



Since man first domesticated the horse around 4000 BC, it has proved to be quite useful and important in the progress of civilization. This category contains information about wild horses, the varieties of breeds, colors, and the history of horses, as well as other general information pertaining to these stunning and magnificent animals.

500 Questions

Is it true that chincoteague ponies live on chincoteague an assateague island?

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They live on Assateague Island, and every year they are rounded up, made to swim across the channel over to Chincoteague island, where some are auctioned in order to maintain the number of horses on the island. the rest are released back onto Assateague to live in the wild for another year.

What is it called when a horse laughs?

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a horse laugh means not worthy of serious consideration i think

What is the wild mustangs biome?

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Wild mustangs are typically found in a variety of biomes, including grasslands, plains, deserts, and mountainous regions. They are adaptable animals that can thrive in different environments as long as there is access to sufficient food, water, and shelter. These biomes provide a range of resources that support the wild mustangs' survival and reproduction.

Do zebras have specilized body parts?

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Yes, zebras have specialized body parts such as their unique black and white stripe patterns that aid in camouflage and individual recognition within the herd. They also have strong hooves for running and kicking predators, and large ears for keen hearing to detect potential threats.

How do horses act when they are fisrt being trained?

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When horses are first being trained, they may show signs of confusion, hesitancy, or fear. They may be unsure about what is being asked of them and may exhibit behaviors such as bolting, bucking, or refusing to cooperate. It's important for trainers to be patient, consistent, and understanding during this initial training period.

What are the levels of classification in an horse and give their scientific name?

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Horse classifiation is as follows:

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammilia

Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Equidae

Species: Equus caballus

This classification includes:horses, asses, zebras and 9 other species.

Where Is Sable Island?

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Sable Island is a small island located in the Atlantic Ocean, about 190 miles southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It is known for its wild horses and history of shipwrecks due to its dangerous shoals and strong currents.

What kind of schooling do you need to be a veterinary assistant?

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To become a veterinary assistant, you typically need a high school diploma or equivalent. Some employers may prefer candidates with additional education or training in veterinary assisting, such as a certificate or associate degree from a community college or vocational school. On-the-job training is also common in this field.

What are modern horses evolved from?

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Modern horses are believed to have evolved from a small, multi-toed ancestor known as Hyracotherium, which lived around 55 million years ago. Over time, these early horses underwent various adaptations, including the development of a single hoof and teeth specialized for grazing, leading to the diverse range of horse species we see today.

Do horses live in groups?

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Yes, horses are social animals that typically live in groups known as herds. These herds are usually comprised of multiple individuals, often led by a dominant mare, and help provide protection, social interaction, and support for the members.

What is the scientific name for the Przewalskis wild horse?

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The scientific name for the Przewalski's wild horse is Equus ferus przewalskii. It is the only remaining truly wild horse species in the world.

A scientific name for a horse?

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The horse (Equus ferus caballus) is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus, or the wild horse. It is a single-hooved (ungulate) mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated, although some domesticated populations live in the wild as feral horses. These feral populations are not true wild horses, as this term is used to describe horses that have never been domesticated, such as the endangered Przewalski's Horse, a separate subspecies, and the only remaining true wild horse. There is an extensive, specialized vocabulary used to describe equine-related concepts, covering everything from anatomy to life stages, size, colors, markings, breeds, locomotion, and behavior.

from Wikipedia

What is the scientific name for the wild horses?

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Clydesdales don't ave a scientific name, because they are a single breed of horse, but the scientific name for horses in general is Equus Caballus.
The Clydesdale horse, being a single breed of horse, does not have its own scientific name. The scientific name for the species horse, however, is Equus ferus caballus.

What is the scientific name of horse?

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The scientific name for horses is Equus caballus

How many taxonomic groups do horse and human share?

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Horses and humans share three groups in Taxonomy, they are as follows: Kingdom: Mammalia, Phylum: Chordata, and Class: Mammalia. The remaining 5 groups: Order, Family, Tribe, Genus, and Species, are completely different.

Did Pegasus die in the hit show Heartland?

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Yes, Pegasus, the horse in the show Heartland, passed away. It was a sad moment for both the characters on the show and the audience.

What is the symbol in the wild horses written by brian fawcett?

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In "Wild Horses" by Brian Fawcett, the symbol of the wild horses represents freedom, beauty, and the untamed spirit of nature. The presence of the horses in the story may also signify a longing for a simpler way of life or a desire for escape from modern civilization.

What is funny about the horse Ichabod is riding as he starts off like a knight in quest adventures?

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What's funny is that Ichabod is actually quite nervous and superstitious. He's not the heroic figure he imagines himself to be, and his mount, Gunpowder, is old and stubborn. It's ironic that Ichabod's appearance doesn't match his fearful personality.

What are a horses enemies?

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Natural enemies of a horse include bears, wolves, big wild cats like mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, vultures, feral/stray dogs (or any dog for that matter), humans (yes, horses DO consider us predators, especially by wild horses), parasites, biting insects like horse flies, and abiotic things like flood waters, thunderstorms, fire, wind (horses hate wind), and even the sun especially on really hot, sunny days when a horse has to spend his time in the shade and not out grazing.

Of course what a horse fears or considers an enemy really depends on the individual horse and what he has or has not been habituated to. Any object that is out of place is considered a threat, or something new that a trainer does to a horse is regarded by the horse with high suspicion.

Other answers:A horse has many natural enemies. A horse is a prey animal, which puts it on a lower rung of the food chain. Most any predator could kill a horse that was singled out. Though horses are very strong and fast animals a pack of wolves or even wild dogs could easily kill a lone horse. Horses traveling in herds are much less likely to be picked off by predatory animals.

Flies. But otherwise it depends on the horse some horses may not like dogs or cats or even other horses. They can also be afraid of flags or a certain object.

The domestic horse has very few natural enemies but one of the most dangerous things our horses face is barbed wire fencing or inadequate fencing. Barbed wire fencing should never be used with horses. And broken or rundown fences that allow horses to get out into traffic claims horse and human lives every day.
The enemies of feral horses in the United States are cougars or mountain lions, lack of food and water, and humans. There are very few areas left in the world where horses run wild.

What is a baby stallion called?

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It is called a Colt from birth to January 1st of the year it turns 4.
A young male Horse is called a Colt though some may call a Colt up to one year and less a "Foal".

After its weaned from its mother they are often called a "Weanling".

After its one year old they are often called "Yearlings" and from two years till its old enough to breed its referred to as a Colt.

It remains a Colt until its of breeding age then its called a Stallion.

Neutered males are called Geldings

Where can one buy zah collection baby clothes?

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You can buy zah collection organic baby clothes at go natural baby

Who are the horses enemies?

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mountain lions, cougars, rarely bears...

Number of toes a horse has on each foot?

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The number of tows a horse has is 2 they have their huff and have the thumb on the back of their leg. A horse's toe is molded together if you pick it up you can see that there are only 2.

Ellen whitaker the horse mystery how do you get past the nightmare?

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To get past the nightmare in the Ellen Whitaker horse mystery game, you may need to look for clues or objects that can help you overcome the obstacle. Explore the surroundings carefully and interact with items or characters to progress further. It's also helpful to think creatively and try different approaches until you find a solution to the nightmare.

What does the phrase sometimes the only horse you can ride is in your head mean?

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It means that you aren't going to accomplish anything but you can still dream about getting it done.