


Birth Control Pill

Also known as the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), birth control pill is a birth control method that includes a combination of a progestogen and oestrogen. These pills prevent fertility when taken orally every day.

500 Questions

Why people get weight when using birth control?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birth control is a topic that affects many people, and it's essential to understand its effects on the body. When individuals use hormonal birth control methods (such as birth control pills, patches, or injections), they may experience changes in weight. Here are some reasons why this might happen:

  1. Fluid Retention: Some hormonal birth control methods can cause fluid retention, leading to temporary weight gain. This is more common with certain types of birth control pills.

  2. Increased Appetite: Hormonal changes caused by birth control can sometimes increase appetite. If a person consumes more calories than they burn, they may gain weight.

  3. Metabolic Changes: Hormonal birth control can affect metabolism. Some people may experience a slower metabolic rate, which can contribute to weight gain.

  4. Muscle Mass: Birth control doesn't directly cause fat gain, but it can impact muscle mass. Some individuals may retain more water or lose muscle, affecting overall body composition.

  5. Individual Variability: Everyone's body reacts differently to hormonal changes. Some people may gain weight, while others may not notice any significant changes.

  6. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices, such as diet and physical activity, play a crucial role. If someone becomes less active or makes unhealthy food choices, weight gain can occur regardless of birth control use.

What type of birth control pill is Trinessa?

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Trinessa is a triphasic birth control pill with 35 mcg of estrogen.

How many weeks are in a school year?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 34 weeks and 4 days i heard it somewhere but im not sure if its true

Is the days in birth control pills interchangeable?

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Asked by RajeenSalendabfb8124

The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.

Will birth control pills stop you from bleeding if you started them while you were bleeding?

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The birth control pill, like all hormonal birth control, is likely to result in less bleeding and fewer days of flow than you'd experience off the pill. Contact your health care provider if your period is more than 7 days or very heavy.

What if you miss the first birth control pill in the pack?

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If you miss the first birth control pill in the pack, you are at increased risk for pregnancy. Use a backup method until you've successfully taken seven pills in a row. Consider changing to a different method that will give you better protection.

Can you take an extra birth control pill so you can be protected one more night before the placebo pills?

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You can certainly take an extra birth control pill without causing any problems. However, your question suggests that you think you're not protected during the placebo pills. That is not true. If you have taken the previous pills in the pack correctly, you are still protected during the placebo week. Please contact your health care provider to get a better understanding of how the pill works and the level of protection you can expect from it.

What are some legal energy pills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Active Energy Pills, Hummer Pills, Storm Energy Pills, OPP or Online Party Pills, Kaizen Ephedrine and Stacker 3's are some examples of legal energy pills.

Can you skip the sugar pills on ortho tri cyclen lo?

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Yes, you can skip the sugar pills on Tricyclen Lo if you like. Usually the triphasic pills -- the ones with three colors of active pills denoting three levels of hormones -- aren't the ideal ones to use to skip periods; you may be more likely to have unscheduled bleeding than if you used a different pill. If you have that problem, and want to skip often, consider calling your health care provider to discuss a possible pill change to a monophasic pill.

Whats a quick working laxative pill?

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Asked by Fb116590055228315624457

You can also buy cholesterol lotion from Vedobi . c o m and control the constipation for the best health

Pros and cons about birth control distributed in high school?

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The justification for offering birth control to high school students is that they "are going to do it anyhow;" the birth control helps keep them from actually conceiving, and supposedly promotes "safe sex." Opponents to this birth control, though, feel that this actually '''promotes''' sexual activity among high school students. They disagree with the notion that "they're going to do it anyhow." Providing birth control at the high school can also keep the parents uninformed about the sexual activity of their children; this can be bad or good, depending on the parents' attitude.

My period came on three days after i stop using birth control is that normal?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are talking about the pill, yes. The pill does play with a womans hormaones like crazy and depending on how long you've been taking it, you can go through a lot of problems coming off it. Nothing to worry about, just annoying things.

Diffusion of fertility control?

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Asked by Wiki User

The spread of birth control in an area.

Can a women control getting pregnant?

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Yes, to a large extent. If a woman understands her monthly cycle, she knows the best time to try for a baby. This is around mid-month when the egg is released, but knowing when this is requires knowledge of her own cycle. There are various methods of pinpointing this, including keeping temperature records. Prevention of pregnancy requires meticulous use of birth control methods, again this requires learning how to use them.

How many pills does a pharmacist have is he has 2 hectograms 55 grams of pills each pill weighs 1 gram 2 centigrams?

