana Brigade

This is an example of rationalization, where Ludo is justifying his decision to cheat by convincing himself that it was acceptable in that particular situation. Rationalization often involves distorting one's beliefs or values to justify questionable actions.

I had an emotional affair that I broke off and now seeing this person again and flirting with me why does it make me so nervous?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's understandable to feel nervous because reconnecting with someone you had an emotional affair with can bring up complex emotions and anxiety about past actions. It's important to assess your feelings and boundaries before engaging in any further interactions to avoid repeating past mistakes or causing harm to yourself or others. Consider seeking support from a therapist to process these emotions and navigate this situation in a healthy way.

What is the fancy word for the act of lying without fear of getting caught?

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Asked by Catmask

A fancy word for lying without fear of getting caught is fabrication. The journalist left his job in disgrace after being exposed as a serial fabricator. Related medical terms are pathological lying, confabulation, and mythomania, each with its own distinctions. Lying without consequences is lying with impunity. When can a politician lie with impunity?

When most people tell a lie it is to avoid an expected consequence of being truthful.

What is ambivilance?

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Asked by Tadazah

Ambivalence is the experience of having conflicting feelings or attitudes towards a person, thing, or situation. It involves holding two contrasting emotions or viewpoints simultaneously, which can lead to uncertainty or indecision.

Is it wrong to be the other woman?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being "the other woman" is generally considered unethical and can cause harm to multiple parties involved, including the person you are involved with, their partner, and yourself. It is important to prioritize honesty, respect, and integrity in all relationships to avoid hurting others and to build healthy connections based on trust and transparency.

What does it mean when you dream of cheating on your partner?

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Asked by Wiki User


To dream that you are cheating on your spouse, mate, or significant other, suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. You may have compromised your beliefs or integrity and/or wasting your energy and time on fruitless endeavours. Alternatively, it reflects the intensity of your sexual passion and exploring areas of your sexuality. It is a reaffirmation of your commitment. To dream that your mate, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you, indicates your fears of being abandoned. You may feel a lack of attention in the relationship. Alternatively, you may feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others. This notion may stem from issues of trust or self-esteem.

Dreaming that you are having sex with someone other than your partner may mean several things. Again, since everything in dreams is symbolic, including sex, the sex act itself must be interpreted using the lens of symbolism. Sex in dreams often means unity - becoming one with something. In a dream, this unity may be expressed by sexual union with someone who is symbolic of something important to you. For example, if you dreamed you were cheating with someone famous, it could mean that you desire more recognition or it could mean that you are giving yourself the recognition and value you deserve. Look at who you are having sex with and what they represent to you - this is a huge step in discovering what the dream itself means.

Dreams of cheating may also be dreams of wish-fulfillment. Perhaps you have become infatuated with a person outside of the relationship. Dreams of sleeping with that person are ways that one can have the experience without the devastating consequences! If you continue having dreams of this sort, look at your relationship and see if your sex life is lacking. Talk with your partner and see if there are ways in which you can improve your sex life.

Why did you ask your boyfriend if he was cheating and he laughed?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could be that he found the accusation to be absurd or baseless, and his initial reaction was to laugh in disbelief. However, it's important to communicate openly and address any concerns or doubts with your partner in a calm and rational manner to maintain trust and understanding in the relationship.

Why does your boyfriend dream about you cheating on him?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dreams are often a reflection of our subconscious thoughts and fears. It's possible that your boyfriend's dream about you cheating on him is a manifestation of his own insecurities or fears about the relationship. It's important to communicate openly with him to understand the underlying reasons behind his dream and to reassure him of your commitment to the relationship.

Why are men so easy to accuse women of cheating when they are the ones doing it?

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Asked by Wiki User

This can be due to insecurity, projection of guilt, or attempts to justify their own actions. It may also be a way to shift blame or control the narrative in the relationship. Communication and trust are crucial in addressing these issues constructively.

What causes cheating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cheating can be caused by a variety of factors, such as lack of fulfillment in the current relationship, desire for excitement or novelty, emotional disconnect, low self-control, or unresolved personal issues. It is a complex behavior influenced by individual circumstances and motivations.

Why people cheat in exams?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may cheat in exams due to pressure to perform well, lack of preparation, fear of failure, or a desire for a competitive advantage. Some individuals may also cheat due to a lack of moral character or a belief that the end justifies the means.

Is it ok for wife to constantly text other men?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important for partners to have open communication and set boundaries around interacting with members of the opposite sex. If the texting is causing discomfort or strain in the relationship, it's best to address it with your wife to ensure trust and respect are maintained.

Is it natural to beat yourself up after your spouses affair so it destroys your self esteem?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is natural to experience a range of emotions, including self-blame, after discovering a spouse's affair. However, it is important to remember that the affair was not your fault. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor can help you rebuild your self-esteem and navigate the healing process.