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Asked by Wiki User

1 hectogram = 100 grams Thus total weight of pills = (2 x 100) + 55 = 255 Grams Weight of each pill = 1.02 Grams (1 centigram = 0.01 gram) Total No. of pills = 255 / 1.02 = 250

If I had intercourse on a day that I missed my pill and I am ovulating but remembered to take two pills the next day can I become pregnant?

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No birth control is 100% effective so if you have unprotected sex there is always a chance of pregnancy as well as getting an STD or HIV/AIDS. If you do not want to get pregnant ALWAYS use a condom in addition to your birth control pill to help prevent pregnancy as well as the transmission of STD and HIV/AIDS.

Why are pill bugs attracted to sugar?

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Bugs like sugar water because sugar is a major energy source for them. It is similar to eating the pollen from a flower.

How can you get a pet without your parents knowing?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is much better to be responsible to begin with and get your parent's approval. Vet bills, food and other needs can easily get beyond your capabilities to take care of them. This is so not fair to the animal in question. Dogs and cats can live a long time: college dorms don't take pets, and apartments charge a deposit and an additional monthly rent.


Well, it depends on the size/type of pet. If you just really want a pet, and absolutely don't care what kind you get, tell them you are learning about life science in school, and say you are doing a project that requires an accessory form the pet store. Tell them you will be just 5 minutes so they can wait outside in the car, go inside, buy dog treats, dog toy, etc., and get a little fish (some fish cost as little as 12 cents) or a small cheap hamster with a tiny cage. Just put it all in a shopping bag and be sure you don't swing your bag!!!! Then when your parent asks what you got for the project, take out the dog toy, dog treat, etc. And say, and I got a couple other things too. When you get home, keep your new pet in a place where your sibling/parents never look, such as under your bed, in your closet, etc. You really can't get a dog w/out keeping it somewhere out of your house. If you want a cat, make sure you get one that doesn't have long hair. Make a tiny litter box, and use the same trick (school project) from before to get a small bag of cat litter. Just make sure when you aren't home and you parents/siblings are, the animals are well hidden. NOT IN A CLOSET OR UNDER A BED. THEY NEED AIR AND LIGHT. Lock your room, maybe? P.S.-I tried all these tricks with other secret pets. They all worked, especially the fish and cat. They were a secret 'till they died! The cat was kept secret for 1 year, but then my mom found it when I forgot to lock my door one day and she went into my room and found the cat. She then realize how much i had fallen in love with the cat and let me keep it.

So i hope this helped :)

What happens when you drink beer on depression pills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since alcohol is a depressant itself, it is counteracting the effect of the anti-depressant. An occasional beer is probably okay. But if you are drinking more than one or two beers, most likely, it will hinder the effectiveness of the depression medication and make you feel worse.

What should you eat after taking misoprostol pill?

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You can eat anything you want but avoid alcohol.

Can you smoke while being on the pill?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes you can it gets you supper high to

Advantages of cost control?

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Asked by Wiki User

n many cases, a company will choose to implement cost control procedures. These procedures can take many forms but will generally place limits on how much money employees can spend, keeping them to strict limits. In addition to reducing the amount of money the company uses on outside expenses, these controls have a number of ancillary benefits.

Lower ExpensesThe chief benefit of cost controls is that they lower the company's overall expenses. By limiting the amount of money employees can spend, the company places a cap on how much money can go out the door. This allows the company to keep more cash on hand, or to invest larger amounts of money in other ways, such as in capital expenses or paying down debt. Less AbuseIn addition, by placing limits on how much money employees are allowed to spend, the company is taking steps to limit potential abuse by employees. If an employee is given a strict limit as to how much he can spend on a particular project, he may be less likely to spend money on unapproved activities, as he will not be able to meet his primary tasks. Better RecordsAn ancillary benefit of cost control is that it facilitates accounting and helps financial planning by setting a limit on a company's costs. By knowing how much the company will be spending in a particular period, managers can better plan a budget. In addition, once the money has been spent, it will be easier for accountants and planners to determine how the money was spent. Atmosphere of ThriftWhen a company places cost controls, it also indicates to employees that it is actively seeking to save money. This may help encourage an atmosphere of thrift in other areas of the company as well. In fact, in some cases, the employees may choose to bring expenses in below their set limit as a means of helping the company meet its fiscal goals.

Does birth control stop pineapple from working properly?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would say only if you cut a hole in it and the male have sex with the pineapple instead of vaginal intercourse with the female. Then there'd be no chance of pregnancy.

How much weight can you gain drinking coke?

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Asked by Wiki User

since it's mainly sugar water, an unhealthy amount.